February 23, 2025

Jupiter Missions Could Also Help Search for Dark Matter

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In a current research study released in the Journal of High Energy Physics, 2 scientists from Brown University demonstrated how data from previous objectives to Jupiter can help researchers take a look at dark matter, one of the most strange phenomena in deep space. The reason past Jupiter missions were chosen is due to the comprehensive amount of data collected about the biggest world in the solar system, most significantly from the Galileo and Juno orbiters. The evasive nature and structure of dark matter continues to avoid scientists, both figuratively and actually, since it does not release any light. So why do scientists continue to study this strange– and totally unnoticeable– phenomena?

” Because it is there and we dont know what it is!” Dr. Lingfeng Li, a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Brown University and lead author on the paper, exclaims. “There are strong pieces of evidence originating from extremely various datasets pointing to dark matter: Cosmic Microwave Background, outstanding movements inside galaxies, gravitational lensing impacts, etc. In quick, it acts like some cold, non-interactive (for that reason dark) dust at big length scales, while its nature and possible interactions within a smaller length scale are still unknown. It needs to be something brand name new: something unique from our baryonic matter.”

A fantastic picture of Jupiters Great Red Spot along with its violent southern hemisphere taken by NASAs Juno spacecraft as it passed near to the gas giant planet. (Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Southwest Research Institute/Malin Space Science Systems/Kevin M. Gill).
In the research study, the scientists discussed how trapped electrons within Jupiters huge electromagnetic field and radiation belt can be used to take a look at dark matter and dark mediator that exist in between what is called the dark sector and our visible world. They deduced 3 scenarios for caught electrons within Jupiters radiation belts: completely caught, quasi-trapped, and untrapped electrons. Their outcomes revealed that recorded measurements from the Galileo and Juno objectives suggest produced electrons can be either totally- or quasi-trapped within the innermost radiation belts of Jupiter, eventually contributing to energetic electron fluxes.

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In a recent study released in the Journal of High Energy Physics, 2 researchers from Brown University showed how data from past missions to Jupiter can help researchers analyze dark matter, one of the most mystical phenomena in the universe. The reason past Jupiter objectives were picked is due to the comprehensive amount of information collected about the largest planet in the solar system, most notably from the Galileo and Juno orbiters. In the study, the researchers discussed how trapped electrons within Jupiters massive magnetic field and radiation belt can be used to analyze dark matter and dark conciliator that exist in between what is understood as the dark sector and our visible world. Their results revealed that taped measurements from the Galileo and Juno objectives show produced electrons can be either totally- or quasi-trapped within the innermost radiation belts of Jupiter, ultimately contributing to energetic electron fluxes.

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“Its escape speed is practically two times as big as Saturns, which implies the dark matter capture rate is significantly improved at Jupiter.

One objective of this research study was to supply an initial effort into using data from previous, active, and future objective to Jupiter to examine brand-new physics that exceeds the standard model of particle physics. While information for this study was gathered from the years-long objectives of the Galileo and Juno orbiters at Jupiter, Li does not think this kind of study can be performed utilizing data from other long-term missions to other planets, such as Saturn and its historical Cassini mission.
” First, Jupiter is much heavier than Saturn,” explains Li. “Its escape speed is practically twice as large as Saturns, which implies the dark matter capture rate is significantly enhanced at Jupiter. In addition, Jupiter doesnt have a substantial primary ring, and electrons can be caught for a long time before being absorbed by the ring materials.
While Li stated they have not decided what to do next in terms of future research studies, the paper concludes with recommendations for future Jupiter objectives to broaden the scope of particle physics while also supplying more precise measurements of the energetic electron fluxes gone over in this paper.
What brand-new discoveries will we make about dark matter in the coming years? Just time will tell, and this is why we science!
As constantly, keep dong science & & keep searching for!
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