February 23, 2025

Now We Know Why Pluto has These Strange Features on its Surface

After New Horizons made its close flyby of Pluto in July of 2015, scientists were astounded at the amazing closeup views of Plutos surface. One of the most appealing and mysterious functions was a brilliant plain inside the prominent heart-shaped function on Pluto, called “Tombaugh Regio” (Tombaugh Region) named after Clyde Tombaugh, who discovered Pluto in 1930.
Since no impact craters are part of the terrain, the area is made up of a broken surface of irregularly-shaped sectors that appear to be geologically young.

“The discovery of vast, craterless, extremely young plains on Pluto surpasses all pre-flyby expectations. There are a couple of ancient impact craters on Pluto.
Now, a new research study of this remarkable landscape reveals with more certainty how the unusual functions were formed. A group led by Adrien Morison from the University of Exeter in the UK utilized sophisticated modelling techniques to reveal that these ice polygons are formed by the sublimation of nitrogen ice. This is a phenomenon where the solid ice turns directly from the strong to the gas phase due to the very minimal air pressure.
” Pluto is still geologically active regardless of being far from the Sun and having restricted internal energy sources,” said Morison, in a news release. “The surface conditions permit the gaseous nitrogen in its environment to exist together with strong nitrogen.”.
New Horizons July 2015 flyby of Pluto recorded this iconic picture of the heart-shaped area called Tombaugh Regio. Credit: NASA/JHUAPL/SwRI.
The research study team program this sublimation of the nitrogen ice powers convection in the ice layer of Sputnik Planitia by cooling off its surface. The team said this follows many other information points from New Horizons — consisting of the size of polygons, amplitude of topography and surface area velocities.
The polygonal shaped locations are roughly 12 miles (20 kilometers) throughout.
The brand-new studys information is also consistent with the timescale at which environment models anticipate sublimation of the region, starting around 1– 2 million years back. It revealed that the characteristics of this nitrogen ice layer echo those found on Earths oceans, being driven by the climate..
Previous studies of Plutos polygons revealed that the ice might be warmed by heat from the interior welling up in the center of cells, spreading out and after that sinking, producing the ridged margins. In the brand-new paper, Morisons team composed, “Our proposed mechanism for the convective characteristics requires that the surface area cooling be primary over the heat flux at the bottom of the layer due to radiogenic heating in the rocky core and nonreligious cooling/heating of the interior.”.
A close-up piece of Plutonian landscape fixated Tombaugh Regio with informal names waiting for approval. Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute.
The team stated that climate-powered dynamics of a strong layer could also occur at the surface of other planetary bodies, such as Neptunes moon Triton, or the Kuiper Belt things Eris and Makemake.
The research study was released in the journal Nature.
Paper: Sublimation driven convection in Sputnik Planitia on PlutoUniversity of Exeter press release.
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” This surface is not easy to explain,” stated Jeff Moore, leader of the New Horizons Geology, Geophysics and Imaging Team (GGI), back in 2015. “The discovery of large, craterless, really young plains on Pluto surpasses all pre-flyby expectations. There are a few ancient impact craters on Pluto. Other locations like “Tombaugh Regio” reveal no craters. Now, a brand-new study of this fascinating landscape exposes with more certainty how the uncommon features were formed.