January 22, 2025

New Aurorae Detected on All Four of Jupiter’s Major Moons

At Io, Jupiters innermost moon, volcanic plumes of gas and dust are huge in size, reaching hundreds of kilometers in height. Salt gives Ios aurora the same yellowy-orange radiance that we see in urban streetlamps. The brand-new measurements likewise reveal potassium aurora at Io in infrared light, which has not been identified anywhere else previously.
” Ios sodium becomes extremely faint within 15 minutes of entering Jupiters shadow, however it takes numerous hours to recover after it emerges into sunshine,” discusses Carl Schmidt, Astronomy Professor at Boston University and lead author of the second paper. Its cool that eclipses by Jupiter use a natural experiment to learn how sunlight affects its environment.”

All four of the Galilean moons reveal the exact same oxygen aurora we see in skies near the Earths poles, but gases on Jupiters moons are much thinner, allowing a crimson color to glow almost 15 times brighter than the familiar thumbs-up.
Artists depiction of oxygen aurora on Jupiters moon Ganymede, the largest moon in the planetary system, as observed from Maunakea on Hawaiʻi Island utilizing the twin Keck Observatory telescopes. Credit: Julie Inglis
At Europa and Ganymede, oxygen also illuminate infrared wavelengths, just a little redder than the human eye can see– the first event of this phenomenon seen in the environment of a body other than Earth.
At Io, Jupiters innermost moon, volcanic plumes of gas and dust are large in size, reaching hundreds of kilometers in height. The new measurements also reveal potassium aurora at Io in infrared light, which has actually not been detected anywhere else formerly.
” The brightness of the different colors of aurora inform us what these moons environments are most likely comprised of,” said de Kleer. “We find that molecular oxygen, much like what we breathe here on Earth, is most likely the primary constituent of the icy moon environments.”
The new measurements reveal very little proof for water, sustaining an active clinical dispute over whether the environments of Jupiters moons include significant water vapor. Its currently thought that the outer 3 Galilean moons of Jupiter include oceans of liquid water beneath their thick icy surfaces, and theres tentative proof that water in Europas environment may in some cases be sourced from its ocean or liquid reservoirs within its ice shell.
Considering that Jupiters strong electromagnetic field is tilted, aurorae on these moons change in brightness as the planet turns. Additionally, the environments can react to the rapid shift from warm sunshine to the cold shadow of Jupiter.
” Ios sodium becomes really faint within 15 minutes of entering Jupiters shadow, but it takes a number of hours to recover after it emerges into sunlight,” describes Carl Schmidt, Astronomy Professor at Boston University and lead author of the 2nd paper. “These brand-new attributes are really informative for comprehending Ios climatic chemistry. Its cool that eclipses by Jupiter use a natural experiment to find out how sunshine affects its atmosphere.”
Brand-new kinds of aurora on the four moons include an exciting element to what is already a golden era for fans of Jupiter thanks to NASAs Juno objective and the James Webb Space Telescope. If youre fortunate enough to see the aurora here on Earth, time out to think about how incredible the program might appear if you were looking up from one of Jupiters moons.
” The Optical Aurorae of Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto” by Katherine de Kleer, Zachariah Milby1, Carl Schmidt, Maria Camarca and Michael E. Brown, 16 February 2023, The Planetary Science JournalDOI: 10.3847/ PSJ/acb53c.
” Ios Optical Aurorae in Jupiters Shadow” by Carl Schmidt, Mikhail Sharov, Katherine de Kleer, Nick Schneider, Imke de Pater, Phillip H. Phipps, Albert Conrad, Luke Moore, Paul Withers, John Spencer, Jeff Morgenthaler, Ilya Ilyin, Klaus Strassmeier, Christian Veillet, John Hill and Mike Brown, 16 February 2023, The Planetary Science Journal.DOI: 10.3847/ PSJ/ac85b0.

Artists performance of oxygen, potassium, and salt aurorae as Io gets in Jupiters shadow. Credit: Chris Faust
Astronomers utilizing W. M. Keck Observatory on Maunakea in Hawaiʻi have found that aurorae at noticeable wavelengths appear on all 4 significant moons of Jupiter: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.
A team led by Caltech and Boston University observed the moons in Jupiters shadow so that their faint aurorae, which are triggered by the gas giants strong magnetic field, could be spotted without competition from bright sunlight reflected off of their surfaces. They utilized Keck Observatorys High-Resolution Echelle Spectrometer (HIRES), a grating cross-dispersed, echelle spectrograph, in addition to high-resolution spectrographs at the Large Binocular Telescope and Apache Point Observatory to make the observations.
” These observations are tricky because in Jupiters shadow the moons are almost unnoticeable. The light produced by their faint aurorae is the only confirmation that weve even pointed the telescope at the best location,” says Katherine de Kleer, Caltech teacher and lead author of one of two new research study papers published on February 16, 2023, in the Planetary Science Journal describing the discovery.

By W. M. Keck Observatory
February 18, 2023