February 23, 2025

Researchers Showcase Their Publications with The Scientist’s Journal Club

Midland, Ontario, January 9, 2023The Scientist happily releases Journal Club, a webinar series led by our readers that connects scientists to a varied audience of life scientists. Through Journal Club, scientists have a chance to display their recently-published research study to The Scientists readership.The Scientists Journal Club provides highly innovative molecular biology research conducted by members of our audience. To join our lineup of speakers, scientists very first send an application with the details of their recently-published work. These applications will be assessed by our team of PhD-trained science writers with the objective of finding research studies that depend on interesting approaches and technologies to advance a wide variety of research fields.Researchers selected to participate will tape a 15-minute presentation with the assistance of The Scientists webinar team. The Scientists Scientific Services group is also offered by request to assist with discussion preparation. The last discussion will then look like part of an upcoming Journal Club webinar series.To reach a broad audience, The Scientists webinar team will provide adequate promotion for the event, along with marketing graphics, suggestions, and techniques to speakers so that they can invite associates to the talk.To take part in Journal Club, scientists are welcomed to apply at https://the-scientist.com/journal-club. The submission deadline for the very first series is February 28, 2023, with more events to follow.About The ScientistThe Scientist is the publication for life science experts. It covers a vast array of topics central to the study of cell and molecular biology and produces instructional resources and occasions to support its scientist readers throughout all of their ventures. It reads by leading researchers in industry and academic community who value permeating analyses and broad viewpoints on life science topics both within and beyond their areas of knowledge.