February 23, 2025

Astronomers Reveal Secrets of Mysterious Radio Bubbles Surrounding Supermassive Black Hole

Supermassive black holes are found deep within the centers of the massive galaxies at the heart of galaxy clusters. Sometimes, the black hole reheats the gas surrounding it through violent outbursts jetting from its center, preventing cooling and star formation, in a process called feedback.

These powerful jets take tremendous cavities within the hot cluster medium, pressing that hot gas farther from the cluster center and changing it with radio-emitting bubbles. Displacing such a large volume of gas requires a massive amount of energy (a number of percent of the overall thermal energy in the cluster gas), and understanding where this energy originates from is of excellent interest to astrophysicists. By learning more about whats left filling in these cavities, astronomers can begin to deduce what caused them in the first location.
Observations by NASAs Chandra X-ray Observatory (left image) and by GBOs MUSTANG-2 instrument (best image) clearly reveal the enormous cavities (highlighted with gray circles) excavated by the effective radio jets (green shapes) expelled from the great void at the center of galaxy cluster MS0735. The green shapes in both images are from observations carried out by the Naval Research Laboratorys VLA Low-band Ionosphere and Transient Experiment (VLITE) back end utilized on the National Radio Astronomy Observatorys (NRAO) Very Large Array (VLA). Credit: NASA Chandra X-Ray Observatory & & the NSFs Green Bank Observatory
The team of astronomers used the MUSTANG-2 receiver on the GBT to image MS0735 using the Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) result, a subtle distortion of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation due to scattering by hot electrons in the cluster gas. For context, the CMB was released 380 thousand years after the Big Bang, and is the afterglow of the origin of our universe 13.8 billion years earlier. Around 90 GHz, where MUSTANG-2 observes, the SZ effect signal mostly determines thermal pressure.
” With the power of MUSTANG-2, we have the ability to see into these cavities and begin to determine specifically what they are filled with, and why they do not collapse under pressure,” elaborates Tony Mroczkowski, an astronomer with the European Southern Observatory who became part of this brand-new research.
These new findings are the inmost high-fidelity SZ imaging yet of the thermodynamic state of cavities in a galaxy cluster, enhancing previous discoveries that a minimum of a part of the pressure support in the cavities is because of non-thermal sources, such as relativistic particles, cosmic rays, and turbulence, along with a small contribution from magnetic fields. “We knew this was an exciting system when we studied the radio core and lobes at radio frequencies, but we are just now beginning to see the full photo,” explains co-author Tracy Clarke, an astronomer at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory and VLITE Project Scientist who co-authored a previous radio research study of this system.
In contrast to earlier research, new imaging produced by the GBT thinks about the possibility that the pressure assistance within the bubbles might be more nuanced than previously thought, mixing both non-thermal and thermal components. In addition to the radio observations, the group incorporated existing X-ray observations from NASAs Chandra X-ray Observatory, which offer a complementary view of the gas seen by MUSTANG-2.
Future observations throughout several frequencies can establish more precisely the nature of how exotic the black hole eruption is. “This work will assist us better comprehend the physics of galaxy clusters, and the cooling flow feedback problem that has actually vexed numerous of us for some time,” includes Orlowski-Scherer.
Recommendation: “GBT/MUSTANG -2 9 ″ resolution imaging of the SZ result in MS0735.6 +7421– Confirmation of the SZ cavities through direct imaging” by John Orlowski-Scherer, Saianeesh K. Haridas, Luca Di Mascolo, Karen Perez Sarmiento, Charles E. Romero, Simon Dicker, Tony Mroczkowski, Tanay Bhandarkar, Eugene Churazov, Tracy E. Clarke, Mark Devlin, Massimo Gaspari, Ian Lowe, Brian Mason, Craig L. Sarazin, Jonathon Sievers and Rashid Sunyaev, 8 November 2022, Astronomy & & Astrophysics.DOI: 10.1051/ 0004-6361/2022 44547.

Observations by NASAs Chandra X-ray Observatory (left image) and by GBOs MUSTANG-2 instrument (ideal image) plainly show the massive cavities (highlighted with gray circles) excavated by the effective radio jets (green shapes) expelled from the black hole at the center of galaxy cluster MS0735. The green contours in both images are from observations performed by the Naval Research Laboratorys VLA Low-band Ionosphere and Transient Experiment (VLITE) back end utilized on the National Radio Astronomy Observatorys (NRAO) Very Large Array (VLA).

A brand-new research study exposes info about mysterious radio bubbles surrounding a supermassive black hole. Credit: NASA Chandra X Ray Observatory & & the NSFs Green Bank Observatory
Astronomers Reveal Secrets to Burping Black Hole with the Green Bank Telescope
The National Science Foundations Green Bank Telescope (GBT) has revealed new info about strange radio bubbles surrounding a supermassive great void.
In a brand-new paper studying the galaxy cluster MS0735, “Were looking at among the most energetic outbursts ever seen from a supermassive great void,” says Jack Orlowski-Scherer, lead author on this publication, “This is what occurs when you feed a black hole and it strongly burps out a huge quantity of energy.” At the time of the research study, Jack was a graduate student at the University of Pennsylvania and is now a research study fellow at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec.
Supermassive black holes are found deep within the centers of the enormous galaxies at the heart of galaxy clusters. The plasma-filled environments of galaxy clusters are incredibly hot– about 50 million degrees celsius– however these hot temperatures typically cool over time, permitting brand-new stars to form. Sometimes, the great void reheats the gas surrounding it through violent outbursts jetting from its center, preventing cooling and star development, in a procedure called feedback.