February 23, 2025

Echolocation and Wing Morphology: The Dynamic Duo of Bat Evolution

Researchers found that echolocation frequency and wing shape in bats progress together, leading to unique “foraging syndromes” for various environments. Bats wing shapes and echolocation calls line up with their hunting and habitat preferences, suggesting that these characteristics are evolutionary responses to particular environmental needs.
Study reveals that echolocation frequency and wing shape of bats develop in unison, which results in unique foraging syndromes adapted to various environments.
Bats are an evolutionary success story. The frequencies that all bats give off during echolocation are also extremely variable, varying from 11 kHz to 212 kHz.
” Here we show that amongst bat species, there is a close correspondence in between wing shape and the frequency of their echolocation vocalizations. This pattern wasnt found in earlier studies because its concealed among the variation due to family,” stated Dr. Bo Luo, a scientist at China West Normal University and a corresponding author on the research study, which is released in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.

” And significantly, both are firmly linked to foraging ecology– the favored environment type of a species and how it captures victim there.”
Evolutionary trade-offs
Researchers already knew that different wing shapes are optimum for bats in certain environments: for example, brief, round wings are more maneuverable in restricted spaces, while long, pointed wings are best for fast flight over cross countries. Echolocation likewise needs compromises: calls with long period of time or high frequency are more costly to produce, however are more effective at spotting small victim amongst environmental clutter. How are these competing needs stabilized?
Luo and coworkers gathered released data on 152 types of bats in 15 families: each species body mass, the period and peak frequency of its echolocation calls, the body mass divided by the wing area ( wing loading) and the wing aspect ratio– the square of the wingspan divided by wing location. As a proxy for ecology, they assigned each species to one of 5 foraging guilds. Edge-space trawling foragers scoop up pests or little fish from water surface areas with their tail membrane and feet, while open-space aerial foragers catch pests on the wing in the open air.
Strong impact of family
The authors found that echolocation peak frequency and wing morphology are highly depending on bat household. This means that any other evolutionary patterns are most likely to stay concealed, unless the series of households and types in the sample is large. And its the large sample of the present research study which revealed that after differences between families are taken into consideration, peak frequency in echolocation and wing shape tend to be positively related to each other.
Corresponding author Dr. Jiang Feng, a professor at Northeast Normal University, said: “Our results show that peak frequency and wing shape are linked: for instance, bat species that hunt in open areas tend to have long, pointed wings, and to produce long echolocation calls of low frequency.”
” In contrast, types that hunt in edge spaces tend to have brief, round wings, and to emit brief calls of intermediate frequency. And species that forage in narrow spaces tend to have brief, round wings and high-frequency calls.”
Distinct foraging syndromes
The authors concluded that echolocation specifications and wing shape have not evolved independently from each other. Rather, they both progressed as determined by each species foraging ecology. For each kind of environment, there is a special optimum evolutionary option– a foraging syndrome– that matches wing shape and echolocation traits to foraging mode. These syndromes have actually developed consistently in each family.
” We show that foraging ecology drives the correlated evolution of wing morphology and echolocation hires extant bats. This does not always mean that flight and echolocation developed concurrently. To answer the question of which came first, we require research that explores resemblances in forelimb shape, the auditory system, and associated characteristics in between extant bats and fossils of bat progenitors,” said Luo.
Reference: “Correlated advancement of wing morphology and echolocation calls in bats” by Wenyu Zou, Haiying Liang, Pan Wu, Bo Luo, Daying Zhou, Wenqin Liu, Jiashu Wu, Linjie Fang, Yudie Lei and Jiang Feng, 9 December 2022, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.DOI: 10.3389/ fevo.2022.1031548.
Funding: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Natural Science Foundation of Sichuan Province, Undergraduate Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program of China.

Scientists already knew that different wing shapes are ideal for bats in particular environments: for example, short, round wings are more maneuverable in restricted areas, while long, pointed wings are best for quick flight over long ranges. Luo and associates collected released data on 152 species of bats in 15 households: each species body mass, the duration and peak frequency of its echolocation calls, the body mass divided by the wing location ( wing loading) and the wing element ratio– the square of the wingspan divided by wing area. The authors discovered that echolocation peak frequency and wing morphology are highly dependent on bat family. For each type of habitat, there is a special ideal evolutionary service– a foraging syndrome– that matches wing shape and echolocation traits to foraging mode.” We show that foraging ecology drives the associated advancement of wing morphology and echolocation calls in extant bats.