February 23, 2025

Characteristics of stripes-pattern radio-emission sources by Khaled Alielden

Figure 2. Variation of $ s ^ 2/( s ^ 2 − 1) = $ mathrm S _ R$ with s. The value of $ mathrm S _ R$ at $s= 1$ is not specified ($ infty$). The horizontal blue rushed line lies at $ mathrm _ R$ = 1 and the red dashed line is situated at $ mathrm _ R$ = 0

Kinematics of the sending medium of radio waves: a case study.
The study has actually been encompassed explain the kinematics of the sending medium of radio waves. A technique is used to estimate the plasma parameters of a zebra-pattern emission source observed on 2011 June 21. The medium of the radio emission pass, which is accelerated by magnetic reconnection, seems to propagate as a sausage-like wave and expands isothermally from the reconnection/source point into the solar environment.
The research study clarifies that the stripes emissions (such as fiber bursts and zebra pattern radio emission) are produced by the same system, but the spectrum is acquired as fiber radio burst when the ratio $s approx text k _ perp v_perp/ omega_c < < 1$ and the plasma frequency of the emission source associates as $omega_p < < omega_c$. On the contrary, the plasma conditions of zebra pattern radio emission source are $s >> 1$ and $omega_p > > omega_c$. The analytical study is proposed to supply a technique for investigating the evolution of the stripes pattern radio sources without underlying distribution models that may be essential to approach the genuine homes of the emission source in a correct method and supplies an easy computational approach for approximating the density and magnetic strength circulation of the source area of the radio bursts. That might be helpful in a number of astronomical contexts.
DOI:10.1093/ mnras/stac1384.
Author address: Department of Physics, Aberystwyth University, Penglais, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion SY23 3BZ, UK

The research study recommends that the plasma condition of the source region for zebra pattern emission is $omega_c < < omega_p < < k_perp v_perp $ where $s$ is the ratio of the instability development rate $ k_perp v_perp$ to the electron gyrofrequency $omega_c$ and $omega_p$ is the plasma frequency. The source region of the stripes emission is mostly located beneath the reconnection point X-point (see Figure 1), where the ratio s of the instability development rate to the electron gyrofrequency $omega_c$ does not equivalent unity, i.e. $s= k_perp v_perp/ omega_c neq 1$. _ R$ with s. _ R$ at $s= 1$ is not specified ($ infty$). The analytical study is proposed to supply an approach for investigating the development of the stripes pattern radio sources without underlying distribution designs that may be crucial to approach the genuine properties of the emission source in a proper way and provides a simple computational technique for approximating the density and magnetic strength distribution of the source area of the radio bursts. Proposed schema of formatting a stripes-pattern vibrant spectrum after it is produced in the area underneath the magnetic X-point and passed through the blasted medium surrounding the X-point. The emission received by the observer would be a portion of the whole radio emission that was produced at the source. Examining the generation mechanism for the stripes-pattern radio spectra is necessary to comprehend the characteristics of non-thermal electrons in several astronomical objects, consisting of the Sun, Jupiter, and the Crab Pulsar. A brand-new analytical research study is brought out to identify the plasma attributes of fiber- and zebra-pattern emission sources without an underlying density or magnetic model. The research study recommends that the plasma condition of the source region for zebra pattern emission is $omega_c < < omega_p < < k_perp v_perp $ where $s$ is the ratio of the instability development rate $ k_perp v_perp$ to the electron gyrofrequency $omega_c$ and $omega_p$ is the plasma frequency. While the plasma condition for the fiber radio burst is $k_perp v_perp < < omega_p < < omega_c$. That show the magnetic field strength of the source regions of fiber radio bursts is reasonably stronger than the magnetic field strength of the source areas of zebra pattern radio emissions. The latter emission happens prior to the recovery of magnetic field near the magnetic reconnection point. Properties of the source region of striped emission s