February 23, 2025

Solar radio bursts associated with in situ detected energetic electrons in solar cycles 23 and 24 by R. Miteva et al.*

We provide a short introduction on the outcomes from the first association analysis between in situ observed solar energetic electrons at 1 AU using the ACE/EPAM instrument (Samwel and Miteva, 2021) and radio bursts of type II, III and IV. Radio emission signatures were identified utilizing readily available vibrant radio spectra from 10 ground-based radio observatories in addition to Wind/WAVES. Radio bursts that happen within about 1 hour after the reported solar origin beginning time are picked as produced by the exact same solar eruption. For the very first time, in situ observed electrons are compared to electron-generated radio emission signatures. The study provides the patterns of type II, III and IV radio burst incident with regard to SC, helio-longitude, electron intensity, SF/CME properties.

Institute of Astronomy and National Astronomical Observatory (IANAO), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria, [email protected].
National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG), Helwan, Cairo 11421, Egypt, [email protected].
Area Research and Technology Institute (SRTI), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria, [email protected].

No excess SC productivity is found for the basic radio burst occurrence as function of the observed wavelength;.
The Eastern helio-longitude sample is accompanied by ∼ 7% more IP type IIs and more dm and m-IVs, compared to the type IIIs that reveal no choice.
There is a strong decrease in the events of type II (∼ 30%) and IV (∼ 25%) radio bursts related to weak (in typical worth) electron events compared to the strong samples.
Flare-dominated acceleration is plausible for approximately 29% of the entire event sample (compared to just 19% burst association with situ proton events); CME-dominated– for 18% (vs. 42%); mixed-contribution– for 17% (vs. 32%); nevertheless the portion of unpredictable cases is large, 34% (vs. 7% for the proton sample, respectively).

For the first time, in situ observed electrons are compared to electron-generated radio emission signatures. The research study provides the trends of type II, III and IV radio burst occurrence with regard to SC, helio-longitude, electron strength, SF/CME properties. An alternative scenario for the solar origin and dominant velocity of electron events is proposed here based exclusively on radio burst observations..
Based upon a current paper: Miteva, R., Samwel, S. W., Zabunov, S.: 2022, Universe, 8( 5 ), 275, 20pp. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/universe8050275.
Additional info.
ACE/EPAM electron brochure: https://www.nriag.sci.eg/ace_electron_catalog/ .
Radio catalog: https://catalogs.astro.bas.bg/ .
Miteva, R., Samwel, S. W., Zabunov, S.: 2022, Universe, 8( 5 ), 275, 20pp.
Samwel., S. W., Miteva, R.: 2021, MNRAS, 505( 4 ), pp. 5212-5227.
* Full list if authors: Rositsa Miteva( 1 ), Susan W. Samwel( 2) and Svetoslav Zabunov( 3 ).

We present a short summary on the outcomes from the first association analysis between in situ observed solar energetic electrons at 1 AU using the ACE/EPAM instrument (Samwel and Miteva, 2021) and radio bursts of type II, III and IV. Radio emission signatures were identified utilizing readily available vibrant radio spectra from 10 ground-based radio observatories in addition to Wind/WAVES. Radio bursts that occur within about 1 hour after the reported solar origin onset time are selected as produced by the same solar eruption.
Main results
Figure 1 presents the circulation of the variety of type II, III and IV bursts normalized to all 832 occasions as a function of the radio wavelength. The wavelength trends differ amongst the burst types, with increasing event towards the IP space for type IIIs and decreasing for type IIs and IVs..
Figure 1– Distribution of the occurrence rate of type II, III and IV radio bursts related to in situ electrons as a function of radio wavelength over solar cycles 23 and 24. Color code is: black– visually validated radio bursts, blue– unpredictable identifications or observatory reports, red– information gaps in the dynamic spectra..
A few of the lead to this work are summed up below:.