February 23, 2025

Scientists Discover Source of Mysterious Alignment of Stars Near the Galactic Center

Planetary nebulae are clouds of gas that are expelled by stars at the end of their lives– the Sun will also form one about 5 billion years from now. The ejected clouds are ghosts of their passing away stars and they form stunning structures such as an hourglass or butterfly shape.
The group studied a group of so-called planetary nebulae found in the Galactic Bulge near the center of our Milky Way. Each of these nebulae are unassociated and originate from various stars, which were born at different times, and spend their lives in completely different places. However, the research study discovered that much of their shapes line up in the sky in the very same way and are lined up nearly parallel to the Galactic plane (our Milky Way).
This is in the same instructions as discovered by Bryan Rees a decade back.
The new research, led by Shuyu Tan, a trainee at the University of Hong Kong, discovered that the alignment is present just in planetary nebulae which have a close excellent buddy. The buddy star orbits the main star at the center of the planetary nebulae in an orbit closer than Mercury is to our own Sun.
The planetary nebulae that do not show close buddies do disappoint the alignment, which suggests that the alignment is potentially linked to the initial separation of the binary parts at the time of the stars birth.
Albert Zijlstra, co-author and Professor in Astrophysics at The University of Manchester, said: “This finding presses us closer to comprehending the cause for this mystical alignment.
” Planetary nebulae provide us a window into the heart of our galaxy and this insight deepens our understanding of the characteristics and advancement of the Milky Ways bulge area.
” The formation of stars in the bulge of our galaxy is a complicated process that involves numerous elements such as gravity, turbulence, and magnetic fields. Previously, we have had a lack of proof for which of these mechanisms could be triggering this process to happen and creating this alignment.
” The significance in this research lies in the truth that we now know that the alignment is observed in this very particular subset of planetary nebulae.”
The researchers investigated 136 verified planetary nebulae in the galaxy bulge– the thickest area of our Milky Way made up of stars, gas, and dust– utilizing the European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope, which has a primary mirror size of eight meters.
They likewise re-examined and re-measured 40 of these from the original research study utilizing images from the high-resolution Hubble Space Telescope.
Prof Quentin Parker, the corresponding author from the University of Hong Kong, suggests the nebulae may be shaped by the quick orbital motion of the companion star, which might even end up orbiting inside the primary star.
The positioning of the nebulae may imply that the close double star preferentially forms with their orbits in the exact same airplane.
Although additional research studies are needed to completely understand the mechanisms behind the alignment, the findings provide essential evidence for the presence of a regulated and constant procedure that has influenced star development over billions of years and large ranges.
Recommendation: “When destiny Align: A 5σ Concordance of Planetary Nebulae Major Axes in the Center of Our Galaxy” by Shuyu Tan, Quentin A. Parker, Albert A. Zijlstra, Andreas Ritter and Bryan Rees, 13 July 2023, The Astrophysical Journal Letters.DOI: 10.3847/ 2041-8213/ acdbcd.

A now renowned collage revealing 22 specific popular PNe, artistically organized in a spiral pattern by order of approximate physical size. Credit: ESA/Hubble and NASA, ESO, NOAO/AURA/NSF from an idea by the corresponding author and Ivan Bojičić and rendered by Ivan Bojičić with input from David Frew and the author.
Scientists from The University of Manchester and the University of Hong Kong have actually found a source for the enigmatic positioning of stars close to the Galactic Center.
The preliminary discovery of the positioning of planetary nebulae was made a decade earlier by Bryan Rees, a Manchester PhD student, however has stayed unusual.
New information acquired from the European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope in Chile and the Hubble Space Telescope, published in Astrophysical Journal Letters, has actually confirmed the alignment however also discovered a specific group of stars that is responsible, namely close binary stars.