February 23, 2025

Aging Reimagined: How “Immortal” Jellyfish DNA Could Extend Human Life

Their research study focused on “transposable aspects” (TEs) in our DNA, which are segments capable of relocating within our genetic code. The researchers have identified a particular procedure, called the Piwi-piRNA path, that helps control these TEs. Their research study revealed that managing the activity of TEs can undoubtedly extend life-span, suggesting these mobile DNA elements play an important function in the aging process.
When they did this to particular TEs in worms, the worms showed indications of aging slower.

Groundbreaking Theories and Experimental Proof
In previous landmark short articles entitled “The system of aging: primary function of transposable aspects in genome disintegration” (2015) and “The Piwi-piRNA path: roadway to immortality” (2017 ), Dr. Sturm and Dr. Vellai thought the extensive relationship between the Piwi-piRNA system and intriguing idea of biological immortality. Now, in their newest publication in Nature Communications theyve supplied experimental proof. Their research study showed that controlling the activity of TEs can undoubtedly extend life-span, showing these mobile DNA elements play an important role in the aging process.
Inside the worms, the enhanced piwi-piRNA path lights up green, which enabled them to live longer by 30%. Credit: Sturm, Á., et al., 2023, DBS.
In more technical terms, the scientists utilized techniques to “downregulate” or peaceful down the activity of TEs. The worms showed signs of aging slower when they did this to particular TEs in worms. Even more, when several TEs were controlled all at once, the lifespan-extending impacts built up.
Ramifications for Medicine and Biology
” In our lifespan assays, by merely downregulating TEs or somatically overexpressing the Piwi-piRNA path elements, we observed a statistically considerable life expectancy benefit,” Dr. Sturm explained. “This opens the door to a myriad of possible applications on the planet of medicine and biology.”
In addition, the team discovered epigenetic changes in the DNA of these worms as they aged, particularly in the TEs. These modifications, known as DNA N6-adenine methylation, was observed to increase TE transcription and jumping as the animal aged.
Dr. Vellai emphasized the possible ramifications of this discovery: “This epigenetic modification may lead the way for an approach to identify age from DNA, supplying a precise body clock.”
In conclusion, by better understanding these mobile DNA elements and the pathways that manage them, researchers might be on track to establishing ways to extend life and enhance health in our later years.
Referral: “Downregulation of transposable elements extends lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans” by Ádám Sturm, Éva Saskői, Bernadette Hotzi, Anna Tarnóci, János Barna, Ferenc Bodnár, Himani Sharma, Tibor Kovács, Eszter Ari, Nóra Weinhardt, Csaba Kerepesi, András Perczel, Zoltán Ivics and Tibor Vellai, 29 August 2023, Nature Communications.DOI: 10.1038/ s41467-023-40957-9.

New research exposes that managing transposable elements in DNA by means of the Piwi-piRNA pathway extends lifespan. This finding, which links DNA activity to aging, opens up new possibilities in medical and biological research for health enhancement and age determination.
2 Eötvös Loránd University scientists have made an interesting advancement in understanding how we age.
Researchers Dr. Ádám Sturm and Dr. Tibor Vellai from Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary have achieved a substantial discovery in the study of aging. Their research centered on “transposable elements” (TEs) in our DNA, which are segments capable of transferring within our genetic code. Extreme motion of these TEs can lead to destabilization of the hereditary code, potentially contributing to the aging procedure.
The researchers have recognized a specific procedure, called the Piwi-piRNA path, that helps control these TEs. Theyve seen this path at work in specific cells that do not age, like cancer stem cells, and significantly, the enigmatic Turritopsis dohrnii, frequently known as the “immortal jellyfish.” By reinforcing this pathway in a worm called Caenorhabditis elegans, the worm lived significantly longer.