February 23, 2025

Stellar Discoveries: GALAXY CRUISE’s First Dive Into Colliding Galaxies

Based on the more than 2 million classifications by about 10,000 person astronomers throughout 2 and a half years, GALAXY CRUISE has published its very first scientific paper.
The provided results show that when galaxies combine and collide with each other, it increases the rate at which brand-new stars are formed in the galaxies.
The GALAXY CRUISE job is continuing to see what other tricks can be discovered in the data with the aid of resident astronomers. For more details, please refer to the GALAXY CRUISE site.
For more on this research study and GALAXY CRUISE, see Astronomers and Citizen Sleuths Uncover Galactic Secrets.
Reference: “Galaxy Cruise: Deep Insights into Interacting Galaxies in the Local Universe” by Masayuki Tanaka, Michitaro Koike, Seiichiro Naito, Junko Shibata, Kumiko Usuda-Sato, Hitoshi Yamaoka, Makoto Ando, Kei Ito, Umi Kobayashi, Yutaro Kofuji, Atsuki Kuwata, Suzuka Nakano, Rhythm Shimakawa, Ken-ichi Tadaki, Suguru Takebayashi, Chie Tsuchiya, Tomofumi Umemoto and Connor Bottrell, 26 September 2023, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan.DOI: 10.1093/ pasj/psad055.

Galaxies recognized as showing strong indications of interactions in GALAXY CRUISE. Credit: NAOJ
GALAXY CRUISE, with the help of 10,000 resident astronomers, finds that galaxies star formation rate surges during collisions, as highlighted in their first clinical paper.
The citizen science project GALAXY CRUISE has yielded its very first scientific paper. The outcomes show unambiguously that the star formation rate is enhanced in colliding galaxies. This research study was made possible by the roughly 10,000 person astronomers who helped classify galaxies in data from the Subaru Telescope.
Astronomy survey programs are producing more high-resolution data than astronomers can examine. Great strides are being made in electronic information processing, however for some jobs, the human eye is still the most precise measurement device. To process the data, expert astronomers led by Masayuki Tanaka in the GALAXY CRUISE project ask civilians to take a look at the data and help categorize the features of galaxies.