March 31, 2025

Unraveling the Origin of the Universe – Researchers Analyze More Than One Million Galaxies To Shed New Light

Different halos repeatedly collided and combined with one another, leading to the formation of celestial things such as galaxies.Galaxy Distributions and Primordial FluctuationsSince the nature of the spatial distribution of galaxies is strongly affected by the nature of the prehistoric fluctuations that created them to start with, analytical analyses of galaxy distributions have actually been actively performed to observationally check out the nature of primordial changes. The spatial pattern of galaxy shapes dispersed over a large area of the universe also shows the nature of the underlying prehistoric fluctuations.However, standard analysis of large-scale structure has actually focused only on the spatial circulation of galaxies as points. Credit: Kurita & TakadaA team of researchers, led by at-the-time Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU) graduate trainee Toshiki Kurita (currently a postdoctoral scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics), and Kavli IPMU Professor Masahiro Takada established an approach to measure the power spectrum of galaxy shapes, which extracts key analytical information from galaxy shape patterns by integrating the spectroscopic information of spatial circulation of galaxies and imaging data of private galaxy shapes.Comprehensive Analysis and Significant FindingsThe scientists simultaneously evaluated the spatial distribution and shape pattern of around one million galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), the worlds largest survey of galaxies today.As a result, they effectively constrained analytical homes of the prehistoric changes that seeded the development of the structure of the entire universe.The blue dots and mistake bars are the worths of the galaxy shape power spectrum. The vertical axis corresponds to the strength of connection in between two galaxy shapes, i.e., the alignment of the galaxy shape orientations. Its a terrific research achievement in which we established an approach to confirm a cosmological design using galaxy shapes and galaxy distributions, used it to data, and then tested the physics of inflation.

Credit: Kurita & TakadaA group of researchers, led by at-the-time Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU) graduate student Toshiki Kurita (currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics), and Kavli IPMU Professor Masahiro Takada established an approach to determine the power spectrum of galaxy shapes, which draws out crucial statistical info from galaxy shape patterns by integrating the spectroscopic data of spatial circulation of galaxies and imaging information of specific galaxy shapes.Comprehensive Analysis and Significant FindingsThe researchers at the same time examined the spatial distribution and shape pattern of around one million galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), the worlds largest study of galaxies today.As an outcome, they successfully constrained statistical properties of the prehistoric changes that seeded the formation of the structure of the whole universe.The blue dots and error bars are the values of the galaxy shape power spectrum. The vertical axis corresponds to the strength of connection in between 2 galaxy shapes, i.e., the alignment of the galaxy shape orientations. Its a terrific research accomplishment in which we developed a method to validate a cosmological model utilizing galaxy shapes and galaxy circulations, applied it to information, and then tested the physics of inflation.