February 22, 2025

Forget Mammoths – These Scientists Are Working To Resurrect the Extinct Christmas Island Rat Through DNA Editing

Dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years back, mammoths 4,000 years back, and the Christmas Island Rat 119 years ago. Because becoming a popular concept in the 1990s, de-extinction efforts have actually concentrated on grand animals with legendary stature, but in a paper published March 9, 2022, in the journal Current Biology, a group of paleogeneticists turn their attention to Rattus macleari, and their findings offer insights into the limitations of de-extinction throughout all species.
De-extinction work is defined by what is unidentified. When sequencing the genome of an extinct species, scientists face the obstacle of dealing with degraded DNA, which doesnt yield all the genetic info required to rebuild a complete genome of the extinct animal. With the Christmas Island rat, which is believed to have gone extinct since of illness brought over on European ships, evolutionary geneticist Tom Gilbert at University of Copenhagen and his associates lucked out.

Not only was the team able to acquire nearly all of the rodents genome, but given that it diverged from other Rattus species relatively recently, it shares about 95% of its genome with a living rat, the Norway brown rat. “It was a quite a great test design,” says Gilbert. “Its the ideal case because when you series the genome, you need to compare it to a really excellent contemporary recommendation.”
Maclears rat (Rattus macleari) is an extinct big rat endemic to Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean. Credit: Joseph Smit, Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1887
After the DNA has been sequenced along with possible and the genome is compared versus the recommendation genome of the living species, the researchers recognize the parts of the genomes that do not match up and, in theory, would then use CRISPR innovation to gene modify the DNA of the living species to match that of the extinct one. The brown-rat-to-Christmas-Island-rat situation is an especially good test case because the evolutionary divergence resembles that of the elephant and the massive.
Though the sequencing of the Christmas Island rat was primarily effective, a few key genes were missing. These genes were associated with olfaction, suggesting that a reanimated Christmas Island Rat would likely be unable to process smells in the method as it would have originally. “With current technology, it might be completely difficult to ever recover the full sequence, and for that reason it is difficult to ever generate a best reproduction of the Christmas Island rat,” says Gilbert.
” It is really, very clear that we are never going to have the ability to get all the info to create a best recovered form of an extinct species,” he says. “There will always be some sort of hybrid.” A reproduction will never ever be perfect, the secret is that researchers are able to edit for the DNA that makes the extinct animal functionally various from the living one.
Gilbert states that in order to make an environmentally functional massive, for instance, it may be enough to modify elephant DNA to make the animal hairy and able to reside in the cold. “If youre making an odd fuzzy elephant to reside in a zoo, it probably does not matter if it is missing some behavioral genes,” he states. “But that brings up an entire lot of ethical concerns.”
Gilbert plans to try doing the actual gene modifying on rats but wish to start with types that are still living. He means to start by doing CRISPR edits on a black rat genome to change it to a Norway brown rat before trying to reanimate the Christmas Island rat. Though he is delighted about his future research study, the entire procedure still gives him stop briefly. “I think its a fascinating concept in innovation, however one needs to question if thats the very best usage of money as opposed to keeping the things alive that are still here,” he states.
Reference: “Probing the genomic limitations of de-extinction in the Christmas Island rat” by Jianqing Lin, David Duchêne, Christian Carøe, Oliver Smith, Marta Maria Ciucani, Jonas Niemann, Douglas Richmond, Alex D. Greenwood, Ross MacPhee, Guojie Zhang, Shyam Gopalakrishnan and M. Thomas P. Gilbert, 9 March 2022, Current Biology.DOI: 10.1016/ j.cub.2022.02.027.
This work was supported by the European Research Council and the Danish National Research Foundation.

Not just was the team able to get almost all of the rodents genome, however given that it diverged from other Rattus types fairly recently, it shares about 95% of its genome with a living rat, the Norway brown rat. These genes were related to olfaction, suggesting that a resurrected Christmas Island Rat would likely be unable to process smells in the way as it would have initially. “With existing technology, it may be completely difficult to ever recover the complete series, and therefore it is difficult to ever generate a perfect replica of the Christmas Island rat,” says Gilbert.
He intends to begin by doing CRISPR modifies on a black rat genome to change it to a Norway brown rat before attempting to resurrect the Christmas Island rat.

With the Christmas Island rat, which is believed to have gone extinct because of diseases brought over on European ships, evolutionary geneticist Tom Gilbert at University of Copenhagen and his coworkers lucked out.