February 23, 2025

Space Mystery: Unexpected New Ring System Discovered in Our Own Solar System

An artists impression of the dwarf world Quaoar and its ring. Quaoars ring was found through a series of observations that took place between 2018 to 2021. The moment we saw that we stated, Okay, we are seeing a ring around Quaoar.”.
Quaoars ring is much smaller than Saturns but no less appealing. What makes Quaoars ring unique, however, is where it is discovered relative to Quaoar itself.

Such an occasion is understood as an occultation. Observing how the light from the occulted star drops offers details about the occulting thingss size and shape, and can expose whether the intervening object has an environment or not. In this case, smaller sized drops prior to and after the primary occultation betrayed the presence of product in orbit around Quaoar.
Quaoar is one of a collection of small, distant worlds known as trans-Neptunian things (TNOs). With an approximated radius of 555 km, Quaoar ranks around number seven on the size list, and is orbited by a little moon called Weywot, roughly 80 km in radius.
Because of their severe ranges and small sizes, studying these dwarf worlds is difficult. Quaoar itself orbits the Sun at almost 44 times the Sun-Earth distance. So, occultations are especially valuable tools. Until recently, nevertheless, it has actually been hard to forecast exactly when and where they will take place.
For an occultation to occur, the alignment between the occulting item (here the TNO), the star, and the observing telescope must be incredibly precise. In the past, it has actually been practically difficult to meet the strict precision requirements to be certain of seeing an occasion. To pursue this objective the European Research Council Lucky Star job, coordinated by Bruno Sicardy, Sorbonne University & & Paris Observatory– PSL (LESIA), was produced to predict upcoming occultations by TNOs, and to co-ordinate the observation of these events from amateur and professional observatories around the world.
Artists impression of Cheops, ESAs Characterising Exoplanet Satellite, in orbit above Earth. In this view the satellites telescope cover is open. Credit: ESA/ ATG medialab
Exact alignment
Recently, the number of observed stellar occultations has actually increased. In big part, this is due to the contribution of information from ESAs star mapping mission Gaia. The spacecraft has actually provided such sensational accuracy in its excellent positions that the predictions made by the Lucky Star group has become far more particular.
One of individuals associated with the Lucky Star task is Isabella Pagano of the INAFs Astrophysical Observatory of Catania, Italy, and a member of the Cheops Board. Isabella was contacted by Kate Isaak, ESAs Project Scientist for the Cheops mission, who wondered whether the space telescope would likewise have the ability to catch an occultation.
” I was a little doubtful about the possibility to do this with CHEOPS,” confesses Isabella, “But we investigated the expediency.”
The primary problem was that the satellites trajectory can be slightly modified because of drag in the upper parts of the Earths atmosphere. This is due to the unpredictable solar activity that can strike our planet and puff up its environment.
Indeed, the very first time the team tried to observe an occultation with Cheops, which included Pluto, the forecast was not rather accurate enough, and no occultation might be observed.
The positioning was more beneficial on the second effort, nevertheless, when they observed Quaoar. In doing so, they made the very first ever detection of an outstanding occultation by a trans-Neptunian object from area.
Artists impression of CHEOPS. Credit: © ESA/ ATG medialab
Put a ring on it
” The Cheops data are amazing for signal to sound,” states Isabella. The signal to noise is a procedure of how strong the found signal is to the random sound in the system. Due to the fact that the telescope is not looking through the distorting effects of the Earths lower environment, Cheops gives a terrific signal to sound.
This clarity showed decisive in acknowledging Quaoars ring system because it allowed the researchers to remove the possibility that the drops in light were brought on by a spurious impact in Earths atmosphere. By integrating several secondary detections, taken with telescopes on Earth, it was possible to be certain that they were triggered by a ring system surrounding Quaoar.
Bruno Morgado, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, led the analysis. He combined the Cheops data with that from big expert observatories worldwide and amateur resident scientists, all of whom had actually observed Quaoar occult various stars over the last couple of years. “When we put whatever together, we saw drops in brightness that were not brought on by Quaoar, however that indicated the presence of product in a circular orbit around it. The minute we saw that we stated, Okay, we are seeing a ring around Quaoar.”.
When it comes to sound systems, the giant world Saturn holds the crown. In spite of being an excellent observational sight, the mass of the ring system is rather small.
Quaoars ring is much smaller than Saturns however no less intriguing. It is not the only ring system understood to exist around a dwarf or minor world. 2 others– around Chariklo and Haumea– have been identified through ground-based observations. What makes Quaoars ring distinct, however, is where it is discovered relative to Quaoar itself.
The Roche limit.
Any celestial object with a considerable gravitational field will have a limitation within which an approaching celestial things will be pulled to pieces. This is understood as the Roche limitation. Dense ring systems are expected to exist inside of the Roche limitation, which holds true for Saturn, Chariklo and Haumea.
” So, what is so interesting about this discovery around Quaoar is that the ring of material is much farther out than the Roche limitation,” states Giovanni Bruno, INAFs Astrophysical Observatory of Catania, Italy.
This is a secret because according to standard thinking, rings beyond the Roche limitation will coalesce into a small moon within just a couple of decades. “As a result of our observations, the classical idea that thick rings endure just inside the Roche limitation of a planetary body need to be thoroughly revised,” says Giovanni.
Early outcomes recommend that the freezing temperature levels at Quaoar might contribute in preventing the icy particles from sticking together but more examinations are required.
” The Cheops observations have played an essential function in developing the presence of a ring around Quaoar, in an application of high precision, high cadence photometry that exceeds the more common exoplanet science of the mission,” says Kate.
While the theoreticians get to deal with how the Quaoar rings can endure, the Lucky Star job will continue to look at Quaoar and also other TNOs as they occult distant stars to measure their physical attributes and see how lots of others likewise have ring systems.
And Cheops will go back to its original objective to study nearby exoplanets.
Recommendation: “A dense ring of the trans-Neptunian item Quaoar outside its Roche limitation” by B. E. Morgado, B. Sicardy, F. Braga-Ribas, J. L. Ortiz, H. Salo, F. Vachier, J. Desmars, C. L. Pereira, P. Santos-Sanz, R. Sfair, T. de Santana, M. Assafin, R. Vieira-Martins, A. R. Gomes-Júnior, G. Margoti, V. S. Dhillon, E. Fernández-Valenzuela, J. Broughton, J. Bradshaw, R. Langersek, G. Benedetti-Rossi, D. Souami, B. J. Holler, M. Kretlow, R. C. Boufleur, J. I. B. Camargo, R. Duffard, W. Beisker, N. Morales, J. Lecacheux, F. L. Rommel, D. Herald, W. Benz, E. Jehin, F. Jankowsky, T. R. Marsh, S. P. Littlefair, G. Bruno, I. Pagano, A. Brandeker, A. Collier-Cameron, H. G. Florén, N. Hara, G. Olofsson, T. G. Wilson, Z. Benkhaldoun, R. Busuttil, A. Burdanov, M. Ferrais, D. Gault, M. Gillon, W. Hanna, S. Kerr, U. Kolb, P. Nosworthy, D. Sebastian, C. Snodgrass, J. P. Teng and J. de Wit, 8 February 2023, Nature.DOI: 10.1038/ s41586-022-05629-6.
Cheops is a cooperation between the European Space Agency (ESA) and a consortium of 11 countries, led by Switzerland and the University of Bern. The consortium, consisting of Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the UK, has actually made significant contributions to the mission.
ESA holds the role of objective architect, handling the procurement and testing of the satellite, launch, early operations, and in-orbit commissioning, along with the Guest Observers Program that permits scientists worldwide to observe with Cheops. Airplane Defence and Space in Madrid, Spain is the prime specialist for the spacecrafts design and building and construction.
The Mission Operations Centre for the Cheops mission lies at INTA near Madrid, Spain, while the Science Operations Centre is based at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. Both centers are run by the consortium.

Artist impress of Quaoar rings. Credit: Paris Observatory
ESAs Cheops discovers an unexpected ring around dwarf planet Quaoar
During a break from looking at worlds around other stars, the European Space Agencys CHaracterising ExOPlanet Satellite (Cheops) mission has observed a dwarf world in our own Solar System and made a decisive contribution to the discovery of a thick ring of product around it.
The dwarf planet is referred to as Quaoar. The presence of a ring at a range of practically 7 and a half times the radius of Quaoar, opens up a mystery for astronomers to fix: why has this material not coalesced into a small moon?
An artists impression of the dwarf planet Quaoar and its ring. Quaoars moon Weywot is revealed on the left. Quaoars ring was found through a series of observations that took place between 2018 to 2021. Using a collection of ground-based telescopes, and ESAs space-based telescope Cheops, astronomers viewed as Quaoar crossed in front of a succession of remote stars, briefly shutting out their light as it passed. Credit: ESA, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO
How to observe remote objects in the Solar System
The ring was found through a series of observations that took place in between 2018 to 2021. Using a collection of ground-based telescopes, and the space-based telescope Cheops, astronomers saw as Quaoar crossed in front of a succession of far-off stars, briefly shutting out their light as it passed.