February 23, 2025

“Beaver Blood Moon” – Last Chance To See Total Lunar Eclipse Until 2025!

The Flower Moon lunar eclipse over NASAs Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans is shown from the initial partial eclipse to totality in a composite of seven images shot on Sunday, May 15, 2022. Credit: NASA/Michael DeMocker
On November 8, stargazers will have the chance to see a total lunar eclipse for the second time in 2022. At least a part of the phenomenon will be visible throughout eastern Asia, Australia, the Pacific, and North America. The most current overall lunar eclipse occurred in May.
Total lunar eclipses take place roughly when every 1.5 years usually, according to Alphonse Sterling, an astrophysicist from NASAs Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. While the Moon has been supplying generous eclipse seeing opportunities this year, audiences ought to benefit from Novembers eclipse since the next overall lunar eclipse will not occur till 2025.
The Moon moves best to left, passing through the penumbra and umbra, leaving in its wake an eclipse diagram with the times at numerous phases of the eclipse. Credit: NASAs Scientific Visualization Studio
When Earth casts a complete shadow– called an umbra– over the Moon, an overall lunar eclipse takes place. Earths shadow is classified into 2 parts: the umbra, the innermost part of the shadow where direct light from the Sun is entirely obstructed, and the penumbra, the outer part of the shadow where the light is partially blocked.

Throughout an overall lunar eclipse, the Moon and the Sun are on opposite sides of Earth. Many people wonder why lunar eclipses dont take place every month provided the Moon finishes an orbit around Earth every 27 days. Lunar eclipses are just possible when the orbits line up so that the Moon is directly behind Earth relative to the Sun.
The 97% eclipse clocked in at 3 hours, 28 minutes, and 24 seconds, making it the longest partial lunar eclipse in 580 years. According to Mitzi Adams, astrophysicist at Marshall, astronauts on the Moon during a total lunar eclipse would see a red ring around a silhouetted Earth.

When the Moon is within the umbra, it will turn a reddish hue. Lunar eclipses are sometimes called “Blood Moons” since of this phenomenon. The complete moon in November is referred to as the Beaver Moon (also called the Frost or Frosty Moon, or the Snow Moon), making this a “Beaver Blood Moon.”
Throughout a total lunar eclipse, the Moon and the Sun are on opposite sides of Earth. Lots of people wonder why lunar eclipses do not occur monthly provided the Moon finishes an orbit around Earth every 27 days. The reason is that the Moons orbit around Earth is slanted relative to Earths orbit around the Sun, so the Moon typically passes above or listed below Earths shadow. When the orbits align so that the Moon is straight behind Earth relative to the Sun, lunar eclipses are just possible.
An almost overall eclipse of Novembers complete “Beaver Moon” recorded over the city of New Orleans prior to dawn on November 19, 2021. The 97% eclipse clocked in at 3 hours, 28 minutes, and 24 seconds, making it the longest partial lunar eclipse in 580 years. Credit: NASA/Michoud Assembly Facility
For North America, the action will begin in the early hours of the morning on November 8. The partial eclipse will begin at 3:09 a.m. CST, with totality start at 4:16 a.m. and ending at 5:42 a.m. Then, the partial stage will resume, lasting up until 6:49 a.m. Those in the eastern part of the United States will miss most or all of the last partial stage because the Moon will set during totality or quickly after totality ends.
Another feature of an overall lunar eclipse is the Moons red shade during totality. The red color occurs because of the refraction, filtering, and scattering of light by Earths atmosphere. The scattering is a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering– named after the 19th-century British Physicist Lord Rayleigh.
A map showing where the November 8, 2022, lunar eclipse is noticeable. Contours mark the edge of the visibility region at eclipse contact times. The map is fixated 168 ° 57 W, the sublunar longitude at mid-eclipse. Credit: NASAs Scientific Visualization Studio
Some of that red light is refracted, or bent, as it passes through Earths atmosphere and ends up shining on the Moon with a ghostly red light. The degree of redness of a completely eclipsed Moon can be influenced by climatic conditions resulting from volcanic eruptions, fires, and dust storms.
What does Earth look like from the Moons viewpoint during a lunar eclipse? According to Mitzi Adams, astrophysicist at Marshall, astronauts on the Moon during an overall lunar eclipse would see a red ring around a silhouetted Earth. As NASA works to establish a long-term human presence on the Moon through the Artemis program, its fascinating to think about how Earthlings will experience huge events far from their house world.
No unique eye protection is required for seeing a lunar eclipse, unlike solar eclipses (which happen during the daytime). While the lunar eclipse can be observed with the unaided eye, a set of field glasses or a telescope can improve the view.
Sterling states an enjoyable activity for those who stargaze with friend or family is to discuss who notifications the reddish color of totality first and how it advances throughout the eclipse.
Gain more understanding of lunar eclipses, learn more about NASAs observations of eclipses, and influence young stargazers with activities and information.
Finally, if you wish to know what else is taking place as you see the skies in November, have a look at Jet Propulsion Laboratorys latest “Whats Up” video:
An overall lunar eclipse brings some magic to the morning sky on November 8th, and the Leonid meteors peak after midnight on November 18th, with some glare from a 35% moon. In addition, take pleasure in pretty views on other days in November when the Moon visits planets Mars and Saturn, and brilliant star Spica. Credit: NASA/JPL
Happy skywatching!