February 23, 2025

Cracking the Tubulin Code: A Breakthrough in Cellular Mechanics

EPFL Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research (ISREC).
EPFL Biomolecular Screening Facility.
Université Paris Sciences & & Lettres.
Université Paris-Saclay.

An illustration of tubulin managed by a metaphorical pair of tweezers. Credit: Beat Fierz (EPFL).
Scientists from EPFL and the University of Geneva have established designer tubulins with particular post-translational adjustments (PTMs) to advance understanding of tubulin functions. This brand-new method exposed an interaction between two crucial PTMs, polyglutamylation and detyrosination, which are vital in understanding their functions in illness. The group has actually gotten a Sinergia grant to further explore these PTMs in immune cells.
Tubulin is a protein that plays a vital role in the structure and function of cells. It is the main element of microtubules, which are long, hollow fibers that provide structural assistance, assist the cell divide, give it its shape, and serve as tracks for moving molecular cargo around inside the cell.
There are 2 kinds of tubulin: alpha-tubulin and beta-tubulin. Together, they form dimeric (two-part) building obstructs, spontaneously putting together into microtubules that undergo more continuous cycles of assembly and disassembly.

Scientists from EPFL and the University of Geneva have developed designer tubulins with particular post-translational adjustments (PTMs) to advance understanding of tubulin functions. The team has gotten a Sinergia grant to even more check out these PTMs in immune cells.
Dysregulation of PTMs has actually been linked to numerous illness, including cancer, neurodegeneration, and developmental disorders. Understanding the significance of tubulin PTMs is important for advancing our understanding of these diseases and establishing prospective treatments. The issue is that the mechanisms that govern such PTM patterns are not well comprehended, primarily since we dont have the tools to dissect the function and regulation of tubulin PTMs.

The tubulin code.
To fine-tune microtubules, the dimers undergo different post-translational modifications (PTMs), which are chemical modifications that occur after they are synthesized, and can affect their structure, activity, and interactions with other particles.
Two essential PTMs occur on the unstructured tail of alpha-tubulin: Polyglutamylation, which adds chains of glutamate amino acids, and detyrosination, which gets rid of the final tyrosine amino acid. These PTMs, among others, are found together in stable microtubules, e.g. in neurons.
Combinations of PTMs form what scientists describe as a “tubulin code,” which is linked to particular functions of microtubules. Tubulin PTMs are important for the proper performance of microtubules.
Dysregulation of PTMs has actually been linked to various diseases, consisting of cancer, neurodegeneration, and developmental disorders. Comprehending the value of tubulin PTMs is crucial for advancing our understanding of these illness and establishing possible therapies. The problem is that the systems that govern such PTM patterns are not well understood, mostly because we do not have the tools to dissect the function and policy of tubulin PTMs.
” Designer” tubulins assist break the tubulin code.
Scientists at EPFL and the University of Geneva (UNIGE) have now established a chemical method to engineer completely practical tubulin carrying precise mixes of post-translational adjustments (PTMs). The study was led by Professors Beat Fierz (EPFL) and Assistant-Professor Charlotte Aumeier (UNIGE), in cooperation with the labs of Pierre Gönczy (EPFL) and Carsten Janke (Institute Curie), and offers insight into how particular PTMs control the function of tubulin in cells.
The technique uses chemo-enzymatic protein splicing to connect artificial alpha-tubulin tails that were modified with varying degrees of polyglutamate to human tubulin particles. Utilizing these designer tubulins permitted the researchers for the very first time to assemble homogenously customized microtubules.
The researchers also found that polyglutamylation of alpha-tubulin facilitated its detyrosination by improving the activity of the protein complex vasohibin/SVBP, the key enzyme accountable for this adjustment. The team validated their findings by changing the levels of polyglutamate in living cells and observing the impacts on tyrosine removal.
The research study presents a novel method to developing tubulins with particular PTMs and reveals a brand-new interaction between 2 essential regulative systems that control the function of tubulin: polyglutamylation and detyrosination.
The brand-new technique of producing tubulins with defined PTMs can advance our understanding of their molecular function, and provide insights into how dysregulation of these PTMs causes diseases.
Based upon this work, the laboratories of Fierz and Aumeier, together with Jens Stein at the University of Fribourg and Michael Sixt at ISTA Vienna have gotten a Sinergia grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation to examine how tubulin PTMs manage the cytoskeleton in migrating immune cells.
Referral: “Tubulin engineering by semisynthesis reveals that polyglutamylation directs detyrosination” by Eduard Ebberink, Simon Fernandes, Georgios Hatzopoulos, Ninad Agashe, Nora Guidotti, Timothy M. Reichart, Luc Reymond, Marie-Claire Velluz, Fabian Schneider, Cédric Pourroy, Carsten Janke, Pierre Gönczy, Beat Fierz, Charlotte Aumeier, 29 June 2023, Nature Chemistry.DOI: 10.1038/ s41557-023-01228-8.
Other contributors.