February 23, 2025

Astronomers Capture Red Supergiant Star Exploding in Massive Supernova – For the Very First Time

An artists impression of a red supergiant star in the last year of its life discharging a turbulent cloud of gas. The discovery defies previous concepts of how red supergiant stars progress right prior to blowing up.” This is a breakthrough in our understanding of what massive stars do minutes before they die,” said Wynn Jacobson-Galán, the studys lead author. “Direct detection of pre-supernova activity in a red supergiant star has actually never ever been observed prior to in a common type II supernova. For the very first time, we viewed a red supergiant star explode.”

An artists impression of a red supergiant star in the final year of its life emitting a turbulent cloud of gas. This recommends at least a few of these stars go through substantial internal changes before going supernova. Credit: W.M. Keck Observatory/Adam Makarenko
Astronomers Capture Red Supergiants Death Throes
” For the first time, we viewed a red supergiant star explode,” researcher says.
For the very first time ever, astronomers have imaged in genuine time the dramatic end to a red supergiants life– seeing the massive stars rapid self-destruction and final death throes before collapsing into a type II supernova.
Led by researchers at Northwestern University and the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley), the group observed the red supergiant during its last 130 days leading up to its lethal detonation.

The discovery defies previous ideas of how red supergiant stars develop right prior to blowing up. Earlier observations revealed that red supergiants were relatively quiescent prior to their deaths– with no proof of luminous emissions or violent eruptions. The new observations, nevertheless, spotted bright radiation from a red supergiant in the final year before blowing up. This recommends at least some of these stars should undergo substantial modifications in their internal structure, which then lead to the tumultuous ejection of gas minutes prior to they collapse.” This is a development in our understanding of what massive stars do moments before they pass away,” stated Wynn Jacobson-Galán, the research studys lead author. “Direct detection of pre-supernova activity in a red supergiant star has actually never ever been observed before in a normal type II supernova. For the very first time, we viewed a red supergiant star take off.”
The discovery was released today on January 6, 2022, in The Astrophysical Journal.
An artists performance of a red supergiant star transitioning into a Type II supernova, emitting a violent eruption of radiation and gas on its dying breath prior to taking off and collapsing. Credit: W. M. Keck Observatory/Adam Makarenko
The work was carried out at Northwestern, where Jacobson-Galán was a National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellow, he has since moved to UC Berkeley. Northwestern co-authors include Deanne Coppejans, Charlie Kilpatrick, Giacomo Terreran, Peter Blanchard and Lindsay DeMarchi, who are all members of Northwesterns Center for Interdisciplinary and Exploratory Research in Astrophysics (CIERA).
Weve never confirmed such violent activity
The University of Hawaiʻi Institute for AstronomyPan-STARRS on Haleakala, Maui, very first spotted the doomed huge star in summer 2020 by means of the big quantity of light radiating from the red supergiant. A couple of months later, in fall of 2020, a supernova lit the sky.
The group quickly recorded the effective flash and acquired the extremely first spectrum of the energetic explosion, named supernova 2020tlf (SN 2020tlf) using the W.M. Keck Observatorys Low Resolution Imaging Spectrometer on Maunakea, Hawaiʻi. The information showed direct evidence of dense circumstellar material surrounding the star at the time of surge, likely the same gas that Pan-STARRS had actually imaged the red supergiant star violently ejecting earlier in the summer.
” Its like enjoying a ticking time bomb,” said Raffaella Margutti, an adjunct associate professor at CIERA and the papers senior author. “Weve never ever validated such violent activity in a dying red supergiant star where we see it produce such a luminous emission, then collapse and combust, previously.”
The group continued to keep an eye on SN 2020tlf after the surge. Based on information obtained from Keck Observatorys Deep Imaging and Multi-Object Spectrograph and Near Infrared Echellette Spectrograph, the researchers figured out SN 2020tlfs progenitor red supergiant star– situated in the NGC 5731 galaxy about 120 million light-years away from Earth– was 10 times more enormous than the sun.
Remote possibilities
Margutti and Jacobson-Galán performed most of the research study throughout their time at Northwestern, with Margutti acting as an associate professor of physics and astronomy and member of CIERA, and Jacobson-Galán as a graduate trainee in Marguttis research study group. Margutti is now an associate professor of astronomy and astrophysics at UC Berkeley.
Northwesterns remote access to Keck Observatorys telescopes was essential to their research study. From the Universitys Evanston campus, astronomers can get in touch with an on-site telescope operator in Hawaiʻi and choose where to place the telescope. By bypassing long-distance travel to Hawaiʻi, astronomers save valuable observing time– often catching transient events like supernovas, which can rapidly flare up and after that quickly disappear.
” This significant discovery of a red supergiant supernova is yet another strong indication of the importance of Northwesterns investment in access to leading private telescope facilities, including the Keck Observatory,” said Vicky Kalogera, the Daniel I. Linzer Distinguished University Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Northwesterns Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences and director of CIERA. “The Keck telescopes, presently the very best on our planet, uniquely make it possible for clinical advances of this quality as CIERA researchers have actually shown considering that our Keck collaboration began simply a couple of years earlier.”
Margutti, Jacobson-Galán and their Northwestern co-authors are members of the Young Supernova Experiment, which uses the Pan-STARRS telescope to capture supernovae right after they explode.
” I am most delighted by all of the brand-new unknowns that have been opened by this discovery,” Jacobson-Galán stated. “Detecting more events like SN 2020tlf will significantly impact how we define the last months of excellent development, unifying observers and theorists in the mission to fix the mystery on how huge stars spend the last minutes of their lives.”
Reference: “Final Moments. I. Precursor Emission, Envelope Inflation, and Enhanced Mass Loss Preceding the Luminous Type II Supernova 2020tlf” by W. V. Jacobson-Galán, L. Dessart, D. O. Jones, R. Margutti, D. L. Coppejans, G. Dimitriadis, R. J. Foley, C. D. Kilpatrick, D. J. Matthews, S. Rest, G. Terreran, P. D. Aleo, K. Auchettl, P. K. Blanchard, D. A. Coulter, K. W. Davis, T. J. L. de Boer, L. DeMarchi, M. R. Drout, N. Earl, A. Gagliano, C. Gall, J. Hjorth, M. E. Huber, A. L. Ibik, D. Milisavljevic, Y.-C. Pan, A. Rest, R. Ridden-Harper, C. Rojas-Bravo, M. R. Siebert, K. W. Smith, K. Taggart, S. Tinyanont, Q. Wang and Y. Zenati, 6 January 2022, The Astrophysical Journal.DOI: 10.3847/ 1538-4357/ ac3f3a.
The study, “Final Moments I: Precursor emission, envelope inflation and improved mass loss preceding the luminous type II supernova 2020tlf,” was supported by NASA, the National Science Foundation, the Heising-Simons Foundation, the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and VILLUM FONDEN.