February 23, 2025

National Ignition Facility Examines the Performance of Various Materials As Fusion Fuel Ablators

One of the main goals of NIF has been to create ignition in a deuterium-tritium plasma in the lab, but successfully creating experiments to accomplish that objective has actually been a difficulty. The design of these experiments relies heavily on computer models that are based on an understanding and assumptions about the habits of these hot plasmas.
In these experiments, ions are warmed more quickly than the electrons through an extremely strong laser-generated shock. The group planned to use time solved spectroscopy, which is a procedure of how much light is being produced from the plasma at a specific frequency, in order to determine the temperature levels of both the ions and the electrons as a function of time during the experiment. The platform likewise has shown to be a valuable neutron source for experiments.”

This image reveals computed laser power per unit area on the capsule surface area used in the experiments. The black dots suggest the pointing on the capsule surface. Credit: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Researchers have actually examined the performance of pure boron, boron carbide, high-density carbon, and boron nitride ablators– the product that surrounds a combination fuel and couples with the laser or hohlraum radiation in an experiment– in the polar direct drive exploding pusher (PDXP) platform, which is used at the National Ignition Facility (NIF). The platform uses the polar direct drive configuration to drive high ion temperatures in a room-temperature capsule and has possible applications for plasma physics research studies and as a neutron source.
The key findings of the work, featured in High Energy Density Physics, show that these alternate ablators do not improve the symmetry of the PDXP implosion, according to lead author Heather Whitley, associate program director for High Energy Density Science in the Fundamental Weapon Physics section at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL).
” While our simulations forecast that the platform is not amenable to the electron-ion coupling measurements due to an absence of implosion proportion, the alternate products do make it possible for better coupling in between the laser and pill,” she said. “We plan to test those predicted effect on future neutron source experiments.”

LLNLs Neutron Source Working Group is examining the enhancement in coupling because it could help enhance the yield of the polar direct drive neutron sources, and ultimately offer data on the validity of laser modeling for direct drive simulations.
Through the course of this work, the group also helped inertial confinement blend simulation code designers execute advanced designs for electron-ion coupling, and modeling the direct drive implosions has actually been carefully paired with that code advancement.
NIF offers access to data in extremely hot plasmas that help confirm and improve radiation-hydrodynamic modeling for a variety of Lab and astrophysical systems. One of the primary goals of NIF has been to develop ignition in a deuterium-tritium plasma in the lab, however successfully developing experiments to accomplish that objective has actually been a difficulty. The design of these experiments relies heavily on computer system designs that are based upon an understanding and presumptions about the habits of these hot plasmas.
As a postdoctoral appointee, Whitley dealt with the Cimarron Project, a Laboratory Directed Research and Development project that was intended at using high efficiency computing to study the physics of ignition plasmas.
” The objective of Cimarron was to establish new models that described heat and mass transportation at a microscopic level in order assistance enhance our modeling of ignition experiments,” she stated. “Following the work on computer designs, we wished to evaluate our new models with experimental data and established the PDXP platform as a way of creating a non-equilibrium plasma.”
In these experiments, ions are heated up more quickly than the electrons via a really strong laser-generated shock. The team planned to utilize time dealt with spectroscopy, which is a step of just how much light is being emitted from the plasma at a particular frequency, in order to measure the temperatures of both the ions and the electrons as a function of time during the experiment. The information would allow the group to make a direct contrast to the designs the Cimarron Project had developed for something called “electron-ion coupling,” which is a parameter that explains how electrons and ions exchange energy in a plasma.
Experiments test how materials perform at NIF
” The PDXP platform was established at NIF to study electron-ion equilibration however ended up being a perfect neutron source for numerous other projects,” said Marilyn Schneider, co-author of the paper and lead for the first experiments on the platform.
” The fantastic advantage of this platform is that it is simple — spherical shell filled with fuel– and allows numerous diagnostics from any (and all) NIF ports to take information and produces high neutron yield,” Schneider said. “This research did a theoretical research study of efficiency (neutron yield) versus structure of the shell and its thickness.”
LLNL physicist Charles Yeamans is preparing experiments using a few of the alternate ablators explained in the paper. He said the work explains a particular way of moving through a really complicated physics calculation and after that applies that methodology to anticipate how different capsule materials may carry out when utilized in a NIF experiment.
The work explains how data from the previous experiments on plastic capsules, carried out by LLNL physicist Schneider and Maria Gatu Johnson from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, were utilized to comprehend why certain approaches utilized were most efficient at modeling the system and predicting the observations. The next step in the procedure was to make new forecasts based on applying the approach to different pill materials.
” We design brand-new experiments based on these models anticipating an especially useful improvement in efficiency, like greater yield, or the design anticipating a large change in a measured amount, like the trajectory of the imploding capsule or the temperature of the nuclear burn,” he described. “Then we carry out the NIF experiments to evaluate if the estimation was indeed successful at anticipating the change in efficiency.”
He said his function was to understand the prior NIF shot information as it exists, comprehend the ramification of the model predictions, manufacture those 2 classifications of info to the style of the next series of experiments, and get those experiments ready to go.
The preliminary style from 2016 used a plastic shell– or ablator — that was filled with deuterium gas with a trace amount of argon dopant. The argon was utilized in the spectroscopic measurement, and the design made sure appropriate temperature level separation in between the electrons and ions in order to make the measurements viable.
The images of the implosion from the 2016-2017 shots conducted by Schneider and Gatu Johnson showed that the plastic shell was very warped in the implosion. The laser beams that directly struck the capsule inscribed a really complex structure on the imploding shell. Following these shots, Whitley and team presumed that changing to a different ablator material may allow a more symmetrical implosion, either by making it possible for increased deuterium pressure or by enhancing how the material connects with the laser.
NIF experiments combine large groups
Whitley stated the task stands as an outstanding example of how the Lab teams up with academia to use both computational resources and experimental platforms to improve the understanding and predictive modeling capabilities for ignition plasmas.
Frank Graziani, supervisor of the Cimarron Project and head of the LLNL Center for High Energy Density Science, said the PDXP platform and the ablator materials campaign are a worldwide effort involving design, experiment and computational proficiency from LLNL, Laboratory for Laser Energetics, Atomic Weapons Establishment, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of California, Berkeley.
” We continue to be interested in the validation of plasma physics designs such as electron-ion coupling in the high energy density physics routine,” he said. “The PDXP platform was a significant step forward in enabling us to create the necessary conditions and diagnose them. The platform likewise has proven to be an important neutron source for experiments.”
Recommendation: “Comparison of ablators for the polar direct drive exploding pusher platform” by Heather D. Whitley, G. Elijah Kemp, Charles B. Yeamans, Zachary B. Walters, Brent E. Blue, Warren J. Garbett, Marilyn B. Schneider, R. Stephen Craxton, Emma M. Garcia, Patrick W. McKenty, Maria Gatu-Johnson, Kyle Caspersen, John I. Castor, Markus Däne, C. Leland Ellison, Jim A. Gaffney, Frank R. Graziani, John E. Klepeis, Natalie B. Kostinski, Andrea L. Kritcher, Brandon Lahmann, Amy E. Lazicki, Hai P. Le, Richard A. London, Brian Maddox, Michelle C. Marshall, Madison E. Martin, Burkhard Militzer, Abbas Nikroo, Joseph Nilsen, Tadashi Ogitsu, John E. Pask, Jesse E. Pino, Michael S. Rubery, Ronnie Shepherd, Philip A. Sterne, Damian C. Swift, Lin Yang and Shuai Zhang, 15 February 2021, High Energy Density Physics.DOI: 10.1016/ j.hedp.2021.100928.
Co-authors from LLNL consist of Elijah Kemp, Charles Yeamans, Zachary Walters, Brent E. Blue, Marilyn Schneider, Kyle Caspersen, John Castor, Markus Däne, C. Leland Ellison, Jim Gaffney, Frank R.Graziani, John E.Klepeis, Natalie Kostinski, Andrea Kritcher, Amy Lazicki, Hai Le, Richard London, Brian Maddox, Michelle Marshall, Madison Martin, Abbas Nikroo, Joseph Nilsen, Tadashi Ogitsu, John Pask, Jesse Pino, Ronnie Shepherd, Philip Sterne, Damian Swift, and LinYang. Co-authors from the Atomic Weapons Establishment consist of Warren Garbett and Michael Rubery. Additional co-authors consist of Shuai Zhang, Emma Garcia, R. Stephen Craxton, Patrick McKenty from Laboratory for Laser Energetics; Maria Gatu Johnson and Brandon Lahmann from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Plasma Science and Fusion Center; and Burkhard Militzer from the University of California, Berkeley.