February 23, 2025

Nancy Grace Roman Telescope Will do its Own, Wide-Angle Version of the Hubble Deep Field

Keep In Mind the Hubble Space Telescopes Deep Field and Ultra-Deep Field images?
Those images showed everyone that what seems a small, empty part of the sky consists of thousands of galaxies, some dating back to the Universes early days. Each of those galaxies can have numerous billions of stars. These early galaxies formed just a few hundred million years after the Big Bang. The images motivated awe in the human minds that made the effort to comprehend them. And theyre part of history now.
The upcoming Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (NGRST) will capture its own variation of those historical images but in wide-angle. To whet our appetites for the NGRSTs image, a group of astrophysicists have developed a simulation to show us what itll appear like.

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The Hubble launched in 1990, so there are practically 35 years between the two. Innovation has progressed enormously in those intervening years, so the NGRST will be much more effective and effective than the Hubble in lots of aspects.
The Hubble Deep Field (HDF) and Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF) images were mosaics of private images. Hubble took 10 days in December 1995 to record the 342 images comprising the Deep Field.
And they were worth it.
This image shows the Hubble Ultra Deep Field in ultraviolet, noticeable, and infrared light. Image Credit: NASA, ESA, H. Teplitz and M. Rafelski (IPAC/Caltech), A. Koekemoer (STScI), R. Windhorst (Arizona State University), and Z. Levay (STScI).
Survey telescopes image big swathes of the sky at as soon as rather than specific targets. The Hubble has the Wide Field Camera 3 and the Advanced Camera for Surveys, however the Nancy Roman is superior to both of them. While Hubbles Ultra-Deep Field contains thousands of galaxies– up to 10,000 or more– the NGRSTs deep field image will contain millions of galaxies, potentially up to 10 million.
The Romans strength depends on observing large sky areas at the same time. And when it ultimately gets to work later this decade, its Ultra-Deep Field images will be extraordinary. This new simulated image will not only whet our appetites as astronomy “fans,” its part of a new study.
The research studys title is “Deep Realistic Extragalactic Model (DREaM) Galaxy Catalogs: Predictions for a Roman Ultra-Deep Field.” The lead author is Nicole Drakos, a postdoctoral scholar at the University of California, Santa Cruz. The Astrophysical Journal will release the research study.
” Roman has the distinct ability to image huge locations of the sky, which enables us to see the environments around galaxies in the early universe,” said Drakos in a press release. “Our research study assists demonstrate what a Roman ultra-deep field could inform us about deep space while providing a tool for the clinical community to extract the most worth from such a program.”.
This artificial image pictures what a Roman ultra-deep field might look like. The 18 squares at the top of this image summary the area Roman can see in a single observation, referred to as its footprint. The inset at the lower-right zooms into one of the squares of Romans footprint, and the inset at the lower-left zooms in even further. The image, which contains more than 10 million galaxies, was constructed from a simulation that produced a sensible distribution of the galaxies in deep space. Image Credit: Nicole Drakos, Bruno Villasenor, Brant Robertson, Ryan Hausen, Mark Dickinson, Henry Ferguson, Steven Furlanetto, Jenny Greene, Piero Madau, Alice Shapley, Daniel Stark, Risa Wechsler.
Its a mistake to focus on simply the size of the images and how many galaxies they contain. Its not a contest. Its the details about deep space thats the interesting part.
” The Hubble Ultra Deep Field provided us a look of deep spaces youth, however it was too little to reveal much info about what the universes was actually like back then as an entire,” said Brant Robertson, an astronomy professor at the University of California Santa Cruz and a co-author of the study. “Its like taking a look at a single piece of a 10,000-piece puzzle. Roman might give us 100 linked puzzle pieces, providing a better image of what the early universe was like and opening new scientific opportunities.”.
The team behind the simulated image likewise produced a site with a zoomable image to explore.
NASA released this making of the Nancy Grace Roman Telescope in May 2020. Image Credit: By NASA (WFIRST Project and Dominic Benford)– Adapted from https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-to-make-announcement-about-wfirst-space-telescope-mission, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=90474189.
Electronic camera owners understand they have to select between a wide-angle lens that captures wider FOV or a narrower angle lens to concentrate on private subjects. A comparable thing occurs in astronomy. Effective telescopes can capture deeper, more in-depth images, requiring longer direct exposures. Thats how the Hubble caught its DF and UDF images. Due to the fact that observing time at the worlds observatories is a highly-coveted commodity, thats not always simple to achieve.
However the Roman telescope is various.
Its immensely broad field of view, combined with its infrared capabilities, assists skirt around this problem.

Those images revealed everybody that what appears to be a small, empty part of the sky consists of thousands of galaxies, some dating back to the Universes early days. The Hubble Deep Field (HDF) and Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF) images were mosaics of private images. While Hubbles Ultra-Deep Field includes thousands of galaxies– up to 10,000 or more– the NGRSTs deep field image will contain millions of galaxies, potentially up to 10 million.
The image, which contains more than 10 million galaxies, was built from a simulation that produced a sensible distribution of the galaxies in the universe. The result of all this power will be an image that contains millions of galaxies of all ages.

The result of all this power will be an image which contains millions of galaxies of all ages. Itll show young, small galaxies simply beginning to form stars. Those galaxies are of terrific interest to astronomers, as is whatever about the early Universe. Astronomers will compare these youngsters to more enormous, modern-day galaxies that hardly form any brand-new stars and learn more about galaxy evolution from the contrast.
There are huge blank spots in our knowledge of galactic advancement, and the NGRSTs wide-field power will reveal galaxies in their environments. Researchers will penetrate the galaxies and their environments to see how they affect stellar evolution and star development.
One interesting part of this worries the enormous galaxies that no longer have much active star development. Theyre called quiescent galaxies, and theyre difficult to find the additional back in time astronomers search for them. “Were not sure whether we have not found very distant quiescent galaxies since they do not exist or just because theyre so difficult to discover,” Drakos stated.
But Drakos and the other authors of the paper think that the Roman Telescope might alter that. Theyre confident that they can find as much as 100,000 of these quiescent galaxies and that some of them will be the furthest ever seen.
” Its incredible to think that nobody knew for sure whether other galaxies existed until about a hundred years ago.” Bruno Villasenor, U of C Santa Cruz, study co-author.
The NGRST must likewise help astronomers address another burning question in astronomy worrying the Epoch of Reionization (EoR.).
After the Big Bang, the Universe was thick hot plasma, which was nontransparent to light. As the Universe broadened and cooled, those dark ages ended. Neutral hydrogen atoms might form now, and galaxies and quasars started to form throughout the EoR.
Probing deep spaces early days is hard. Astronomers think that ionizing radiation from the early galaxies triggered the EoR and brought the dark ages to an end. Heres where the Roman telescope comes in.
If, like the authors of this paper anticipate, the NGRST can find as much as 10,000 of these early galaxies and study them in their environments, they may be able to identify if early galaxies ionized the Universe and ended the dark ages.
This illustration shows the timeline of the Universe. Credit: NASA, ESA, and A. Feild (STScI).
” The EoR is the final frontier for galaxy surveys,” the authors compose in their paper. “Given the trouble in determining galaxies at high redshifts, this duration in the universes history is extremely unconstrained.
The Roman is so powerful that it might deal with the EoR problem rapidly.
” Roman could shine a light on a lot of cosmic mysteries in simply a few hundred hours of observing time,” said Bruno Villasenor, a graduate student at the University of California Santa Cruz and a co-author of the study. “Its incredible to think that nobody knew for sure whether other galaxies existed until about a century earlier. Now, Roman provides us the chance to observe countless the very first galaxies that appeared in the extremely early universe!”.
The NGRST wont be alone in resolving the dark ages and the EoR. The James Webb Space Telescope is on its method to its LaGrange Point, and it looks like the telescopes sun shields and mirrors have actually deployed effectively. Its infrared observing power will probe the early Universe and the EoR, so by the time the NGRST is functional, this early period in the Universes history might be more securely constrained.
Nevertheless it winds up occurring, it looks like were about to make progress on one of cosmologys most pressing concerns.
We can also take a step back from all that thorough science. We can just take pleasure in the images from the Roman telescope. Ideally, theyll spark our sense of wonder.
Much like the Hubble did.