March 31, 2025

How an organism that eats viruses may reshape our view of the food web

The scientists journey into the world of virovory started with a question and an observation. Observing the abundance of infections in marine environments, DeLong pondered their potential as a food source for bacteria. Remarkably, the existing literature used little insight into this location.

Halteria ciliate under the microscope. Credit: Proyecto Agua by means of flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0).

Scientists estimate the collective mass of all infections currently worldwide has to do with 0.2 gigatons– equivalent to 25 billion individuals. Thats a great deal of biomass. And although there isnt any meat to them, all infections are made from protein and nucleic acid. Thats all highly nutritious. In spite of their obvious culinary appeal, scientists have been puzzled by an age-old question: why arent infections on anybodys menu?

Whether or not infections are alive is a running dispute among biologists, one things for sure: viruses are vital members of the web of life. Scientists estimate the collective mass of all viruses currently in the world is about 0.2 gigatons– comparable to 25 billion individuals. Noticing the abundance of viruses in marine environments, DeLong considered their possible as a food source for bacteria. By consuming viruses, ciliates like Halteria might be helping with the movement of carbon and other elements up the food chain. Are viruses a primary course on the protist menu or just a paltry side dish?

This never-before-witnessed phenomenon, called “virovory,” provides a brand-new point of view on how viruses, generally seen simply as transmittable representatives, can really function as a nutritional resource in aquatic ecosystems.

How does this procedure impact food web structures, species evolution, and environment resilience? Are viruses a main dish on the protist menu or simply a paltry side dish? The responses to these questions could substantially improve our understanding of water environments and international nutrient cycles.

However, virovory might play a crucial role in rearranging these resources. By taking in viruses, ciliates like Halteria may be facilitating the motion of carbon and other elements up the food chain. Its unclear at all how prevalent virovory is since scientists are still figuring it out as they go along, but the newfound knowledge could significantly alter our perception of international carbon cycling.

Previously, in 2020, microbial ecologists at the Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences in Maine also found proof of protists taking in viruses in seawater samples from the Gulf of Maine and the Mediterranean Sea.

As the stating goes, absence of evidence is not proof of absence. John DeLong and his group at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln found that certain ciliates, particularly a species of Halteria, can not only feed upon water-dwelling infections however likewise sustain their growth and recreation solely on a virus-based diet.

Previous research studies showed that single-celled protists were capable of consuming infections, but the full degree and implications of this interaction remain poorly comprehended.

Chloroviruses are notorious for infecting and destroying tiny green algae. In doing so, they release vital carbon and other vital nutrients into the water, adding to the recycling of nutrients. This procedure, however, appears to keep the carbon within a minimal microbial loop, avoiding its ascent up the food chain.

Ciliates like Halteria are protists, single-celled organisms that, like infections, researchers struggle to place on the tree of life. And, like viruses, these protists multiply in ponds, lakes, and even oceans by the billions and trillions.

The findings appeared in the journal PNAS.

Credit: AI-generated with DALL-E 3.

Determined to explore even more, the scientists started a series of experiments. They gathered numerous microbes from a close-by pond, presenting them to chloroviruses in regulated lab settings. The results were striking: Halteria populations not only prospered but made it through on a diet exclusively consisting of viruses.

Although whether viruses live is a running argument amongst biologists, one things for sure: infections are important members of the web of life. Those of us who still have COVID-19 flashbacks know this fact of life all too well. And although they are small– so small you cant even see them with a basic microscope– their strength depends on their numbers.