February 23, 2025

Secrets of a Massive Star Revealed Through Astrophysical Lasers

At 3,900 light-years away from Earth, researchers required help to see whats actually going on, and in this case, to discover a jet of material blasting out from the stars gas disk at 500 km/s. Previously concealed amongst the winds streaming out from the star, the jet was discovered using the combined fixing power of ALMAs Band 6 (right) and Band 7 (left), and hydrogen masers– naturally taking place lasers that magnify microwave radio emissions, shown here in this ALMA science image.
” A maser is like a naturally taking place laser,” said Sirina Prasad, an undergraduate research assistant at the Center for Astrophysics
Leveraging the resolving power of ALMAs Band 6, established by the United States National Science Foundations National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), the team was able to use the masers to discover the previously hidden structures in the stars instant environment. Qizhou Zhang, a senior astrophysicist at CfA, and the projects primary detective included, “We used masers generated by hydrogen to penetrate the physical and vibrant structures in the gas surrounding MWC 349A and exposed a flattened gas disk with a diameter of 50 au, approximately the size of the Solar System, verifying the near-horizontal disk structure of the star. We likewise discovered a fast-moving jet part hidden within the winds flowing far from the star.”.
The observed jet is ejecting product far from the star at a blistering 500 km per second. Thats comparable to traveling the distance in between San Diego, California, and Phoenix, Arizona in the literal blink of an eye. According to researchers, it is probable that a jet moving this fast is being released by a magnetic force. In the case of MWC 349A, that require might be a magnetohydrodynamic wind– a kind of wind whose motion is dictated by the interplay in between the stars magnetic field and gases present in its surrounding disk.
” Our previous understanding of MWC 349A was that the star was surrounded by a rotating disk and photo-evaporating wind. “This might help us to much better understand the disk-wind dynamics of MWC 349A, and the interplay in between circumstellar disks, winds, and jets in other star systems.”.

Scientists studying masers– naturally occurring lasers that enhance microwave radio emissions– around the huge star MWC 349A discovered a 500 km/s jet of material releasing out of the stars gas disk from within the winds that are streaming away from the star. While utilizing the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) to study the masers around oddball star MWC 349A scientists discovered something unexpected: a previously unseen jet of product introducing from the stars gas disk at impossibly high speeds. At 3,900 light-years away from Earth, researchers needed help to see whats truly going on, and in this case, to discover a jet of material blasting out from the stars gas disk at 500 km/s. Formerly hidden among the winds streaming out from the star, the jet was discovered utilizing the combined solving power of ALMAs Band 6 (right) and Band 7 (left), and hydrogen masers– naturally occurring lasers that amplify microwave radio emissions, shown here in this ALMA science image. “This could help us to better comprehend the disk-wind dynamics of MWC 349A, and the interaction in between circumstellar disks, winds, and jets in other star systems.”.

Scientists studying masers– naturally taking place lasers that enhance microwave radio emissions– around the enormous star MWC 349A discovered a 500 km/s jet of product launching out of the stars gas disk from within the winds that are flowing far from the star. The larger surprise is that the jet may be triggered by magnetic forces. This artists conception reveals a zoomed in view of MWC 349A and its surrounding disk of gas and dust that are being shaped by the winds and high-speed jet. Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO), M. Weiss (NRAO/AUI/NSF).
ALMA researchers utilized the special hydrogen radio recombination lines on MWC 349A to reveal hidden collimated jets.
While using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) to study the masers around oddball star MWC 349A scientists discovered something unanticipated: a previously hidden jet of material introducing from the stars gas disk at impossibly high speeds. Whats more, they think the jet is triggered by strong magnetic forces surrounding the star.
The massive star– approximately 30 times the mass of the Sun– is one of the brightest radio sources in the sky, and one of just a handful of objects understood to have hydrogen masers. It is this unique function that allowed scientists to map MWC 349As disk in detail for the first time.