February 23, 2025

NASA’s HiRISE Captures a Bear’s Face on Mars – What Is It Really?

This feature on the surface of Mars, recorded, by the HIRISE electronic camera aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, looks like a bears face. Credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
This feature on the surface of Mars looks a bit like a bears face. What is it truly?
Theres a hill with a V-shaped collapse structure (the nose), two craters (the eyes), and a circular fracture pattern (the head). The circular fracture pattern may be due to the settling of a deposit over a buried impact crater. Maybe the nose is a volcanic or mud vent and the deposit could be lava or mud circulations?
Perhaps simply smile and bear it.

HiRISE has photographed hundreds of targeted swaths of Mars surface area in unprecedented information. With these high-resolution images, scientists are able to distinguish 1-meter-size (about 3-foot-size) things on Mars and to study the morphology (surface area structure) in a much more detailed manner than ever before.
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is a spacecraft sent out by NASA to Mars to study the planets surface and environment. It was introduced in 2005 and has actually been in orbit around Mars given that 2006.

By University of Arizona
February 3, 2023

The image was recorded by the High Resolution Imaging Experiment (HIRISE), a powerful and huge electronic camera aboard NASAs Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO).
The “bears face” is a portion of a larger image captured by the HiRISE video camera aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft. Credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
HiRISE has actually photographed numerous targeted swaths of Mars surface area in extraordinary detail. Its video camera runs in noticeable wavelengths, the like human eyes, but with a telescopic lens that produces images at resolutions that are extraordinary in planetary exploration objectives. With these high-resolution images, scientists are able to differentiate 1-meter-size (about 3-foot-size) objects on Mars and to study the morphology (surface area structure) in a lot more detailed manner than ever in the past.
NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter passes above a portion of the planet called Nilosyrtis Mensae in this artists concept illustration. Credit: JPL/NASA
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is a spacecraft sent out by NASA to Mars to study the planets surface and atmosphere. It was introduced in 2005 and has been in orbit around Mars because 2006. MRO has actually provided high-resolution pictures of the Martian surface area and has actually made many essential discoveries about the world, consisting of finding evidence of liquid water.