March 7, 2025

Hexagons on Mars: New Evidence of an Environment Conducive to the Emergence of Life

Scientists have found fossil evidence of a cyclical environment on Mars, with dry and wet seasons like those on Earth.
This environment, in which simple organic particles have actually already been found, may have supplied perfect conditions for the formation of complex organic compounds.
This work opens up brand-new potential customers for research study into the procedures underlying the origin of life, of which no vestiges stay in the world.

The surface area of Mars, unlike Earths, is not constantly renewed by plate tectonics. Given that 2012, NASAs Curiosity, the first rover to check out such ancient remains, had actually currently identified the existence of easy organic particles. Using the Mastcam and the ChemCam instruments on Curiosity, they have discovered deposits of salts forming a hexagonal pattern in sedimentary layers dating from 3.8 to 3.6 billion years ago. NASAs Curiosity Rover is a car-sized robotic rover that has actually been checking out the Gale Crater on Mars since it landed on August 6, 2012. As part of NASAs Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) objective, Curiositys primary goal is to determine whether Mars ever had the right environmental conditions to support microbial life.

A hexagonal fossil pattern in sedimentary rocks analyzed by Curiosity on the 3154th day of its journey through the Wind Crater on Mars. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/ IRAP/Rapin et al./ Nature.

Conditions for Life Formation.
The development of primitive life kinds, as hypothesized by researchers, at first requires environmental conditions favorable to the spontaneous organization of these particles into complex natural substances. Such conditions are exactly what have actually just recently been discovered by a research study group from the Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (CNRS/Universit é de Toulouse III– Paul Sabatier/CNES) and the Laboratoire de Géologie: Terre, Planètes, Environnement (CNRS/ENS de Lyon/Universit é Claude Bernard Lyon 1), together with their United States and Canadian colleagues.
Proof of Martian Climate Patterns.
Using the Mastcam and the ChemCam instruments on Curiosity, they have found deposits of salts forming a hexagonal pattern in sedimentary layers dating from 3.8 to 3.6 billion years back. Comparable to the hexagons observed in terrestrial basins that dry seasonally, they are the very first fossil evidence of a continual, cyclical, regular Martian environment with damp and dry seasons. By letting molecules repeatedly communicate at various concentrations, independent laboratory experiments have actually shown that this kind of environment supplies the ideal conditions for the formation of complex precursor and constituent compounds of life, such as RNA.
Conclusion: Future Research Opportunities.
These brand-new observations must make it possible for scientists to take a fresh look at the massive images obtained from orbit, which have actually already identified various terrains with a comparable composition. They now understand where to try to find traces of the natural procedures that generated life, of which no vestiges stay in the world.
This artist concept includes NASAs Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover, a mobile robotic for investigating Mars past or present capability to sustain microbial life. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech.
NASAs Curiosity Rover.
NASAs Curiosity Rover is a car-sized robotic rover that has actually been exploring the Gale Crater on Mars because it arrived on August 6, 2012. As part of NASAs Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) objective, Curiositys primary goal is to figure out whether Mars ever had the ideal environmental conditions to support microbial life. To this end, it is equipped with a variety of instruments that enable it to carry out extraordinary clinical research studies of the Martian surface area.
The Mastcam is a vital instrument aboard Curiosity and plays an essential role in the expedition and analysis of Mars geological functions. It is made up of 2 video camera systems installed on the rovers “mast” or “head,” offering it an excellent vantage point for capturing pictures of the Martian surface.
The ChemCam is a suite of remote noticing instruments, including a camera, a laser, and a spectrometer, used to examine the chemistry of rocks and soils on Mars.
Together, the Mastcam and ChemCam instruments supply an in-depth visual and chemical understanding of the Martian surface, making it possible for scientists to study the planets geology and potential habitability with exceptional depth and precision.
Reference: “Sustained wet– dry biking on early Mars” by W. Rapin, G. Dromart, B. C. Clark, J. Schieber, E. S. Kite, L. C. Kah, L. M. Thompson, O. Gasnault, J. Lasue, P.-Y. Meslin, P. J. Gasda and N. L. Lanza, 9 August 2023, Nature.DOI: 10.1038/ s41586-023-06220-3.

Using data from NASAs Curiosity rover, researchers have actually discovered patterns on Mars that offer evidence of a cyclical climate comparable to that of Earth. This major discovery opens up new potential customers for research study into the origin of life.
The outcomes of the study, which was carried out by scientists at the CNRS, Université Toulouse III– Paul Sabatier, and Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, with the participation of CNES, were published on August 9, 2023, in the journal Nature.
Marss Terrain and Previous Discoveries.
The surface area of Mars, unlike Earths, is not continuously restored by plate tectonics. Considering that 2012, NASAs Curiosity, the very first rover to explore such ancient remains, had actually already found the presence of simple natural particles.