February 23, 2025

Understanding the Big Bang and the Cosmological Lithium Problem

The 7Li( d, n) 24He reaction takes location in the procedure of primordial nucleosynthesis at the very start. Credit: Modified variation of NASAs image by HOU Suqing
Overall response rate of 7Li( d, n) 24He as a function of temperature level in systems of giga Kelvin where the green shaded band is its associated uncertainties. Credit: Image by HOU Suqing

A brand-new study published in The Astrophysical Journal upgraded the 7Li( d, n) 24He response rate based upon the recent experimental measurements on the 3 near-threshold beryllium-9 thrilled states. This work was performed by a global research study team, which was led by HOU Suqing at the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).
Total reaction rate of 7Li( d, n) 24He as a function of temperature in systems of giga Kelvin where the green shaded band is its involved uncertainties. Credit: Image by HOU Suqing
Researchers discovered that the new 7Li( d, n) 24He rate is overall smaller than the previous estimation by about an element of 60 at the normal temperature level of the start of primordial nucleosynthesis.
In addition, researchers presented unpredictabilities of the 7Li( d, n) 24He response rate that are straight constrained by experiments for the very first time.
According to the study, the new results get rid of the considerable ambiguity in the determined lithium-7 abundance due to this reaction, which will work to understand the primordial lithium problem and probe exotic physics beyond the basic design.
Recommendation: “New Thermonuclear Rate of 7Li( d, n) 24He Relevant to the Cosmological Lithium Problem” by S. Q. Hou, T. Kajino, T. C. L. Trueman, M. Pignatari, Y. D. Luo and C. A. Bertulani, 25 October 2021, The Astrophysical Journal.DOI: 10.3847/ 1538-4357/ ac1a11.
This work was supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program of CAS, the Youth Innovation Promotion Association of CAS and the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
Other institutions included in the study include University of Tokyo (Japan), National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (Japan), Beihang University (China), the University of Hull (UK), Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Hungary), Michigan State University (United States), and Texas A&M University- Commerce (US).

The 7Li( d, n) 24He response takes location in the process of primordial nucleosynthesis at the very beginning. Credit: Modified variation of NASAs image by HOU Suqing
Recently, a worldwide research study group effectively upgraded the 7Li( d, n) 24He response rate based on the most recent experimental data, which eliminates the significant ambiguity in the cosmological lithium (Li) issue from the perspective of nuclear physics.
The Big Bang is currently considered as the most effective model to explain the origination and development of deep space. Its success has actually been restricted by the so-called lithium issue, which refers to the fact that prehistoric lithium-7 abundance is overpredicted by an element of three in contrast to the value from observation, while forecasts match the observed prehistoric deuterium and helium abundances.
From the point of view of nuclear physics, the precise response rates of lithium damage responses are extremely important for precise forecast of the primitive lithium-7 abundance and additional understanding of the lithium problem. Nonetheless, as an essential lithium-7 destruction reaction, the 7Li( d, n) 24He reaction has actually not been well studied prior to 2018.