February 23, 2025

If We’re Going to Get Under the Ice on Europa, How Will We Send a Signal Back to the Surface?

If we send out some type of nuclear-powered tunnelbot to Europa to look for life under its icy shield, how will we understand what it discovers? How can a probe immersed in water under all that ice interact with Earth? We just have tips about the nature of that ice, what layers it has and what pockets of water it might hold.
All we understand is that its tens of kilometres as difficult and thick as granite.

Theres tantalizing proof for habitability on ocean moons like Jupiters Europa and Saturns Enceladus. The Hubble Space Telescope found consistent water vapour in Europas rare environment, and the vapour had to come from someplace. NASAs Galileo objective studied the Jovian system from 1995 to 2003 and found that Europa likely has more water in its subsurface ocean than all of Earths oceans combined. And that water is salty.

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It might take years for a robotic explorer to work its method through all of Europas ice to its buried ocean. Europa is beholden to Jupiter, and getting something to orbit Europa is difficult due to the fact that of Jupiters gravitational power. NASAs Europa Clipper spacecraft is set to launch in a couple of years to check out the icy moon, but itll orbit Jupiter, not Europa. Europas thick covering of ice is not quiescent. Europas ice could be in between 100– 260 Kelvin (-173 to -13 C; -280 to 8 F.).

The outer layer is frozen strong, tidal flexing can heat the water closer to the core and keep it in a liquid state. And wherever we discover liquid water in the Solar System, we need to investigate.
Jupiters Europa (l) and Saturns Enceladus (r). Both moons have icy shells with oceans beneath, and scientists think that Europa has more water than all of Earths oceans combined, and its most likely warm and salted. Objectives to study Europa remain in the preparation phases. Image Credits: NASA
Europas icy shell is hard as granite. It could take years for a robotic explorer to work its way through all of Europas ice to its buried ocean. The leading design candidate for tunnelling through all that ice is a nuclear-powered cryobot.
The tunneller could come across pockets of liquid water on its method, which could produce outcomes sooner, however the ocean is the goal. How can objective operators communicate with it throughout its tiresome journey? How could the robot( s) interact as they travelled downward?
Artists concept of the cross-sectional view of Europa depicting the exciting, potentially habitable environment of the ocean world (Credit: K. Hand et al./ NASA/JPL).
That means any spacecraft sending information back to Earth can constantly reach one of the facilities. NASAs beautiful generous and lets other countries utilize its system.
But the environment at Europa is much different. Europa is beholden to Jupiter, and getting something to orbit Europa is difficult because of Jupiters gravitational power. Jupiter is also highly radioactive, which Juno mission designers had to uphold that spacecraft against. NASAs Europa Clipper spacecraft is set to release in a couple of years to explore the icy moon, but itll orbit Jupiter, not Europa. A reasonable service is to have the under-the-ice robotic communicate with a lander that occasionally submits the data to a spacecraft orbiting Jupiter, which then communicates with Earth.
Theres still the daunting issue of communication in between the sub-surface bot and the lander. Europa is the smoothest-surfaced things in the Solar System, surface area images of the moon show extremely few craters. That means that its continually being resurfaced by tectonic activity. Europas thick covering of ice is not quiescent. How can a tunnelling cryobot interact with a lander through a tether when the ice is under stress and quaking and shifting? If the tether is damaged or severed, the whole objective is basically over.
” Communication hardware deals with challenging technical threats due to the expected tectonic activity within the ice shells, their difficult thermal regimes, chemistries, and tidal movements.” Signals Through the Ice Team, 2022 Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
This is where the Signals Through the Ice (STI) team comes in. Theyre dealing with fibre-optic tethers like those used in polar expedition to see if they can adjust them to Europas conditions. Europa is far chillier than Earths polar regions. Europas ice might be in between 100– 260 Kelvin (-173 to -13 C; -280 to 8 F.).
Its not just the temperature. That ice will likely move, grind versus itself, and experience shearing. A communications tether would need to endure whatever Europa put it through; otherwise, the whole objective is at threat. “Communication hardware faces tough technical risks due to the expectedtectonic activity within the ice shells, their tough thermal regimes, chemistries, and tidal motions,” the STI group specified in a brief for the 2022 Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
The STI team tested their tether style in simulated Europa conditions. The tether includes commercial-grade optical fibre inside 3 separate protective layers, consisting of a crush protective external layer and a kevlar middle layer. These tethers are presently utilized on ocean submersibles here on Earth.
This figure highlights the tether design and the test bed utilized to replicate Europas special conditions. (a) reveals the test rig, and the red laid out area is shown in (b). (c) is a schematic of among the two fiber optic cables checked, called a Linden Photonics High Strength Strong Tether Fibre Optic Cable. Image Credit: NASA/STI.
The shear tests showed guarantee. According to a press release, the “… results showed a surprisingly high level of tether toughness throughout the variety of temperature levels and ice fault slip speeds anticipated on ocean worlds like Europa and Enceladus.”.
This graphic reveals the test results for the 2 tethers: the Strong Tether Fiber Optic Cable (STFOC) and the HS-STFOC. Both cables are utilized in ocean submersibles. Image Credit: NASA/STI.
While the cable televisions carried out well, they werent perfect. Despite some signal destruction, they endured the simulated conditions and transferred data without disturbance. There was likewise minor damage on the external layer of among the cables under the coldest conditions.
The study simulated the non-uniform and disorderly nature of the ice that likely exists at Europa and on other icy moons. The press release describes these conditions as “… crudely broken and imperfectly planar moving ice interfaces …” The laboratory simulations also confirmed how “… the frictional stability of ice depends upon temperature and fault slip velocity.”.
The fact that the cable televisions kept transmitting information even after damage to the outer layer reveals that the style has promise, even though it needs work.
Identifying the ice shells thermal profile is important due to the fact that it will not be consistent. Rather, the “… uppermost and least expensive parts of the ice shell slide efficiently (and gradually), whereas, at a mid-range in temperature level and depth, icy faults could start stick-slip, quick ice-quake occasions,” the press release says.
While orbiter objectives are in the planning phase, theres no clear timeline for a surface area mission, let alone a subsurface objective.
NASAs been questioning about an objective to Europa for several years. The JIMO Europa Lander idea is from the early 2000s and included a lander with a 30-day mission. While a tunnelling cryobot objective is what everyone wants to see, a preliminary lander objective is a likely initial step. Image Credit: By Jet Propulsion Laboratory– Small RPS-Enabled Europa Lander Mission, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4213848.
There might be intermediary objectives between the upcoming orbiter objectives and a tunnelling robotic. Its possible that the kind of cables the group is evaluating will be part of an intermediary mission. As the laboratory research studies reveal, they could be used as sensors to determine the ice at shallow depths to characterize the ice, offered theres a technique to embed them. The STI team is also developing sturdy RF sensors for use on oceanic cryomoons. A less robust tunnelling gadget could deploy a string of them at greater and higher depths prior to dedicating to a full-featured tunnelling robotic that explores the ocean itself.
Moons like Europa and Enceladus are environments like no other. Not just due to the fact that of the potential customers for life in their salty, subsurface oceans but because of the complex options needed to conquer the barriers to expedition. An objective listed below Europas icy shell is still a long way off, but the target is too appealing to neglect.