February 23, 2025

What are lenticular galaxies?

Research studies showed that lenticular galaxies are the most frequently discovered in the neighboring universe. Like other galaxies, their mass and birthplace are definitive in determining their shape. When 2 galaxies of almost the exact same shape collide, it is called a significant merger occasion, and it can be one of the ways to form a lenticular galaxy which causes a gas-rich galaxy..

Cartwheel Galaxy.

Lenticular galaxies.

Cygnus A is a radio galaxy, a galaxy that emits strong bursts of radio emissions due to its active galactic nucleus (radio galaxies can be either lenticular or spiral, though the bulk are lenticular). Cygnus A is powered by a supermassive great void in the center of the galaxy that has to do with a billion times more massive than the Sun, surrounded by a disk of hot gas that produces the radio signal.

Lenticular galaxies look half-spiral and half-elliptical; many of them look like flying dishes. They do have main disks, but no arms. Edwin Hubble thought there was some sort of evolution from spiral to elliptical, possibly lenticulars were in between, however contemporary observations showed otherwise.

This supermassive great void is the closest to Earth, but no worries, it is 32 million light-years from here. X-ray images showed the motion of stars near the center of NGC 3115. In a dance of death, the brightness of the image witnesses the loss of gas from binary star systems too near the great void.

The bottom line.

Essentially, large-scale structures within the galaxy (or the galaxy itself) may end up being unstable and collapse, which triggers substantial masses of gas and dust to eject outwards. As the galaxy spins, these ejected arms are likewise pulled with the galaxy and become spirals.

Galaxies resemble the cities of stars, collections of gas and dust and billions of planetary systems in a single, steady system. Galaxies form stars from dust through the procedure of accretion, in which increasingly more dust is clumped together till it becomes a proto-star. Thats why galaxies are so visible in the night sky and particularly with telescopes: because of the light that comes from all their stars.

There are three main types of galaxies:.

Observing the universe is one thing, and comprehending why it looks the method it does is another. The obstacle is to comprehend the procedures that make galaxies different from one another. One complex puzzle is how some galaxies appear to be somewhere in between spiral and elliptical– the so-called lenticular galaxies. Are they precisely that, a transition between the other 2 main types?

and spiral nebula.

It is believed, the galaxy is a good example of a former spiral that hit a buddy and ended up in the lenticular classification. The 2 rings are a result of such a crash, they are a residue of the merging procedure left as ripples of water. It will continue developing into something else, another mystery to fix.

A parade of galaxies.

elliptical galaxies;.

Tuning-fork design diagram of the Hubble sequence. Wikimedia Commons.

This makes Cygnus An among the brightest things in the night sky (in the radio frequency).

Edwin Hubble created this category in the 1920s and it is still utilized to this day. It is represented in a fork-shaped diagram in which the center has the lenticular galaxies..

NGC 2787 is an example of a lenticular galaxy with visible dust absorption. While this galaxy has actually been classified as an S0 galaxy, one can see the trouble in separating between ellipticals, lenticulars, and spirals. Credit: HST.

NGC 3115.

Lens galaxies are an intermediate type of galaxy (in between spiral and elliptical) and the most typical type of galaxy in the universe (or at least, thats what our current observations tell us). They have a central bulge of stars but do not have the spiral arms attribute of spiral galaxies and yet have a clear disk structure, unlike elliptical galaxies.

Cygnus A. Image credits: NASA/ JPL.

Cygnus A.

There are three types of lenticular galaxies, S01, s03, and s02. S01 without any dust and S03 with some remaining dust. However, the category does not seem considerable– the S0 are very comparable to each other.

Spiral nebula have dust and young stars that are primarily concentrated at the arms. You can consider spirals as the “stylish” type of galaxy, the contemporary galaxy thats doing all the cool things of this age. Elliptical galaxies have a lot of old and heavy stars, with less dust than spirals, however theyre still attempting their finest to look as cool and young as their sis.

The distinctive quality of some galaxies is the spiral arms– and we have a quite good idea how they got these arms.

Lenticular galaxies can also form from spirals that used all their dust and gas to form stars. It is possible to discover much older stars at the centers compared to the stars formed from dust expulsion..

They likewise have intermediate categories. A perfectly circular image will be called an E0 galaxy, while a flatter object might be an E7 galaxy. An S0 galaxy is a lenticular galaxy, while spiral galaxies branch into 2 different classifications, as shown above.

The Spindle Galaxy (NGC 5866), a lenticular galaxy in the constellation Draco. This image shows that lenticular galaxies might maintain a significant quantity of dust in their disk.

lenticular galaxies;.

A secret to astronomers, NGC 3115 has none of the qualities explained up until now, it is rather isolated compared to other lenticular galaxies. In its center lies a supermassive black hole 2 billion times the mass of the Sun.

Generally, massive structures within the galaxy (or the galaxy itself) might end up being unstable and collapse, which triggers huge masses of gas and dust to eject outwards. As the galaxy spins, these ejected arms are also pulled with the galaxy and become spirals.

Elliptical galaxies, meanwhile, have older stars and generally dont have a rich star formation environment. They probably formed after accidents in between spiral galaxies in galaxy clusters. They look like a pancake of stars, flat, without complicated forms.

Lens galaxies are an intermediate type of galaxy (in between spiral and elliptical) and the most typical type of galaxy in the universe (or at least, thats what our current observations inform us). A completely circular image will be called an E0 galaxy, while a flatter object may be an E7 galaxy. An S0 galaxy is a lenticular galaxy, while spiral galaxies branch into two various categories, as revealed above.

Lenticular (or S0) galaxies are really common throughout deep space, however theyre still not fully understood. Current advances were essential to getting to the knowledge we have up until now. Possibly, the James Webb Space Telescope is a hope of cataloging more and more galaxies to understand their formation.

The cartwheel galaxy– a large pink, speckled galaxy resembling a wheel with a little, inner oval, with dusty blue in between on the right, with two smaller spiral galaxies about the same size to the left against a black background. Credits: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI.

Although were just starting to leave our planetary shell, and checking out the galaxy is nothing more than a pipe dream to us now, we still understand rather a bit about the universe around us. For example, astronomers have actually discovered that there are over 200 billion galaxies out there– perhaps even way more.

Irregular galaxies are an entire different monster, they are a result of the chaotic arrangement of material and stars. The chaotic brother or sister of the other galaxies– the outcast, the misfit. We will not enter them here, although theyre very intriguing themselves.

It is difficult to conclude how they came to be, an issue yet to be resolved. More observation indicates more understanding but likewise can bring surprising exceptions that make it even harder to describe the development of a lenticular galaxy.

Initially, lets understand what a galaxy is. Galaxies are a few of the most impactful items in deep space, consisting of dark matter and stars and worlds that orbit those stars– along with other smaller sized things like dust or asteroids. Galaxies arent all the same, they vary in their structure, shape, and age; some have more youthful stars, and others have older stars each with their own peculiarities..

There are a lot of elliptical galaxies to even begin discussing it, however here are a couple of them that have actually been studied in detail.

Theres also another type of galaxy called irregular, which generally suggests none of the above– all the galaxies that researchers cant classify by regular means, they took into that category.

Possibly the most famous of the S0 galaxies is the Cartwheel Galaxy– a lot more well-known now with amazing James Webb imaging. The similarity to a cartwheel delights many people, but puzzles astronomers. How could it be shaped in such an intricate kind?

Modern astronomy supplies stunning images of galaxies in our part of the universe, however the main objective of these observations is not visual– its scientific. Thanks to such observations, for circumstances, we understand that some of these galaxies form arms and others dont, some have supermassive great voids at the centers and others are so small that a bigger next-door neighbor swallows them.