February 23, 2025

Join the Hunt: NASA Volunteers Find 15 Rare “Active Asteroids”

Credit: Colin Orion Chandler (University of Washington) NASAs task unveils fifteen active asteroids, supplying insights into the planetary systems origins and future area exploration potential.Some amazing asteroids have “activity”– comet-like tails or envelopes of gas and dust. NASAs Active Asteroids task announced the discovery of activity on fifteen asteroids, difficult standard knowledge about the solar system.To find these fifteen uncommon things, more than 8000 volunteers combed through 430,000 images from the Dark Energy Camera (DECam) on the Victor M. Blanco telescope in Chile. A paper about the results, now released in the Astronomical Journal, includes 9 volunteers amongst the co-authors.” For an amateur astronomer like me its a dream come true.” stated volunteer Virgilio Gonano from Udine, Italy. “Congratulations to all the staff and the good friends that also inspect the images!” Volunteers from the NASAs “Active Asteroids” Citizen Science task identified a comet tail coming from Asteroid 2015 VA108, one of the active asteroids found by volunteers from NASAs “Active Asteroids” Citizen Science task. The object, indicated by the green arrow, orbits completely within the primary asteroid belt (situated between Mars and Jupiter), but sports a tail like a comet. Credit: Colin Orion Chandler (University of Washington) Studying these unusual active asteroids teaches scientists about the development and evolution of the planetary system, consisting of the origins of water here on Earth. Due to the fact that the very same ices that trigger comet-like tails can power rockets or supply breathable air, these objects may likewise assist future area expedition.” I have been a member of the Active Asteroids team since its very first batch of data,” said volunteer Tiffany Shaw-Diaz from Dayton, Ohio. “And to say that this job has actually become a significant part of my life is an understatement. I eagerly anticipate categorizing subjects every day, as long as time or health authorizations, and I am beyond honored to deal with such renowned scientists regularly.” The Active Asteroids project was established by Dr. Colin Orion Chandler, a LINCC Frameworks job researcher at the University of Washington and DiRAC Institute. To join the project and help discover the next active asteroid, check out https://www.activeasteroids.net.Reference: “The Active Asteroids Citizen Science Program: Overview and First Results” by Colin Orion Chandler, Chadwick A. Trujillo, William J. Oldroyd, Jay K. Kueny, William A. Burris, Henry H. Hsieh, Jarod A. DeSpain, Nima Sedaghat, Scott S. Sheppard, Kennedy A. Farrell, David E. Trilling, Annika Gustafsson, Mark Jesus Mendoza Magbanua, Michele T. Mazzucato, Milton K. D. Bosch, Tiffany Shaw-Diaz, Virgilio Gonano, Al Lamperti, José A. da Silva Campos, Brian L. Goodwin, Ivan A. Terentev, Charles J. A. Dukes and Sam Deen, 14 March 2024, The Astronomical Journal.DOI: 10.3847/ 1538-3881/ ad1de2.