February 23, 2025

Warp to these Star Trek Blu-Ray deals to explore space, the final frontier

Boldly discover about Star Trek franchises young and old with this set of Blu-Ray offers at Best Buy.The most significant offer is the first three seasons of the Star Trek Discovery series, on sale today at Best Buy for $84.99. At a 23% discount rate over the normal rate, you can discover the continuous series tardigrade-infused starships at a discount.If you choose timeless Trek, Star Trek TOS The Complete Series is on sale right now at Best Buy for $84.99. This 11% discount rate will let you catch up on this vital Trek background, as the more recent franchises constantly describe the adventures of Kirk and Spock.Further back in time, voyage with Star Trek Enterprise The Complete Series on sale at Best Buy for $73.99. Thats a nearly 20% discount, enabling you to watch an early-day Starfleet coming to grips with the difficulties of creating a tranquil path with types such as the Klingons.Star Trek is in a huge growth stage with a proliferation of new series. Any one of these Blu-Ray sets will help you get historic context with the new experiences, currently streaming on Paramount Plus, or with any of the more than lots Star Trek motion pictures of the franchise.Star Trek: Discovery is ongoing and in its fourth season, while more recent franchises such as Star Trek: Lower Decks and Star Trek: Picard already have complete seasons out for you to enjoy.The most recent entry to the franchise, Star Trek: Prodigy, checks out the world of Captain Kathryn Janeway as a follow to the highly-rated Star Trek: Voyager, which saw her crew stranded in deep space when something on their ship went awry.Star Trek is basic orbit referral for a lot of real-life science, including planetary sensors and medical tricorders. A number of astronauts are self-proclaimed Trekkies, and a few have actually been on the program. Captain James T. Kirks real-life star (William Shatner) made his own area trip in 2021. The program is also so extensively known that it can be lampooned, to excellent effect. A brand-new season of the Trek-inspired funny The Orville need to warp into view in 2022. Trekkies were also honored in episodes of Black Mirror and Saturday Night Live in recent years.While cash is obsolete in the latter Star Trek universe, in the meantime these deals are the best way to get worth for your time. Make sure to snag these Blu-Ray discounts before they beam away.Be sure to examine out Space.coms area deals, or our guide to Star Trek deals.Todays finest Star Trek deals