February 23, 2025

A New 6-15 GHz Solar Radio Observation System, by Lei Zhang et al.

Figure 1. Prototype of CBScm.
The CBScm started its routine observations considering that December 2022. A comparison between information of this system and Learmonth solar radio information is shown in Figure 2. According to a relative calibration, the CBScm data (Panel b) reveal an identical timeprotime of the Learmonth data (Panel a) throughout the burst on Jan. 11th 2023. This indicates that the calibration approach adopted in this article is effective. The CBScm can also reveal dynamic spectrum of the Sun. As highlighted in Figure 3, these data can supply better info in both the time and frequency domain, e.g. the continuum of the gyrosynchrotron etc

Figure 3. Dynamic spectrum of solar radio bursts of 6-15GHz.
Based upon a just recently released short article: Lei Zhang (张磊), Yanrui Su (苏艳蕊), Zhao Wu (武昭), Shuwang Chang (常树旺), Yao Chen (陈耀), and FaBao Yan (严发宝) *. A New 6-15 GHz Solar Radio Observation System, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 268:27 (2023 ), DOI:10.3847/ 1538-4365/ ace7cc.
Extra details: Yan Fabaos homepage https://faculty.sdu.edu.cn/yanfb.
Tan, B. 2022, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 22,072001.
Wang, Y., Dong, Z., Lu, G., et al. 2022, PASA, 39, e030.
* Full list of authors: Lei Zhang (张磊), Yanrui Su (苏艳蕊), Zhao Wu (武昭), Shuwang Chang (常树旺), Yao Chen (陈耀), and FaBao Yan (严发宝)

. Figure 2.( a )The data observed by the Learmonth solar radio system. (b) The data observed by the 6-15 GHz solar radio observation system.

The advancement of a broadband solar radio telescopes from a number of to about 20 GHz can supply unique info to the solar radio neighborhood.
To even more enhance the time and frequency resolution of centimeter band radio telescopes, we have actually embraced a series of new technologies and approaches to establish a solar radio observation system from 6 to 15 GHz. Compared with the present centimeter band solar radio telescope, the system established in this research study has the advantages of a large rapid bandwidth, high tasting precision, high time resolution and high frequency resolution. As a new solar radio telescope, its time resolution reaches a really high level of 0.26 ms with a frequency resolution of 3 MHz, which is extremely conducive to observing the fine structure of radio burst signals. Since its operation, the observation system has observed numerous solar microwave eruptions, which will provide more high-quality observation data and more powerful data support for the research study of solar and area weather.

In the decimeter to centimeter wavelength, solar radio emission throughout bursts are normally accepted to be produced by gyrosynchrotron. And the spectral specifications, including the peak frequency, peak flux and declining spectra and so on can supply crucial info of the bursts. The development of a broadband solar radio telescopes from numerous to about 20 GHz can supply distinct details to the solar radio community.
To further enhance the time and frequency resolution of centimeter band radio telescopes, we have actually adopted a series of brand-new technologies and approaches to develop a solar radio observation system from 6 to 15 GHz. Compared with the existing centimeter band solar radio telescope, the system established in this research study has the benefits of a big rapid bandwidth, high tasting precision, high time resolution and high frequency resolution. As a brand-new solar radio telescope, its time resolution reaches a very high level of 0.26 ms with a frequency resolution of 3 MHz, which is extremely conducive to observing the great structure of radio burst signals.