February 23, 2025

NASA Extends Roman Space Telescope Science Operations – Exploration of Dark Energy, Dark Matter and Exoplanets

This is a cost-plus-fixed-fee extension and will increase the agreement value by an extra $166,248,618 for a total contract value of $200,840,220. The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2027.
The specialist will continue to perform efficient science observation planning and scheduling, high-level and low-level large field instrument data processing, science information calibration, and objective science data archiving of the multi-petabyte astrophysics science information set to enable the worldwide scientific neighborhood to access and even more evaluate the data to accomplish the Roman science objective goals.
In addition, AURA/STScI shall be particularly accountable for the broad field instruments direct imaging science data pipeline processing (other than for top-level Microlensing Survey processing), low-level grism and prism processing, calibration, and execution of Science Operations Center requirements through the launch, commissioning, and very first year of main operations. Assistance consists of science neighborhood engagement and public outreach assistance services to the project-led outreach program.
Roman is the agencys next flagship space telescope, created to settle vital concerns in the locations of dark energy and dark matter, look for exoplanets, and explore numerous topics in infrared astrophysics.
The association and institute become part of the team led by NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, which manages the Roman telescope mission for the firm.

Formerly referred to as WFIRST, the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope, the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope is a NASA observatory developed to carry out wide-field imaging and studies of the near-infrared (NIR) sky. Credit: NASA
NASA has actually awarded an agreement extension, raising the overall value to $200.84 M, to the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy Space Telescope Science Institute for assistance services for the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Science Operations. The agreement includes development, testing, commissioning, data processing, calibration, and archiving of scientific data, allowing worldwide access for more analysis. The telescope will check out dark energy and dark matter, exoplanets, and infrared astrophysics.
NASA has awarded an agreement extension to the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore for the support services needed for the firms Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Science Operations. The new infrared observatory will assist fix cosmic secrets on the biggest scales.
The support will include the testing, combination and development, launch and commissioning, and entry into the main mission operations stages for the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Science Operations.