March 11, 2025

1000x More Precise: Breakthrough for Next Generation Atomic Clocks

At the European XFEL X-ray laser, the scientists have developed a much more accurate pulse generator based on the aspect scandium, which makes it possible for a precision of one second in 300 billion years– that is about a thousand times more accurate than the present basic atomic clock based on cesium. These clocks have actually used electrons in the atomic shell of chemical elements, such as cesium, as a pulse generator in order to define the time. Essential to the accuracy of an atomic clock is the width of the resonance used. Current cesium atomic clocks already utilize a really narrow resonance; strontium atomic clocks achieve a higher precision with just one 2nd in 15 billion years. Groups around the world have been working for numerous years on the concept of a “nuclear” clock, which utilizes shifts in the atomic nucleus as the pulse generator rather than in the atomic shell.

An artists rendition of the scandium nuclear clock: researchers used the X-ray pulses of the European XFEL to delight in the atomic nucleus of scandium the sort of processes that can create a clock signal– at an extraordinary accuracy of one second in 300 billion years. Credit: European XFEL/Helmholtz Institute Jena, Tobias Wüstefeld/ Ralf Röhlsberger
X-ray laser reveals a possible route to substantially increased accuracy time measurement.
A global research study team has taken a decisive step towards a new generation of atomic clocks. At the European XFEL X-ray laser, the scientists have created a much more accurate pulse generator based upon the element scandium, which allows a precision of one second in 300 billion years– that has to do with a thousand times more precise than the current basic atomic clock based on cesium. The team presented its success on September 27 in the journal Nature.
Present Atomic Clock Mechanism
Atomic clocks are currently the worlds most precise timekeepers. These clocks have utilized electrons in the atomic shell of chemical elements, such as cesium, as a pulse generator in order to specify the time. These electrons can be raised to a greater energy level with microwaves of a recognized frequency. While doing so, they absorb the microwave radiation.

An atomic clock shines microwaves at cesium atoms and manages the frequency of the radiation such that the absorption of the microwaves is optimized; specialists call this a resonance. The quartz oscillator that creates the microwaves can be kept so stable with the help of resonance that cesium clocks will be accurate to within one second within 300 million years.
Challenges and Solutions
Important to the accuracy of an atomic clock is the width of the resonance utilized. Present cesium atomic clocks already use an extremely narrow resonance; strontium atomic clocks attain a greater precision with only one 2nd in 15 billion years. Further enhancement is virtually difficult to achieve with this method of electron excitation. Therefore, groups worldwide have been working for several years on the idea of a “nuclear” clock, which uses shifts in the atomic nucleus as the pulse generator rather than in the atomic shell. Nuclear resonances are much more severe than the resonances of electrons in the atomic shell, however also much more difficult to thrill.
Breakthrough With Scandium
At the European XFEL, the group might now excite a promising transition in the nucleus of the aspect scandium, which is easily offered as a high-purity metal foil or as the compound scandium dioxide This resonance requires X-rays with an energy of 12.4 kiloelectronvolts (keV, which is about 10,000 times the energy of noticeable light) and has a width of just 1.4 femtoelectronvolts (feV). This is 1.4 quadrillionths of an electronvolt, which is only about one-tenth of a trillionth of the excitation energy (10-19). This makes a precision of 1:10,000,000,000,000 possible.
” This represents one second in 300 billion years,” says DESY researcher Ralf Röhlsberger, who works at the Helmholtz Institute Jena, a joint center of the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research, the Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), and DESY.
Applications and Future Potential
Atomic clocks have numerous applications that gain from improved precision, such as precise placing utilizing satellite navigation. “The clinical potential of the scandium resonance was recognized more than 30 years earlier,” reports the experiments project leader, Yuri Shvyd ko of Argonne National Laboratory in the United States.
” Until now, however, no X-ray source was readily available that shone brightly enough within the narrow 1.4 feV line of scandium,” states Anders Madsen, leading researcher at the MID experiment station at the European XFEL, where the experiment occurred. “That only altered with X-ray lasers like the European XFEL.”
In the groundbreaking experiment, the team irradiated a 0.025-millimeter-thick scandium foil with X-ray laser light and had the ability to find a characteristic afterglow emitted by the excited atomic nuclei, which is clear evidence of scandiums incredibly narrow resonance line.
Important for the building and construction of atomic clocks is the exact understanding of the resonance energy– in other words, the energy of the X-ray laser radiation at which the resonance occurs. Advanced extreme noise suppression and high-resolution crystal optics permitted the value of the scandium resonance energy in the experiments to be identified to within 5 digits of the decimal point at 12.38959 keV, which is 250 times more precise than in the past.
” The precise decision of the transition energy marks a substantial development,” highlights the head of the data analysis, Jörg Evers of the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg. “The precise knowledge of this energy is of enormous value for the awareness of an atomic clock based upon scandium.”
The researchers are now checking out additional actions toward recognizing such an atomic nuclear clock.
” The breakthrough in resonant excitation of scandium and the accurate measurement of its energy opens new opportunities not just for nuclear clocks, however likewise for ultrahigh-precision spectroscopy and precision measurement of essential physical results,” Shvyd ko discusses.
Olga Kocharovskaya of Texas A&M University in the U.S., initiator, and leader of the job moneyed by the National Science Foundation, includes: “For example, such a high accuracy might permit gravitational time dilation to be probed at sub-millimeter distances. This would permit studies of relativistic results on length scales that were unattainable so far.”
Referral: “Resonant X-ray excitation of the nuclear clock isomer 45Sc” by Yuri Shvyd ko, Ralf Röhlsberger, Olga Kocharovskaya, Jörg Evers, Gianluca Aldo Geloni, Peifan Liu, Deming Shu, Antonino Miceli, Brandon Stone, Willi Hippler, Berit Marx-Glowna, Ingo Uschmann, Robert Loetzsch, Olaf Leupold, Hans-Christian Wille, Ilya Sergeev, Miriam Gerharz, Xiwen Zhang, Christian Grech, Marc Guetg, Vitali Kocharyan, Naresh Kujala, Shan Liu, Weilun Qin, Alexey Zozulya, Jörg Hallmann, Ulrike Boesenberg, Wonhyuk Jo, Johannes Möller, Angel Rodriguez-Fernandez, Mohamed Youssef, Anders Madsen and Tomasz Kolodziej, 27 September 2023, Nature.DOI: 10.1038/ s41586-023-06491-w.
The work included scientists from Argonne National Laboratory in the U.S., the Helmholtz Institute Jena, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Texas A&M University in the U.S., the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg, the Polish synchrotron radiation source SOLARIS in Kraków, the European XFEL, and DESY.