February 23, 2025

The Ultimate Death Stare: How Moth Wing Patterns Allow Them To Escape Death

Predators could be prevented not due to the fact that eyespots look like eyes, however just since they are patterns that stand out. Humans may perceive eyespots to look like eyes, but that does not always mean that predators do too.
Creating the supreme death look
We checked the idea that forward-facing eyespots appear to look at predators by pitting artificial moths versus newly hatched domestic chicks. We created the moths by pinning paper triangles over mealworms– a favorite food of chicks. The paper triangles were printed with eyespots in among 3 configurations: either completely concentric circles or with the center circle nudged to the right or left. All of the prey were developed to be similarly obvious to the predators. To us, these appeared to gaze directly ahead or to one side. Would the instructions of look impact the chicks motivation to assault?
Looking death in the eye
Next, we constructed three mini catwalks (well, in fact, chickwalks) to lead the chicks towards the moth. One led directly towards the prey, and the 2 others directed the chicks to approach the moth from either the left or. We timed for how long it took a chick to approach and attack each type of moth from each of the three directions.
Chicks were slow to technique from the left when the moths eyespots were moved to the left, and slow to approach from the right when the moths eyespots were shifted to the right. When chicks approached these moths from the opposite direction, they rapidly approached the moth and ate the mealworm. The chicks were sluggish to approach the moths with concentric circle eyespots from all 3 directions.
Our outcomes are constant with the concept that the chicks viewed our synthetic eyespots as eyes, and that eyespots are most effective when they appear to gaze at predators. Eyespots that are concentric circles appear to look at predators from a larger series of instructions, simply like the pictures that keep eye contact from anywhere you stand. This also probably discusses why eyespots are so common in nature.
Reference: “Eyespot configuration and predator technique instructions impact the antipredator efficacy of eyespots” by John Skelhorn and Hannah M. Rowland, 12 October 2022, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.DOI: 10.3389/ fevo.2022.951967.
Dr. John Skelhorn is a Senior Lecturer in Animal Cognition at the Biosciences Institute at Newcastle University. The overarching theme of his research is how the cognitive and sensory processes of predators influence the development of their victim.
Dr. Hannah Rowland is a Research Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena, Germany, where she looks into eco-friendly and evolutionary interactions between plants, insects, and predators.

One theory is that predators puzzle eyespots with the eyes of their own predators. Eyespots, like portraits whose eyes appear to follow you around the room, may appear to keep eye contact with predators regardless of their vantage point. We checked the concept that forward-facing eyespots appear to gaze at predators by pitting artificial moths versus recently hatched domestic chicks. Chicks were sluggish to method from the left when the moths eyespots were shifted to the left, and slow to approach from the right when the moths eyespots were moved to the. Our results are constant with the idea that the chicks viewed our synthetic eyespots as eyes, and that eyespots are most efficient when they appear to look at predators.

A peacock butterfly with eyespots on its wings. Credit: Dr. Hannah Rowland
Dr. Hannah Rowland and Dr. John Skelhorn discuss how these protective patterns on moth wings persuade birds that assaulting the insects is not worth the danger.
Art mirrors genuine life when it concerns moth wings
Have you ever felt that somebody in a portrait is watching on you or following you around a room? The Mona Lisa effect is the name offered to this optical illusion in honor of Leonardo da Vincis notoriously enigmatic work of art. No matter where viewers stand, to the left, right, or in front of the image, eye contact is ensured when painters paint their caretakers eyes with the pupils perfectly. Nature seems to have had the exact same thought. It might be a matter of life or death in the animal kingdom.
Numerous fish, butterflies, moths, praying mantids, and beetles have matched circular markings on their bodies that appear like eyes. Eyespots might divert a predators attention far from important body parts of a target (a victim is much more likely to make it through a bite to its tail than its head). Additionally, eyespots have the power to intimidate and stop predators in their tracks.
One theory is that predators confuse eyespots with the eyes of their own predators. If this is the case, then eyespots that appear to be staring directly at them would be the most hazardous. Eyespots, like portraits whose eyes seem to follow you around the space, might seem to keep eye contact with predators despite their perspective. They would only defend victims versus predators approaching from that direction if eyespots were shifted to the left or right.