February 23, 2025

Testing NASA’s Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER) in the Sand

Animation of NASAs Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER) on the surface area of the Moon. Credit: NASA Ames/Daniel Rutter
The test version of NASAs Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover, or VIPER, kicks up high sinkage sand-like product while transiting NASA Glenns Simulated Lunar Operations Laboratory, or SLOPE bed. In November 2021, the latest test rover went to SLOPE to complete the next model of mobility testing, an important step toward guaranteeing the rover is ready for its 2023 objective to the Moons South Pole to get a close-up view of the place and concentration of ice and other resources..
The current model of the rover, called Moon Gravitation Representative Unit 3, or MGRU3, has the exact same wheel style and base size as the rover that will go to the Moon. It also has the flight design motors, gearboxes, and joints, as well as the most recent version of the flight software application.
The test variation of NASAs Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover, or VIPER, kicks up high sinkage sand-like material while transiting NASA Glenns Simulated Lunar Operations Laboratory, or SLOPE bed. Credit: Jef Janis, NASA Glenn Research Center.
This test was the 3rd movement evaluation carried out by VIPER at SLOPE to gather critical information on the software application mobility controls, the onboard navigation system, and mobility performance over threats and on loose soil. For over two weeks, the group used the centers unique abilities to drive MGRU3 over various challenges and up high slopes. The information collected at Glenn, together with a concurrent wheel-only test at the ProtoInnovations laboratory in Pittsburgh, will assist notify the rover operations and science teams on route planning.

Later on this spring, yet a lot more flight-like rover will return to SLOPE for verification and recognition testing. It is similar to the last exam where the rover will require to show its capable of conference style requirements with its hardware, software, and electronic devices.
VIPER will be provided to the surface of the Moon in late 2023 by Astrobotics Griffin lander as part of NASAs Commercial Lunar Payload Services effort.