February 23, 2025

Unlike Other Fish: Lungfish Brains Have Been Constantly Evolving for 400 Million Years

Cranial endocast of a Palaeozoic lungfish. Credit: Courtesy A Clement, Flinders University
The finding, released in the worldwide journal eLife, sheds light on the evolutionary history of these lobe-finned fish (Sarcopterygii), revealing how the olfactory location appears to be more plastic than the hindbrain and experiences dramatic elongation in several taxa.
” Our discovery shows that the brains of lungfish have actually been progressing constantly throughout their 400-million-year history, but it suggests they have likely constantly counted on their sense of smell rather than vision to browse their environments. This is rather unlike other fish which use sight far more strongly,” states Dr. Clement from the Flinders University Ecology and Evolution (Palaeontology) research lab.
” She says that understanding how lungfish brains have changed throughout their evolutionary history assists a comprehend of what the brains of the first tetrapods (our land-based forefathers) might have appeared like too– this can offer us a concept of which senses were more vital than others (such as vision vs olfaction).”.
For this research study, the researchers from Australia, with co-authors in the UK, Canada, and Sweden, utilized effective imaging approaches to reconstruct these brain models practically.
Dr. Alice Clement, Flinders University Postdoctoral Research Associate, with a 3D lungfish cranial endocast at Flinders University, Australia. Credit: Courtesy Flinders University.
Senior author Dr. Tom Challands, from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, says the ongoing work is considerable in broad evolutionary and palaeontological science.
” This paper efficiently doubles the variety of lungfish endocasts known, as their preservation quality is typically damaged by a fossil being squashed or broken, and the brain itself has really poor preservation capacity and is not currently known in any fossil lungfish,” he says.
” Lungfish have actually persisted for more than 400 million years from the Devonian Period to today day and supply special insights into the condition of the earliest tetrapods in addition to their own evolutionary history.”.
With using X-ray tomography as a palaeontological tool, the cranial endocasts of 6 Palaeozoic lungfish (Iowadipterus halli, Gogodipterus paddyensis, Pillararhynchus longi, Griphognathus whitei, Orlovichthys limnatis, and Rhinodipterus ulrichi) could be studied non-destructively. The fossils come from Australia, the United States, Russia, and Germany.
The 6 fossils and 2 extant taxa went through a 12-taxon data set for multivariate morphometric analysis using 17 variables.
” Studying our fishy cousins lungfish continues to help us comprehend how fish first left the water some 350 million years earlier and began to become land animals (tetrapods), and later people. Perhaps some of their nerve system traits stay in us still,” Dr. Clements says.
Referral: “Morphometric analysis of lungfish endocasts illuminates early dipnoan palaeoneurological advancement” by Alice M Clement Is a corresponding author, Tom J Challands, Richard Cloutier, Laurent Houle, Per E Ahlberg, Shaun P Collin and John A Long, 12 July 2022, eLife.DOI: 10.7554/ eLife.73461.

A brand-new research study evaluates the brains of ancient lungfish.
Brain area offers brand-new insights into ancient lungfish.
The advancement of the brain and nerve system in animals has actually been wound back more than 400 million years, due to the discovery of fossilized residues of ancient lungfish that provided a missing out on link in the origin of land-dwelling, four-legged animals in the world.
To much better comprehend lungfish brain development, a global group led by Flinders University in Australia compared detailed 3D models of cranial endocasts from six Paleozoic lungfish (Dipnoi) fossils to the brain areas of the enduring sis group of terrestrial vertebrates.
According to lead scientist Dr. Alice Clement of Flinders University, this could assist translate the earliest tetrapods, which ultimately went from water to arrive at four legs.