February 23, 2025

Heart Studies Before SpaceX Dragon Departs and Spacewalks Begin at International Space Station

April 12, 2023

The SpaceX Dragon resupply ship approaches the International Space Station on March 16, 2023. Both spacecraft were flying 269 miles above the Indian Ocean near Madagascar at the time of this photograph. Credit: NASA
Heart research study to advance human health on Earth and in space was the primary research goal aboard the International Space Station (ISS) on Tuesday, April 11. The Expedition 69 team members are also loading a cargo craft for its go back to Earth and getting ready for a series of spacewalks.
Flight Engineers Woody Hoburg of NASA and Sultan Alneyadi of UAE (United Arab Emirates) took turns supporting the Cardinal Health 2 experiment on Tuesday. The research study is taking place inside the Kibo lab module and aims to avoid space-caused heart conditions and Earth-bound heart disorders.
NASA Flight Engineers Frank Rubio and Stephen Bowen partnered together on Tuesday, readying the Dragon for its departure on Saturday when it will undock from the Harmony modules forward port at 11:05 a.m. EDT. The U.S. space freighter will parachute to a splashdown off the coast of Florida numerous hours later for retrieval by SpaceX and NASA support workers.

2 cosmonauts continue preparing for a series of spacewalks set to begin on Tuesday, April 18. Leader Sergey Prokopyev and Flight Engineer Dmitri Petelin will work over three spacewalks to maneuver an experiment airlock and a radiator from the Rassvet module to the Nauka science module. The duo invested the day preparing their Orlan spacesuits inside the Poisk module, examining for pressure leaks, and installing fit batteries and other components.
At the beginning of the day, Prokopyev participated in a cardiac study with assistance from Flight Engineer Andrey Fedyaev. Fedyaev connected sensing units to Prokopyev and photographed the experiment activities that keep an eye on a cosmonauts blood circulation in microgravity. Fedyaev then spent the rest of his day on computer system upkeep, station window inspections, and a physical fitness test on a treadmill.

Credit: NASA
Flight Engineers Woody Hoburg of NASA and Sultan Alneyadi of UAE (United Arab Emirates) took turns supporting the Cardinal Health 2 experiment on Tuesday. NASA Flight Engineers Frank Rubio and Stephen Bowen partnered together on Tuesday, readying the Dragon for its departure on Saturday when it will undock from the Harmony modules forward port at 11:05 a.m. EDT. The U.S. area freighter will parachute to a splashdown off the coast of Florida numerous hours later for retrieval by SpaceX and NASA support workers.