February 22, 2025

Webb Telescope Uncovers Neutron Star Hidden in Supernova Debris

Now, new observations by NASAs James Webb Space Telescope have provided the very first direct proof of what is likely a neutron star, exposed by the results of its high-energy emission.The James Webb Space Telescope has actually observed the finest proof yet for emission from a neutron star at the site of a recently-observed and popular supernova understood as SN 1987A. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Claes Fransson (Stockholm University), Mikako Matsuura (Cardiff University), M. Barlow (UCL), Patrick Kavanagh (Maynooth University), Josefin Larsson (KTH)Webb Finds Evidence for Neutron Star at Heart of Young Supernova RemnantNASAs James Webb Space Telescope has discovered the best evidence yet for emission from a neutron star at the site of a just recently observed supernova. Evidence for such a compact things has long been looked for, and while indirect evidence for the presence of a neutron star has previously been found, this is the very first time that the results of high-energy emission from the probable young neutron star have been detected.Supernovae– the explosive last death throes of some enormous stars– blast out within hours, and the brightness of the surge peaks within a couple of months. LarssonIndirect evidence for the existence of a neutron star at the center of the residue has been discovered in the past few years, and observations of much older supernova residues– such as the Crab Nebula– validate that neutron stars are discovered in numerous supernova residues. No direct evidence of a neutron star in the after-effects of SN 1987A (or any other such recent supernova explosion) had been observed, till now.Claes Fransson of Stockholm University, and the lead author on this research study, described: “From theoretical models of SN 1987A, the 10-second burst of neutrinos observed just before the supernova indicated that a neutron star or black hole was formed in the explosion.

The James Webb Space Telescope has actually identified the very first direct evidence of a neutron star in the remnants of the supernova SN 1987A, providing important insights into the life cycle of massive stars and the nature of cosmic explosions. Credit: HST, JWST/NIRSpec, J. LarssonAstronomers identify long-sought compact item within the remnant of Supernova 1987AIn February 1987, the closest supernova to Earth in nearly 400 years exploded onto the scene. Designated Supernova 1987A (SN 1987A), it resulted from the death of a huge star in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a dwarf galaxy 160,000 light-years away. In the decades considering that, its remnant has actually been studied by telescopes at all wavelengths of light from X-rays to radio. Yet in spite of all the scrutiny, one secret has remained.Theory anticipated that the outstanding explosion should have produced either a neutron star or a great void. Evidence for such a compact things has actually long been looked for, without success. Now, brand-new observations by NASAs James Webb Space Telescope have supplied the first direct evidence of what is likely a neutron star, revealed by the impacts of its high-energy emission.The James Webb Space Telescope has actually observed the very best evidence yet for emission from a neutron star at the website of a recently-observed and popular supernova understood as SN 1987A. At left is a NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) image launched in 2023. The image at top right reveals light from singly ionized argon (Argon II) caught by the Medium Resolution Spectrograph (MRS) mode of MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument). The image at bottom right shows light from increase ionized argon caught by the NIRSpec (Near-Infrared Spectrograph). Both instruments show a strong signal from the center of the supernova residue. This suggested to the science team that there gives high-energy radiation there, probably a neutron star. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Claes Fransson (Stockholm University), Mikako Matsuura (Cardiff University), M. Barlow (UCL), Patrick Kavanagh (Maynooth University), Josefin Larsson (KTH)Webb Finds Evidence for Neutron Star at Heart of Young Supernova RemnantNASAs James Webb Space Telescope has found the best evidence yet for emission from a neutron star at the site of a recently observed supernova. The supernova, understood as SN 1987A, was a core-collapse supernova, meaning the compacted remains at its core formed either a neutron star or a black hole. Proof for such a compact item has long been sought, and while indirect proof for the presence of a neutron star has actually previously been found, this is the very first time that the results of high-energy emission from the probable young neutron star have been detected.Supernovae– the explosive final death throes of some huge stars– blast out within hours, and the brightness of the explosion peaks within a few months. The remains of the taking off star will continue to develop at a rapid rate over the following decades, offering an uncommon opportunity for astronomers to study a crucial huge procedure in genuine time.Supernova 1987AThe supernova SN 1987A took place 160,000 light-years from Earth in the Large Magellanic Cloud. It was very first observed in the world in February 1987, and its brightness peaked in May of that year. It was the first supernova that could be seen with the naked eye since Keplers Supernova was observed in 1604. About two hours prior to the very first visible-light observation of SN 1987A, 3 observatories around the world found a burst of neutrinos lasting just a couple of seconds. The 2 various kinds of observations were linked to the very same supernova occasion, and supplied important proof to inform the theory of how core-collapse supernovae happen. This theory included the expectation that this type of supernova would form a neutron star or a black hole. Astronomers have looked for proof for one or the other of these compact things at the center of the broadening remnant product ever since.Combination of a Hubble Space Telescope image of SN 1987A and the compact argon source. The faint blue source in the center is the emission from the compact source found with the JWST/NIRSpec instrument. Outside this is the outstanding debris, including the majority of the mass, expanding at countless km/second. The inner bright “string of pearls” is the gas from the external layers of the star that was expelled about 20,000 years before the final explosion. The quick debris is now clashing with the ring, discussing the brilliant areas. Beyond the inner ring are two outer rings, probably produced by the exact same procedure that formed the inner ring. The brilliant stars to the left and right of the inner ring are unrelated to the supernova. Credit: Hubble Space Telescope WFPC-3/ James Webb Space Telescope NIRSpec/J. Larsson Credit: Hubble Space Telescope WFPC-3/ James Webb Space Telescope NIRSpec/J. LarssonIndirect proof for the presence of a neutron star at the center of the remnant has actually been found in the previous couple of years, and observations of much older supernova residues– such as the Crab Nebula– confirm that neutron stars are discovered in lots of supernova remnants. No direct evidence of a neutron star in the consequences of SN 1987A (or any other such current supernova surge) had actually been observed, until now.Claes Fransson of Stockholm University, and the lead author on this research study, described: “From theoretical designs of SN 1987A, the 10-second burst of neutrinos observed simply before the supernova implied that a neutron star or black hole was formed in the surge. But we have not observed any engaging signature of such a newborn object from any supernova explosion. With this observatory, we have now found direct proof for emission triggered by the newborn compact object, most likely a neutron star.”Webbs Observations of SN 1987AWebb began science observations in July 2022, and the Webb observations behind this work were handled July 16, making the SN 1987A remnant among the first things observed by Webb. The team utilized the Medium Resolution Spectrograph (MRS) mode of Webbs MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument), which members of the very same team assisted to develop. The MRS is a type of instrument referred to as an Integral Field Unit (IFU). , ifus are able to image an object and take a spectrum of it at the exact same time.. An IFU forms a spectrum at each pixel, allowing observers to see spectroscopic differences throughout the item. Analysis of the Doppler shift of each spectrum likewise allows the examination of the velocity at each position.Spectral analysis of the outcomes showed a strong signal due to ionized argon from the center of the ejected product that surrounds the original site of SN 1987A. Subsequent observations using Webbs NIRSpec (Near-Infrared Spectrograph) IFU at shorter wavelengths found a lot more greatly ionized chemical elements, particularly five times ionized argon (meaning argon atoms that have actually lost 5 of their 18 electrons). Such ions need highly energetic photons to form, and those photons have to come from someplace.”To produce these ions that we observed in the ejecta, it was clear that there had to give high-energy radiation in the center of the SN 1987A residue,” Fransson stated. “In the paper we go over various possibilities, discovering that only a few scenarios are most likely, and all of these include a freshly born neutron star.”More observations are planned this year, with Webb and ground-based telescopes. The research study team hopes continuous research study will offer more clarity about exactly what is taking place in the heart of the SN 1987A residue. These observations will hopefully stimulate the advancement of more in-depth designs, ultimately making it possible for astronomers to better understand not just SN 1987A, however all core-collapse supernovae.These findings were published in the journal Science.For more on this discovery, see JWST Discovers Neutron Star in Historic Supernova Debris.Reference: “Emission lines due to ionizing radiation from a compact object in the residue of Supernova 1987A” by C. Fransson, M. J. Barlow, P. J. Kavanagh, J. Larsson, O. C. Jones, B. Sargent, M. Meixner, P. Bouchet, T. Temim, G. S. Wright, J. A. D. L. Blommaert, N. Habel, A. S. Hirschauer, J. Hjorth, L. Lenkić, T. Tikkanen, R. Wesson, A. Coulais, O. D. Fox, R. Gastaud, A. Glasse, J. Jaspers, O. Krause, R. M. Lau, O. Nayak, A. Rest, L. Colina, E. F. van Dishoeck, M. Güdel, Th. Henning, P.-O. Lagage, G. Östlin, T. P. Ray and B. Vandenbussche, 22 February 2024, Science.DOI: 10.1126/ science.adj5796The James Webb Space Telescope is the worlds premier space science observatory. Webb is resolving secrets in our planetary system, looking beyond to far-off worlds around other stars, and penetrating the strange structures and origins of our universe and our place in it. Webb is a worldwide program led by NASA with its partners, ESA (European Space Agency) and the Canadian Space Agency.