February 23, 2025

Not Just Desert Dust: Anthropogenic Air Pollution Impacts Health and Climate in the Middle East

Air contamination accounts for around 745 per 100,000 excess deaths annually in the region, states Osipov, which resembles other leading health danger aspects, such as tobacco cigarette smoking and high cholesterol.
Previous modeling studies on air quality throughout the Middle East tend to overstate the portion of the desert dust, obscuring the contribution to poor air quality from anthropogenic sources, includes Osipov. “Such models produce semi right answers for the incorrect factor, due to the fact that they improperly represent a substantial component of anthropogenic great particle contamination in the region.”
The research study reveals that exposure to air contamination is one of the leading causes of premature death in Saudi Arabia. Credit: © 2022 AQABA project
The lack of observation data, combined with a bad representation of emission sources, has “significantly impeded our ability to design the chemical structure of the environment in the area,” states Osipov.
To resolve this shortage of data, the scientists, led by Jos Lelieveld from MPI for Chemistry, gathered measurements taken at sea as part of the global collaboration, called Air Quality and climate in the Arabian Basin (AQABA). The measurements, collected over 2 months throughout the summer of 2017, covered various ambient conditions ranging from beautiful in the remote environment to heavy pollution and dust storms.
Analysis of the AQABA data provided extensive restrictions on the dust size distribution, which permitted a more reasonable simulation of the mass flux and life cycle of dust. As an outcome, the group had the ability to model the practical chemical structure of the aerosol across the entire size range.
” We found that particulate matter from anthropogenic sources accounted for around 53 percent of aerosol noticeable optical depth and induces a radiative forcing on the climate equivalent to that of the natural dust in the area,” says Osipov. “Our research study highlights how anthropogenic air pollution is a leading health threat and important climactic element across the Middle East.”
Referral: “Severe climatic contamination in the Middle East is attributable to anthropogenic sources” 22 September 2022, Nature Communications.DOI: 10.1038/ s43247-022-00514-6.

A noticeable layer of air pollution stretches out across the sea. Photo drawn from the research study vessel during the AQABA project. Credit: © 2022 AQABA task
Desert dust was presumed to be the primary contributor to raised air contamination across the Middle East. Now, an international group of researchers including scientists from King Abdullah University of Science & & Technology (KAUST) has actually shown that pollution from anthropogenic sources contributes to health threats and is an important climate element throughout the region.
” The traditional thinking was that dust carried by storms over the Arabian Peninsula controlled air quality over the area,” states Sergey Osipov from limit Planck Institute (MPI) for Chemistry. His team worked on the job with KAUSTs Georgiy Stenchikov and Alexander Ukhov, and colleagues from King Saud University and The Cyprus Institute.
” Our research has shown that harmful fine particulate matter, which stands out from the less harmful coarse desert dust particles, is mainly anthropogenic in origin and is a leading health threat element, as well a substantial contributor to climate modification,” Osipov says.