March 31, 2025

For the First Time: Scientists Have Formed a Charged Rare Earth Molecule on a Metal Surface and Rotated It

The rare-earth complexes the scientists assembled were favorably charged Europium base molecules with adversely charged counterions on a gold surface area. Rotations of the complexes resulted from applying electric field emanating from the STM idea, utilizing the counterion below as a pivot. + complex on Au( 111) surface area when a negative electric field is used from the STM tip.
The calculations reveal only a minimal amount of charge transfer at the molecule-substrate user interface, which implies the complexes stayed charged on the surface area.
The chemical state of the Eu ion in the complexes adsorbed on the surface is figured out by a nascent experimental technique understood as synchrotron X-rays scanning tunneling microscopy at the Advanced Photon Source in Argonne by Hla and colleagues, where they verify that the particles are positively charged on the gold surface area.

The experiment was performed at both Argonne and Ohio University, making use of two different low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) systems. The environment for STM experiments requires a temperature of about 5 degrees K (-450 degrees Fahrenheit) in an ultrahigh vacuum. The size of the sample particles was approximately 2 nanometers.
Rare-Earth Rotor. (a) STM picture of a turning Eu complex appears as a disc shape on Au( 111 ). (b) Controlled rotations are performed by supplying electrical energy from an STM pointer. (c), (d) Before and after rotation of a complex, respectively. The dashed circle suggests the counterion utilized for the control. Credit: Saw Wai Hla.
” The same results were accomplished in both locations, which guarantees reproducibility,” Hla stated. The Ohio laboratory is run by trainees of the Hla group associated with the Nanoscale & & Quantum Phenomena Institute.
The researchers research was recently released in the journal Nature Communications..
The rare-earth complexes the scientists put together were favorably charged Europium base molecules with negatively charged counterions on a gold surface area. Rotations of the complexes resulted from using electrical field originating from the STM suggestion, utilizing the counterion below as a pivot. The scientists demonstrated 100% directional control over the rotation of these rare-earth complexes.
This film reveals various energetic positions and the shapes of empty orbitals of [Eu( pcam) 3X] 2+ and [Eu( pcam) 3] 3+. It is produced from 8000 dI/dV spectroscopic maps obtained over a pair of [Eu( pcam) 3X] 2+– [Eu( pcam) 3] 3+ complexes at ± 2000 mV range with 1 mV period between the successive frames. This motion picture reveals the regulated clockwise rotation of a [Eu( pcam) 3X2] + complex on Au( 111) surface area when an unfavorable electrical field is applied from the STM tip.
Eric Masson, professor and Roenigk Chair of Chemistry at Ohio University and one of the co-investigators of the job designed the rare-earth complexes, and his group at Ohio University synthesized them. Density practical theory calculations were carried out by scientists at Argonne and the group of Anh Ngo, an associate teacher of Chemical Engineering at the University of Illinois at Chicago, utilizing Argonnes BEBOP, the most powerful supercomputer in the United States to date. The computations reveal only a negligible quantity of charge transfer at the molecule-substrate interface, which indicates the complexes remained charged on the surface area.
The chemical state of the Eu ion in the complexes adsorbed on the surface area is identified by a nascent experimental technique understood as synchrotron X-rays scanning tunneling microscopy at the Advanced Photon Source in Argonne by Hla and co-workers, where they verify that the particles are positively charged on the gold surface area. The Hla group used STM adjustment to further show the control rotation, which reveals counterclockwise and clockwise rotations at will.
” These findings may work for the development of nanomechanical devices where the specific units in the complex are designed to manage, promote, or limit motion,” Hla said. “We have actually shown the rotation of charged rare-earth complexes on a metal surface, which now makes it possible for examinations one-complex-at-a-time for their structural and electronic as well as mechanical residential or commercial properties.”.
Referral: “Atomically precise control of rotational dynamics in charged rare-earth complexes on a metal surface” by Tolulope Michael Ajayi, Vijay Singh, Kyaw Zin Latt, Sanjoy Sarkar, Xinyue Cheng, Sineth Premarathna, Naveen K. Dandu, Shaoze Wang, Fahimeh Movahedifar, Sarah Wieghold, Nozomi Shirato, Volker Rose, Larry A. Curtiss, Anh T. Ngo, Eric Masson and Saw Wai Hla, 22 October 2022, Nature Communications.DOI: 10.1038/ s41467-022-33897-3.
The research study was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Materials Science and Engineering Division.

The development opens up new possibilities for research study into the atomic-scale adjustment of products essential to the future.
For the very first time, scientists formed a charged unusual earth particle on a metal surface area and rotated it using scanning tunneling microscopy.
Scientists from Ohio University, Argonne National Laboratory, and the University of Illinois at Chicago utilized scanning tunneling microscopy to form a charged rare earth molecule on a metal surface area and rotate it clockwise and counterclockwise without affecting its charge.
Their findings open brand-new avenues for research study into the atomic-scale adjustment of materials essential to the future, varying from quantum computing to consumer electronics.
” Rare earth aspects are crucial for high-technological applications consisting of mobile phone, HDTVs, and more. This is the first-time development of rare-earth complexes with positive and unfavorable charges on a metal surface area and likewise the novice presentation of atomic-level control over their rotation,” said team lead Saw-Wai Hla, who has double appointments as a researcher at Argonne and teacher of physics and astronomy in the College of Arts and Sciences at Ohio University.