February 23, 2025

Not Just One Type – Identifying Cancer Genes’ Multiple Personalities

The left image shows a liver growth subtype that is associated with the most common kind of human liver cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma. Credit: Beyaz lab/Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
” Everyone thinks that cancer is simply one type,” Beyaz discusses. “But with various isoforms, you can wind up with cancer subtypes that have various attributes.”
Beyaz and his coworkers produced two distinct growth subtypes by targeting a single area of the mouse gene, Ctnnb1, with CRISPR. The tool is mostly used to hinder gene function. This is the very first time CRISPR has actually been used to produce various cancer-causing gain-of-function anomalies in mice. These mutations boost protein activity to promote tumor growth. The team sequenced each tumor subtype to find out which isoform was connected with the differences they observed.
” We were able to specify those isoforms that associated with various cancer subtypes,” Beyaz says. “That was, for us, an unexpected discovery.”
Next, to verify that these isoforms in fact caused the variations, they produced them in the mouse without utilizing CRISPR. They found that they were undoubtedly able to generate the 2 various tumor subtypes with their particular attributes. Both of these liver tumor subtypes are also found in human beings.
The anomalies Beyaz targeted can cause colon and liver cancers. Targeting exon avoiding has actually become a possible therapeutic approach for dealing with cancer and other illness. Beyazs brand-new research study approach permits researchers to investigate this phenomenon in living mice cells utilizing CRISPR. The platform might at some point help researchers develop brand-new therapeutic interventions. “Ultimately,” Beyaz describes, “what we wish to do is find the finest models to study the biology of cancer so that we can discover a treatment.”
Reference: “CRISPR-induced exon avoiding of β-catenin reveals tumorigenic mutants driving distinct subtypes of liver cancer” by Haiwei Mou, Onur Eskiocak, Kadir A. Özler, Megan Gorman, Junjiayu Yue, Ying Jin, Zhikai Wang, Ya Gao, Tobias Janowitz, Hannah V. Meyer, Tianxiong Yu, John E Wilkinson, Alper Kucukural, Deniz M. Ozata and Semir Beyaz, 15 January 2023, The Journal of Pathology.DOI: 10.1002/ course.6054.
The research study was moneyed by the National Cancer Institute, the National Institutes of Health, the Mark Foundation For Cancer Research, the Oliver S. and Jennie R. Donaldson Charitable Trust, the STARR Cancer Consortium, the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), and the Swedish Research Council.

An up-close take a look at a mouses liver; the cells with dark centers were turned malignant utilizing a new gene-editing method designed by Semir Beyazs laboratory. Credit: Beyaz lab/Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Anomalies in our genetic makeup can lead to extreme problems, such as colon or liver cancer. Cancer is a complex illness and the exact same genetic anomalies can result in differing subtypes of growths in different individuals. Currently, there is no effective method for developing these growth subtypes in the laboratory.
Now, Assistant Professor Semir Beyaz from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory has developed a novel method for modeling specific subtypes of liver cancer growths using the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing tool.
Different isoforms generate various growths. This procedure is understood as exon avoiding, where numerous parts of a gene are sewn together to make a different version of a protein.

The left image reveals a liver tumor subtype that is associated with the most typical form of human liver cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma. Beyaz and his coworkers produced two unique tumor subtypes by targeting a single area of the mouse gene, Ctnnb1, with CRISPR. The mutations Beyaz targeted can lead to colon and liver cancers. Beyazs new study technique allows researchers to investigate this phenomenon in living mice cells utilizing CRISPR. “Ultimately,” Beyaz discusses, “what we want to do is find the best models to study the biology of cancer so that we can discover a remedy.”