February 23, 2025

Nanotube Fibers Stand Strong – But for How Long Under Stresses and Strains?

Rice University scientists discovered that cyclic loading of nanotube fibers causes strain ratcheting that can ultimately result in the failure of the fiber. Credit: Illustration by Nitant Gupta and Evgeni Penev/Yakobson Research Group
Rice scientists calculate how carbon nanotubes and their fibers experience tiredness.
Up here in the macro world, all of us feel fatigue from time to time. Its the same for bundles of carbon nanotubes, no matter how perfect their private parts are.
A Rice University study computes how stress and stresses impact both “ideal” nanotubes and those assembled into fibers and discovered that while fibers under cyclic loads can stop working over time, televisions themselves may remain perfect. For how long the tubes or their fibers sustain their mechanical environment can identify their functionality for applications..
A simulation shows the result of axial stress on a carbon nanotube bundle over 10 cycles. Rice scientists calculate how cyclic pressure and tension impact nanotubes and describe how fibers under cyclic loads can fail with time. Credit: Animation by Nitant Gupta.

Rice researchers determine how cyclic stress and stress impact nanotubes and explain how fibers under cyclic loads can fail over time. They hope to provide scientists and industry a method to forecast how long nanotube fibers or other assemblies can be expected to last under given conditions.
Rice University researchers figured out a number of ways a nanotube experiences plastic failure, either through dislocation motion under 6% pressure or in this animation through shear band formation under 14% strain. Every time a nanotube fiber is stretched or strained, it will mostly recover its original type once the tension is released.” The cyclic loading of nanotube fiber causes surrounding tubes to either slip away or toward each other, depending on which part of the cycle they are in,” Gupta discussed.

That made the study, which appears in Science Advances, essential to Rice materials theorist Boris Yakobson, graduate trainee Nitant Gupta and assistant research teacher Evgeni Penev of Rices George R. Brown School of Engineering. They quantified the impacts of cyclic tension on nanotubes utilizing state-of-the-art simulation techniques like a kinetic Monte Carlo method. They hope to give scientists and market a method to predict for how long nanotube fibers or other assemblies can be anticipated to last under offered conditions.
” The time-dependence of a private nanotubes strength or endurance was studied long earlier in our group, and now were considering its implications in the case of cyclic loading of the tubes and their fibers, or assemblies in basic,” Penev stated. “Recently, a number of experiments reported that carbon nanotubes and graphene go through catastrophic failure from tiredness without progressive damage. This was curious and unexpected sufficient to reignite interest and ultimately led us to finish this work.”.
Rice University scientists identified numerous ways a nanotube experiences plastic failure, either through dislocation movement under 6% stress (here) or through shear band formation under 14% pressure. Both mechanisms, seen in kinetic Monte Carlo simulations, only activate under severe conditions, so neither appears to be a significant consider tiredness of the nanotubes. Credit: Nitant Gupta/Yakobson Research Group.
Perfect carbon nanotubes, considered one of the strongest structures in nature, tend to stay so unless some significant impact makes the most of their breakable nature and cracks them into pieces. The scientists discovered through atom-scale simulations that under ambient conditions and even when bent or buckled, nanotubes handle regular stress well. When point defects (aka Stone-Wales problems) do spontaneously appear, the impacts on these “indefatigable” nanotubes are negligible..
They found the exact same concepts apply to unblemished graphene..
Rice University scientists identified a number of methods a nanotube experiences plastic failure, either through dislocation motion under 6% strain or in this animation through shear band development under 14% stress. Both mechanisms, seen in kinetic Monte Carlo simulations, only activate under extreme conditions, so neither appears to be a significant consider fatigue of the nanotubes. Credit: Nitant Gupta/Yakobson Research Group.
But when millions of nanotubes are bundled into threadlike fibers or other setups, the van der Waals force that binds the parallel nanotubes to each other doesnt prevent slippage. Earlier this year, the researchers had shown how friction between tubes causes stronger user interfaces in between nanotubes and is accountable for their unbelievable strength. Utilizing this model, they now evaluated how fatigue can embed in under cyclic loads, and how that eventually leads to failure..
Every time a nanotube fiber is stretched or strained, it will mainly recover its original kind once the tension is released. “Mostly” is the secret; a little bit of recurring slip stays, and that can increase with each cycle. This is plasticity: deformation with irreversibly insufficient healing.
” The cyclic loading of nanotube fiber triggers surrounding tubes to either escape or toward each other, depending on which part of the cycle they are in,” Gupta described. “This slip is not equivalent, triggering a total stress accumulation with each cycle. This is called stress ratcheting, as the total pressure constantly increases in one instructions similar to a cog moves in a single direction.”.
The scientists noted that state-of-the-art fibers need to have the ability to overcome the threat of failure by lasting longer than the unavoidable slippage..
” As we understand, a few of the finest nanotube fiber production techniques can lead to a tensile strength higher than 10 gigapascals ( GPa), which is incredible for their application in daily life,” Gupta said. “We likewise found from our tests that their endurance limitation can be 30% -50%, which indicates that a minimum of approximately 3 GPa the fibers may have virtually boundless life. Thats promising for their usage as low-density structural products.”.
Referral: “Fatigue in assemblies of indefatigable carbon nanotubes” by Nitant Gupta, Evgeni S. Penev and Boris I. Yakobson, 22 December 2021, Science Advances.DOI: 10.1126/ sciadv.abj6996.
The Air Force Office of Scientific Research (FA9550-17-1-0262) and the Welch Foundation (C-1590) supported the research study, and computer system resources were supplied by the National Science Foundation-supported Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (ACI-1548562) and the Night Owls Time-Sharing Service cluster at Rice (CNS-1338099). Yakobson is the Karl F. Hasselmann Professor of Materials Science and NanoEngineering and a professor of Chemistry.