February 22, 2025

Radioactive Kilonova Glow Suggests Rapid Spin Delayed Collapse of Neutron Stars Into Black Hole

The evidence remains in the type of an X-ray afterglow from the merger, called GW170817, that would not be anticipated if the merged neutron stars collapsed instantly to a great void. The afterglow can be discussed as a rebound of product off the merged neutron stars, which raked through and heated up the material around the binary neutron stars. This hot product has actually now kept the remnant glowing progressively more than 4 years after the merger threw product external in whats referred to as a kilonova. X-ray emissions from a jet of product that was detected by Chandra shortly after the merger would otherwise be dimming by now.
While the excess X-ray emissions observed by Chandra might originate from debris in an accretion disk swirling around and eventually falling into the black hole, astrophysicist Raffaella Margutti of the University of California, Berkeley, prefers the delayed collapse hypothesis, which is predicted theoretically.
” If the merged neutron stars were to collapse straight to a black hole with no intermediate stage, it would be extremely hard to explain this X-ray excess that we see right now, due to the fact that there would be no difficult surface for stuff to bounce off and fly out at high velocities to create this afterglow,” said Margutti, UC Berkeley associate professor of astronomy and of physics. The true reason why Im fired up scientifically is the possibility that we are seeing something more than the jet.
Margutti and her colleagues, consisting of first author Aprajita Hajela, who was Marguttis college student when she was at Northwestern University before relocating to UC Berkeley, report their analysis of the X-ray afterglow in a paper recently accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.
The radioactive radiance of a kilonova
Gravitational waves from the merger were first detected on August 17, 2017, by the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) and the Virgo collaboration. Satellite- and ground-based telescopes quickly followed up to tape a burst of gamma rays and visible and infrared emissions that together verified the theory that many heavy components are produced in the consequences of such mergers inside hot ejecta that produces a bright kilonova. The kilonova shines because of light produced throughout the decay of radioactive aspects, like platinum and gold, that are produced in the merger debris.
X-ray sources caught by Chandra, consisting of, at leading, the great void that formed from the merger of 2 neutron stars and was first observed in 2017. Credit: NASA, CXC and Northwestern Univ./ A. Hajela
Chandra, too, rotated to observe GW170817, but saw no X-rays till nine days later on, recommending that the merger also produced a narrow jet of material that, upon clashing with the material around the neutron stars, discharged a cone of X-rays that initially missed Earth. Just later did the head of the jet broaden and begin discharging X-rays in a more comprehensive jet visible from Earth.
The X-ray emissions from the jet increased for 160 days after the merger, after which they gradually grew fainter as the jet decreased and expanded. But Hajela and her group discovered that from March 2020– about 900 days after the merger– up until the end of 2020, the decrease stopped, and the X-ray emissions remained roughly constant in brightness.
” The fact that the X-rays stopped fading rapidly was our finest proof yet that something in addition to a jet is being identified in X-rays in this source,” Margutti said. “A completely various source of X-rays seems required to describe what were seeing.”
The scientists suggest that the excess X-rays are produced by a shock wave unique from the jets produced by the merger. This shock was a result of the postponed collapse of the merged neutron stars, likely since its fast spin really quickly neutralized the gravitational collapse. By sticking around for an additional second, the material around the neutron stars got an extra bounce that produced a really quick tail of kilonova ejecta that developed the shock.
” We believe the kilonova afterglow emission is produced by surprised product in the circumbinary medium,” Margutti said. “It is product that was in the environment of the 2 neutron stars that was stunned and heated up by the fastest edge of the kilonova ejecta, which is driving the shock wave.”
The merger of 2 neutron stars produced a black hole (center, white) and a burst of gamma-rays created by a narrow jet or beam of high-energy particles, portrayed in red. At first, the jet was undetected and narrow by Chandra, however as time passed the material in the jet slowed down and widened (blue) as it knocked into surrounding product, triggering the X-ray emission to increase as the jet entered direct view by Chandra. This jet and its oppositely directed counterpart were most likely created by product falling onto the great void after it formed. Credit: NASA/CXC/K. DiVona
The radiation is reaching us just now due to the fact that it took some time for the heavy kilonova ejecta to be decreased in the low-density environment and for the kinetic energy of the ejecta to be transformed into heat by shocks, she stated. This is the exact same procedure that produces radio and X-rays for the jet, but since the jet is much, much lighter, it is immediately decreased by the environment and shines in the X-ray and radio from the really earliest times.
An alternative explanation, the researchers keep in mind, is that the X-rays originate from product falling towards the great void that formed after the neutron stars combined.
” This would either be the very first time weve seen a kilonova afterglow or the first time weve seen product falling onto a great void after a neutron star merger,” said co-author Joe Bright, a UC Berkeley postdoctoral scientist. “Either outcome would be very interesting.”
If it is a kilonova afterglow, radio emission is expected to be identified again in the next few months or years. If the X-rays are being produced by matter falling onto a freshly formed black hole, then the X-ray output need to remain constant or decline rapidly, and no radio emission will be spotted over time.
Margutti hopes that LIGO, Virgo and other telescopes will record gravitational waves and electromagnetic waves from more neutron star mergers so that the series of occasions following the merger and preceding can be pinned down more precisely and assist reveal the physics of great void formation. Till then, GW170817 is the only example available for study.
” Further study of GW170817 could have significant implications,” said co-author Kate Alexander, a postdoctoral researcher who likewise is from Northwestern University. “The detection of a kilonova afterglow would suggest that the merger did not instantly produce a black hole. This things may use astronomers a chance to study how matter falls onto a black hole a couple of years after its birth.”
Margutti and her team just recently revealed that the Chandra telescope had detected X-rays in observations of GW170817 performed in December 2021. Analysis of that data is continuous. No radio detection associated with the X-rays has actually been reported.
See Mysterious Kilonova Explosion Afterglow Potentially Spotted for First Time to learn more on this kilonova.
Recommendation: “The emergence of a brand-new source of X-rays from the binary neutron star merger GW170817″ by A. Hajela, R. Margutti, J. S. Bright, K. D. Alexander, B. D. Metzger, V. Nedora, A. Kathirgamaraju, B. Margalit, D. Radice, E. Berger, A. MacFadyen, D. Giannios, R. Chornock, I. Heywood, L. Sironi, O. Gottlieb, D. Coppejans, T. Laskar, Y. Cendes, R. Barniol Duran, T. Eftekhari, W. Fong, A. McDowell, M. Nicholl, X. Xie, J. Zrake, S. Bernuzzi, F. S. Broekgaarden, C. D. Kilpatrick, G. Terreran, V. A. Villar, P. K. Blanchard, S. Gomez, G. Hosseinzadeh, D. J. Matthews and J. C. Rastinejad, 5 April 2021, Astrophysics > > High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena.arXiv:2104.02070.

In this artists representation, the merger of two neutron stars to form a black hole (concealed within brilliant bulge at center of image) produced opposing, high-energy jets of particles (blue) that heated up product around the stars, making it release X-rays (reddish clouds). The Chandra X-ray Observatory is still identifying X-rays from the occasion today. The proof is in the type of an X-ray afterglow from the merger, dubbed GW170817, that would not be expected if the merged neutron stars collapsed immediately to a black hole.” If the merged neutron stars were to collapse straight to a black hole with no intermediate phase, it would be really tough to describe this X-ray excess that we see right now, due to the fact that there would be no hard surface area for stuff to bounce off and fly out at high speeds to produce this afterglow,” stated Margutti, UC Berkeley associate professor of astronomy and of physics. If the X-rays are being produced by matter falling onto a freshly formed black hole, then the X-ray output need to remain steady or decrease rapidly, and no radio emission will be spotted over time.

In this artists representation, the merger of 2 neutron stars to form a black hole (concealed within bright bulge at center of image) generated opposing, high-energy jets of particles (blue) that heated up product around the stars, making it produce X-rays (reddish clouds). The Chandra X-ray Observatory is still identifying X-rays from the event today.
Excess X-ray emissions from remnant 4 years after merger tip at bounce from delayed collapse.
When 2 neutron stars spiral into one another and merge to form a great void– an occasion tape-recorded in 2017 by gravitational wave detectors and telescopes worldwide– does it instantly become a great void? Or does it take a while to spin down prior to gravitationally collapsing past the occasion horizon into a black hole?
Ongoing observations of that 2017 merger by the Chandra X-ray Observatory, an orbiting telescope, recommends the latter: that the merged things stayed, likely for a simple 2nd, before undergoing supreme collapse.