February 23, 2025

Changing the Intrinsic Behavior of Neurons To Treat Neurological Conditions Like Epilepsy

By Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
December 21, 2022

Optogenetics, the use of light to either stimulate or prevent neurons, has actually long assured to revolutionize the research study and treatment of neurological conditions that are triggered by the over or under excitability of nerve cells. Once the light turns off, the neurons go back to their original habits.
The enzymes can be engineered to target the cell membranes of specific neurons. Once the enzymes attached to the specified membrane, the researchers utilized blue wavelength light to light up the nerve cells, setting off the generation of either insulating or conductive finishings on the membrane within minutes. They demonstrated that neurons with insulating polymer coverings became more excitable and those with conductive polymer finishes ended up being less excitable.

Optogenetics, the usage of light to either promote or hinder neurons, has actually long assured to reinvent the research study and treatment of neurological conditions that are triggered by the over or under excitability of nerve cells. However, present optogenetic techniques can only alter neuronal excitability in the short-term. When the light turns off, the nerve cells go back to their initial behavior.
Current advances in nanotechnology, consisting of the flexible, implantable nanoelectronics pioneered by Liu and his team, could possibly alter neuronal habits in the long term, however these gadgets need to be implanted into the brain and cant be configured to target specific neurons involved in disease.
A nerve cells excitability is governed by 2 primary components– its ion channel conductivity and the cell membranes capability to store an electric charge, known as its capacitance.
The majority of optogenetic methods target ion channel conductivity, regulating the excitability of the neuron by opening or closing a particular group of channels. This approach can efficiently tune the excitability of the neuron, however only transiently.
” You can imagine a neuron as a resistor– capacitor circuit and the cell membrane as a dielectric material,” stated Liu. “Just like with any circuit, if you alter the capacitance of the material– in this case the cell membrane– you can alter the intrinsic excitability of the circuit in the long term, from high excitability to low excitability or vice versa.”
To change the capacitance of the cell membrane, Liu, in cooperation with Xiao Wang, the Thomas D. and Virginia Cabot Assistant Professor of Chemistry at MIT, used light-sensitive enzymes that can activate the development of either insulating or conductive polymers on the surface area of cell membranes.
The enzymes can be crafted to target the cell membranes of particular neurons. Once the enzymes connected to the specified membrane, the scientists used blue wavelength light to brighten the neurons, activating the generation of either insulating or conductive coverings on the membrane within minutes. They demonstrated that nerve cells with insulating polymer finishings ended up being more excitable and those with conductive polymer coverings ended up being less excitable.
The scientists discovered that they could tune the excitability by tuning the exposure to light– the longer the neurons were exposed to light, the more insulating or conductive the finishes ended up being. The research study group likewise revealed that the modifications in excitability lasted for approximately 3 days– as long as they might keep the nerve cells alive in a petri meal.
Next, the team aims to test the approach using slices of brain tissue and in animals.
” The overarching goal of this work is to allow paradigm-shift methods for the combination of practical products, structures, and devices into living worried systems with subcellular- and cell-type-specificity, which will enable the accurate manipulation of subcellular electrochemical homes, renovating the excitability of neurons in living nerve systems,” stated Liu.
Reference: “Optogenetic polymerization and assembly of electrically functional polymers for modulation of single-neuron excitability” by Chanan D. Sessler, Yiming Zhou, Wenbo Wang, Nolan D. Hartley, Zhanyan Fu, David Graykowski, Morgan Sheng, Xiao Wang and Jia Liu, 7 December 2022, Science Advances.DOI: 10.1126/ sciadv.ade1136.
The research was co-authored by Chanan D. Sessler, Yiming Zhou, Wenbo Wang, Nolan D. Hartley, Zhanyan Fu, David Graykowski and Morgan Sheng.
It was supported in part by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator Program under grant FA9550-22-1-0228, the National Science Foundation through the Harvard University Materials Research Science and Engineering Center under grant DMR-2011754, and the Harvard Deans Competitive Fund for Promising Scholarship.

Scientist developed a technique to target particular nerve cells and change their excitability with light for long periods of time. Credit: Emma Hsiao/Harvard SEAS
Technique offers new method to treating neurological conditions such as epilepsy.
A new approach to target unhealthy neurons in the brain and change their long-lasting behavior utilizing light, leading the way for possible new treatments for neurological conditions such as epilepsy and autism has been developed by researchers from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) and MIT.
The research study was published on December 7 in the journal Science Advances.
” We imagine that this technology will provide brand-new chances for high spatiotemporal resolution control of nerve cells for neuroscience and behavior studies and establish brand-new treatments for neurological conditions,” stated Jia Liu, Assistant Professor of Bioengineering at SEAS and co-senior author of the study.