February 23, 2025

Hunting Venus 2.0: Scientists Zero In on 5 Planets Beyond Our Solar System

The paper, released on March 21 in The Astronomical Journal, also ranked the most Venus-like worlds in terms of the brightness of the stars they orbit, which increases the likelihood that the James Webb Space Telescope would get more helpful signals relating to the composition of their atmospheres.
Composite of images taken by Japanese spacecraft Akatsuki of Venus. Credit: JAXA/ ISAS/ DARTS/ Damia Bouic.
Todays Venus floats in a nest of sulfuric acid clouds, has no water, and features surface temperature levels of as much as 900 degrees Fahrenheit– hot sufficient to melt lead. Using the Webb telescope to observe these possible Venus analogs, or “exoVenuses,” scientists hope to learn if things were ever various for our Venus.
” One thing we wonder is if Venus could once have been habitable,” stated Colby Ostberg, lead research study author and University of California, Riverside (UCR) Ph.D. student. To validate this, we desire to look at the coolest of the worlds in the outer edge of the Venus zone, where they get less energy from their stars.”.
The Venus Zone is a principle proposed by UCR astrophysicist Stephen Kane in 2014. It is similar to the concept of a habitable zone, which is an area around a star where liquid surface water could exist.
” The Venus Zone is where it would be too hot to have water, however not hot enough that the worlds environment gets removed away,” Ostberg explained. “We wish to find planets that still have substantial environments.”.
James Webb Space Telescope artists conception. Credit: NASA-GSFC, Adriana M. Gutierrez (CI Lab).
Finding a planet comparable to Venus in terms of planet mass is also important due to the fact that mass impacts the length of time a planet is able to maintain an active interior, with the movement of rocky plates across its external shell understood as plate tectonics.
” Venus has 20% less mass than Earth, and as an outcome, scientists think there might not be any tectonic activity there. For that reason, Venus has a difficult time taking carbon out of its atmosphere,” Ostberg described. “The planet simply cant eliminate it.”.
Another aspect of an active planet interior is volcanic activity, and proof uncovered just this month suggests Venus still has active volcanoes. “The big number of Venus analogs recognized in our paper will allow us to test if such volcanic activity is the standard among comparable planets, or not,” stated Kane, who co-authored the research study.
Maat Mons, the second-highest mountain on Venus which has revealed recent indications of volcanic activity. Credit: NASA/JPL.
The research group is proposing the worlds recognized in the paper as targets for the Webb telescope in 2024. Webb is the most innovative and pricey observation tool ever developed and will make it possible for scientists not only to see whether the exoVenuses have environments, but also what theyre made of.
The Webb observations might expose biosignature gases in the environment of an exoVenus, such as methane, methyl bromide, or laughing gas, which could signal the presence of life.
” Detecting those particles on an exoVenus would show that habitable worlds can exist in the Venus Zone and reinforce the possibility of a temperate duration in Venus previous,” Ostberg stated.
These observations will be complemented by NASAs two upcoming missions to Venus, in which Kane will play an active role. The DAVINCI objective will also determine gases in the Venusian environment, while the VERITAS objective will enable 3D restorations of the landscape.
All of these observations are leading towards the ultimate question that Kane poses in much of his work, which tries to comprehend the Earth-Venus divergence in climate: “Is Earth unusual or is Venus the unusual one?”.
” It might be that one or the other progressed in an uncommon method, but its difficult to respond to that when we just have two planets to examine in our planetary system, Venus and Earth. The exoplanet explorations will offer us the analytical power to discuss the differences we see,” Kane said.
If the worlds on the new list end up to certainly be just like Venus, that would show the result of Venus advancement prevails.
” That would be a caution for us here on Earth because the risk is genuine. We require to understand what happened there to make sure it doesnt happen here,” Kane said.
Recommendation: “The Demographics of Terrestrial Planets in the Venus Zone” by Colby Ostberg, Stephen R. Kane, Zhexing Li, Edward W. Schwieterman, Michelle L. Hill, Kimberly Bott, Paul A. Dalba, Tara Fetherolf, James W. Head and Cayman T. Unterborn, 21 March 2023, The Astronomical Journal.DOI: 10.3847/ 1538-3881/ acbfaf.

Image portrays divergent evolutionary pathways of Earth and Venus after formation. Study Narrows James Webb Space Telescope Targets
” Venus has 20% less mass than Earth, and as a result, scientists believe there may not be any tectonic activity there. Venus has a hard time taking carbon out of its environment,” Ostberg discussed. “The planet simply cant get rid of it.”.

Image portrays divergent evolutionary pathways of Earth and Venus after formation. Credit: ORourke, J.G., Wilson, C.F., Borrelli, M.E. et al
. Research Study Narrows James Webb Space Telescope Targets
With the very first paper putting together all known info about planets like Venus beyond our planetary system, scientists are the closest theyve ever been to discovering an analog of Earths “twin.”.
If they prosper in finding one, it could expose important insights into Earths future, and our risk of establishing a runaway greenhouse environment as Venus did.
Scientists who wrote the paper began with more than 300 known terrestrial planets orbiting other stars, called exoplanets. They whittled the list down to the five most likely to resemble Venus in terms of their radii, masses, densities, the shapes of their orbits, and possibly most significantly, ranges from their stars.