February 23, 2025

Cactus Holes and Cobwebs: The Weird Nesting Habits of Birds

Each spring, the little owls find a hole in cactus and lay three to 5 white eggs. The eggs hatch into young that monogamous parents feed for about a month. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposed listing the bird once again in December, and a decision is expected at some point this year.
Thatched roofings cover the nests providing protection from the rain, and the honeycomb style safeguards birds from extreme heat and cold. Rather of dealing with the elements separately, sociable weavers retreat into their nests where temperature levels stay much more consistent.

The birds produce these huge nests for themselves, their pals, their neighbors, their offspring and the numerous generations that follow. Some nests might be used for a century.
Thatched roofs cover the nests using protection from the rain, and the honeycomb style secures birds from severe heat and cold. Temperature levels in the Kalahari can reach well over 110 degrees Fahrenheit in the summertime and drop into the teens in the winter season. Instead of handling the elements separately, friendly weavers retreat into their nests where temperatures stay much more continuous.
They lined the insides of their nests with cotton, fluff and fur and safeguard it from predators like honey badgers, pygmy falcons and Cape cobras with sharp spikes of straw at the entryways.
A typical cuckoo in England. © Andy Morffew/ Flickr
Leave it For Someone Else
The common cuckoo, a bird understood for its call that inspired eponymous clocks from around the globe, doesnt bother with the problem of rearing young in carefully-crafted nests. Rather, they leave their eggs for another bird to tend.
Cuckoow are called brood parasites, and have evolved to be host specific. Each female lays eggs that best match a particular host, increasing the likelihood that the foreign eggs will make it.
Not only do cuckoos anticipate host quotes to breed their eggs, child cuckoos hatch earlier than their host eggs and kick out the other eggs from the nest, ensuring the beginner will get all its foster moms and dads attention.
Host parents keep feeding the baby cuckoo, even if the bird grows two or even 3 times the hosts size.
In North America, cowbirds utilize a comparable method– in some cases to the detriment of imperiled songbird species.
A tailorbird nest stitched into a curled leaf. © JM Garg/ Wikimedia Commons
Sewing a Home
Envision a colorful little bird that utilizes cotton, lint and even silk from cobwebs to stitch a nest for itself and its young. The tailorbird, native to tropical Asia, does exactly that utilizing up to 200 stitches on each nest.
The resulting nest looks a bit like a cup lined with animal hair and other soft material. The cup nest functions as a safe location to raise young and a camouflaged spot hidden among other leaves, according to the Natural History Museum of London.
A tailorbird couple normally raises about five chicks. They abandon the nest after chicks fledge, however like many innovative types, will recycle littles their nests to utilize on the nest one.

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Weve all seen those timeless birds nests, the neat little round ones resting on a tree branch high above the ground. Weve been able to see infant beaks peaking over the sides if were fortunate enough.
But as typical as that round cup made from sticks and branches might be, its far from the only way birds have progressed to nest. The Carolina wren, for instance, will construct a nest in practically anything, including shoes or yard gas grill.
Raptors will build elaborate nests in trees or on nesting platforms to afford them a large view of their environments. Killdeer will transfer eggs in shallow divots on the ground then sidetrack predators away with phony injuries and piercing calls.
And worldwide of bird nests, those arent even near to the strangest. Here are a few of the most imaginative, unusual and totally remarkable birds nests out there.
A maleo on North Sulawesi. © Ariefrahman/ Wikimedia Commons
Raised By the Earth
On an island south of Borneo called Sulawesi lives a bird that leaves reproduction to the aspects. The maleo, a two-foot tall member of the megapod (or bigfoot) household, digs a hole in the sand on the beach and deposits an egg.
After the maleo couple covers the lone egg back up with dirt or sand and pats it down, the adult birds fly back into the woods. Heat from the sun then incubates the egg.
Even more oddly, some maleo sets utilize heat from volcanic joints or hot springs to breed and hatch their eggs.
” Soon after hatching, the fully-feathered chick flies into the forest,” according to the Wildlife Conservation Society of Indonesia.
No rearing needed.
Ferruginous pygmy owls are also found in Central & & South America. © Bernard DUPONT/ Wikimedia Commons
A Prickly House
In southern Arizona, southern Texas and northern Mexico lives a pint-sized owl that resides in one of the most forbidding places: giant cactus.
The aptly-named cactus ferruginous pygmy owl discovers holes (often pre-made by woodpeckers) in towering saguaro and organ pipe cactus. Theyre a subspecies of the ferruginous pygmy owl, and unlike many other raptor species, do not migrate.
Ferruginous pygmy owls often nest in holes made by woodpeckers. © Rick Cameron/ Flickr
Each spring, the little owls find a hole in cactus and lay 3 to five white eggs. The eggs hatch into young that monogamous moms and dads feed for about a month. From there, the owls feed at dawn and dusk, removing victim often two times their size and sticking low to the ground to prevent ending up being prey for an even bigger raptor.
Federal officials positioned the cactus ferruginous pygmy owl on the endangered types list in 1997 before removing it in 2006 after petitions from designers. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposed noting the bird once again in December, and a decision is expected sometime this year.
Sociable weaver nests drape across this tree in South Africa. © Joachim Huber/ Flickr
Go Big to Stay Home
Hanging from trees and poles in Africas Kalahari Desert are sparrow home buildings that look more than a bit like haystacks. Inside the mess that can in some cases weigh a number of lots are up to 100 friendly weavers.