February 23, 2025

Study Finds Vitamin D Supplements Do Not Reduce Risk of Broken Bones

A brand-new research study finds that vitamin D3 supplements (2000 IU/day) do not lower overall, non-vertebral, or hip fractures, nor was any effect seen on significant osteoporotic fractures, wrist fractures, or pelvic fractures.
Vitamin D supplements are extensively recommended and utilized to benefit bone health. Definitive information on whether these supplements actually lower bone fractures in the basic population have been irregular.
To enhance scientific understanding of this topic, a group of scientists from Brigham and Womens Hospital performed an ancillary research study to the VITamin D and OmegA-3 TriaL (VITAL), a medical trial of more than 25,000 grownups, also led by detectives from the Brigham. A total of 1,991 incident fractures in 1,551 participants were verified over a median follow-up of 5.3 years.

Additionally, there were no effects of extra vitamin D3 on major osteoporotic fractures, wrist fractures, or pelvic fractures. In the analysis, effects were not modified by baseline age, sex, race, body mass index, standard vitamin D blood levels, and individual use of extra calcium and/or vitamin D.
” OverallGeneral the results from this large clinical scientific do not support the use of vitamin D supplements to reduce minimize in generally healthy U.S. women guys men,” said lead author Meryl LeBoff, MD, Chief of the Calcium and Bone Section in the Endocrine Division at the Brigham.
” These findings do not apply to grownups with vitamin D shortage or low bone mass or osteoporosis. Most participants in the trial were not deficient and might have already reached the vitamin D level needed for bone health. Our ongoing research studies are focusing on whether totally free vitamin D levels or hereditary variation in vitamin D metabolic process, absorption, or receptor function will offer details about individuals who may gain from extra vitamin D on musculoskeletal health.”.
” Although VITAL was initially designed to look at cardiovascular and cancer results, this is a terrific example of how it has clarified health results far beyond its original goals,” stated JoAnn Manson, MD, co-author and chief of the Division of Preventive Medicine at the Brigham.
Reference: “Supplemental Vitamin D and Incident Fractures in Midlife and Older Adults” by Meryl S. LeBoff, M.D., Sharon H. Chou, M.D., Kristin A. Ratliff, B.A., Nancy R. Cook, Sc.D., Bharti Khurana, M.D., Eunjung Kim, M.S., Peggy M. Cawthon, Ph.D., M.P.H., Douglas C. Bauer, M.D., Dennis Black, Ph.D., J. Chris Gallagher, M.D., I-Min Lee, M.B., B.S., Sc.D., Julie E. Buring, Sc.D., and JoAnn E. Manson, M.D., Dr.P.H., 28 July 2022, New England Journal of Medicine.DOI: 10.1056/ NEJMoa2202106.
Financing: NIH/National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases.

According to the findings, extra vitamin D3 (2000 IU/day) did not reduce overall, non-vertebral, or hip fractures compared to placebo. In addition, there were no results of extra vitamin D3 on significant osteoporotic fractures, wrist fractures, or pelvic fractures. In the analysis, results were not customized by baseline age, sex, race, body mass index, standard vitamin D blood levels, and individual usage of supplemental calcium and/or vitamin D.
” OverallGeneral the results outcomes this large big medical do not support the use usage vitamin D supplements to reduce minimize in generally normally U.S. women and menFemales” said lead author Meryl LeBoff, MD, Chief of the Calcium and Bone Section area the Endocrine Division at the Brigham.