February 23, 2025

Chilling Findings: Scientists Shed Light on How the Brain Perceives Temperature

New research study highlights the important role of TRPM8 receptors in the mouth for perceiving cooling experiences and distinguishing them from heat. By studying mice with and without these receptors, the group discovered that TRPM8 is essential for the brain to correctly translate temperature levels, influencing future research studies on taste, consuming choices, and the wider understanding of temperature sensing in health. Credit: SciTechDaily.comThe research study on oral temperature level understanding was moneyed by the NIH.Christian Lemon, Ph.D., an associate professor in the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Oklahoma, frequently thinks of temperature level experience and the brain when eating a chilled mint cookie. Now, research from his laboratory analyzing oral temperature level understanding has been published in The Journal of Neuroscience.In their research study, Lemons group investigates how cold receptors in the mouth are activated by cooling temperatures, how those signals are transferred to the brain and how those transmissions are created into a cooling sensation.Diagram depicting the function of TRPM8. Credit: Christian H. Lemon”These receptors react to cooling temperatures however are also activated by menthol from mint plants. This feature is probably why the taste of a mint cookie can appear improved when eaten cold,” he said. “While often called a cold and menthol receptor, its technically called TRPM8. When temperature falls a few steps listed below your core body temperature level, these receptors begin to trigger.”According to previous research study, TRPM8 receptors are triggered by temperature levels listed below about 86 degrees Fahrenheit, 30 degrees Celsius, and are highly stimulated by cooler temperature levels near 50 degrees Fahrenheit, 10 degrees Celsius.Findings from Lemons Research”Our study found that genetically removing TRPM8 receptors in a mouse design reduced the brains action to moderate cooling in the mouth, while actions to substantially cooler temperature levels remained partly undamaged,” he said. “Interestingly, this process also impacted how the brain responded to warm temperature levels. We found that without input from TRPM8 receptors, the brains reaction to heat moved down into the cool variety, essentially making cooler temperature levels look like warmer by the brains response.”Lemons group theorized that the brain may be complicated, or “blurring,” cooling and warming feelings when TRPM8 was silenced. To explore this concept, they exactly managed the temperature level of liquids consumed to monitor oral temperature level choice behavior. These results compared how temperature level messages from TRPM8 receptors in the mouth tracked along nerve fibers into the brain and influenced how the brain may analyze those signals.Jinrong Li, Ph.D., Christian H. Lemon, Ph.D., and graduate trainee Kyle Zumpano. Credit: Christian H. Lemon”We discovered that the control group with undamaged TRPM8 receptors preferred to consume moderate cool and chillier fluids and prevented warmed fluids. Those without the TRPM8 receptor, however, avoided sampling both warm and mild cool fluids,” he said. “This common reaction to cool and warm temperatures agreed with the blurring of these temperature level varies we observed in the brain actions of TRPM8 silenced mice. This receptor seems required for the brain to properly acknowledge warm temperatures inside the mouth and to distinguish them from cooling.”Based on these findings and due to the fact that temperature is such a huge component of oral feeling, Lemons group plans to explore how temperature level sensory signals from TRPM8 and other pathways affect taste and eating preferences. They think this might assist understand the function of temperature level noticing in a distinct health-related context.”Combining our research findings with those from other laboratories and other papers will start to tell us the essentials of how temperature level acknowledgment works in the brain in various settings,” he said. “Theres still a great deal of mysteries in the brain that we dont comprehend, however the fundamental principles being defined in research studies like ours are the building blocks to future discoveries.”Reference: “Separation of Oral Cooling and Warming Requires TRPM8″ by Jinrong Li, Kyle T. Zumpano and Christian H. Lemon, 12 March 2024, Journal of Neuroscience.DOI: 10.1523/ JNEUROSCI.1383-23.2024 The study was funded by the National Institutes of Health.

By studying mice with and without these receptors, the group found that TRPM8 is necessary for the brain to properly interpret temperature levels, affecting future research studies on taste, consuming preferences, and the more comprehensive understanding of temperature level sensing in health. Now, research from his lab taking a look at oral temperature understanding has been published in The Journal of Neuroscience.In their research study, Lemons group examines how cold receptors in the mouth are triggered by cooling temperatures, how those signals are transmitted to the brain and how those transmissions are created into a cooling sensation.Diagram illustrating the role of TRPM8.”According to previous research, TRPM8 receptors are triggered by temperatures below about 86 degrees Fahrenheit, 30 degrees Celsius, and are highly promoted by chillier temperatures near 50 degrees Fahrenheit, 10 degrees Celsius.Findings from Lemons Research”Our research study found that genetically getting rid of TRPM8 receptors in a mouse design lowered the brains action to mild cooling in the mouth, while responses to substantially chillier temperatures stayed partially intact,” he stated. “This common response to cool and warm temperature levels agreed with the blurring of these temperature level ranges we observed in the brain actions of TRPM8 silenced mice.