January 22, 2025

New Technology Is Key Step Toward Big Gains in Plastics Recycling

Scientists have taken a key action toward greatly broadening the variety of plastics that can be recycled.
Scientists have taken an essential step toward greatly broadening the range of plastics that can be recycled. The study, which was led by the U.S. Department of Energys National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and includes an Oregon State University (OSU) College of Engineering professor, will be published today (October 13) in the journal Science.
Because plastic waste is an enormous issue both internationally and in the United States, this development is essential. Just about 5% of used plastic is recycled in the U.S., according to NREL.
Packaging products, containers, and other discarded products are filling up land fills and cluttering the environment at an extremely fast rate. According to NREL, scientists estimate that by 2050 the ocean will have more plastic by weight than fish.

A cooperation led by NRELs Gregg Beckham and including Lucas Ellis, an OSU researcher who was an NREL postdoctoral fellow during the job, combined chemical and biological processes in an evidence of idea to “valorize” mixed plastic waste. Valorize methods to improve the value of something.
The research study develops on the usage of chemical oxidation to break down a variety of plastic types, a method originated a years ago by chemical industry huge DuPont.
” We established a technology that used oxygen and catalysts to break down plastics into smaller sized, biologically friendly chemical structure blocks,” said Ellis, an assistant teacher of chemical engineering. “From there we used a biologically crafted soil microorganism capable of consuming and funneling those foundation into either a biopolymer or an element for advanced nylon production.”
Beckham, a senior research fellow at NREL and the head of the Bio-Optimized Technologies to keep Thermoplastics out of Landfills and the Environment Consortium– referred to as BOTTLE– said the work provides a “potential entry point into processing plastics that can not be recycled at all today.”
Existing recycling innovations can only operate effectively if the plastic inputs are clean and separated by type, Beckham describes.
Plastics can be made from various polymers, each with its own distinct chemical foundation. When polymer chemistries are blended in a collection bin, or developed together in certain products like multilayer product packaging, recycling becomes pricey and nearly impossible since the polymers often have to be separated before they can be recycled.
” Our work has actually led to a procedure that can transform mixed plastics to a single chemical product,” Ellis stated. “In other words, it is an innovation that recyclers could utilize without the job of sorting plastics by type.”
Researchers used the process to a mix of three typical plastics: polystyrene, utilized in disposable coffee cups; polyethylene terephthalate, the basis for carpets, polyester clothing and single-use drink bottles; and high-density polyethylene, utilized in milk containers and many other customer plastics.
The oxidation procedure broke down the plastics into a mix of compounds including benzoic acid, terephthalic acid, and dicarboxylic acids that, in the absence of the crafted soil microbe, would require sophisticated and costly separations to yield pure items.
The researchers crafted the microbe, Pseudomonas putida, to biologically funnel the mixture into one of 2 products– polyhydroxyalkanoates, an emerging form of biodegradable bioplastics, and beta-ketoadipate, which can be utilized in the manufacture of performance-advantaged nylon.
Attempting the process with other types of plastics including polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride will be the focus of upcoming work, the researchers said.
” The chemical catalysis process we have used is just a way of speeding up a process that occurs naturally, so instead of degrading over numerous a century, you can break down these plastics in minutes or hours,” stated co-author Kevin Sullivan, a postdoctoral scientist at NREL.
Referral: “Mixed plastics waste valorization through tandem chemical oxidation and biological funneling” 13 October 2022, Science.DOI: 10.1126/ science.abo4626.
Financing was provided by the U.S. Department of Energys Advanced Manufacturing Office and Bioenergy Technologies Office, and the work was carried out as part of the BOTTLE Consortium.
Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory also participated in the research study.
NREL is the U.S. Department of Energys primary national lab for renewable resource and energy performance research study and development. It is operated for the department by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC.