February 23, 2025

X-Ray Eyes Reveal Hidden Winds of Sun-Like Stars for the First Time

Infrared image of the shockwave (red arc) created by the massive giant star Zeta Ophiuchi in an interstellar dust cloud. The tenuous winds of sun-like main-sequence stars are much more challenging to observe. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech; NASA and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA); C. R. ODell, Vanderbilt UniversityAstrophysicists Quantify the Mass Loss of Stars through Their Stellar WindsAn global research study group led by a scientist from the University of Vienna has for the first time straight found outstanding winds from three Sun-like stars by tape-recording the X-ray emission from their astrospheres, and put restrictions on the mass loss rate of the stars through their outstanding winds. The research study was published in Nature Astronomy.Astrospheres, outstanding analogs of the heliosphere that surrounds our planetary system, are extremely hot plasma bubbles blown by excellent winds into the interstellar medium, an area filled with gas and dust. The research study of the stellar winds of low-mass stars similar to the Sun enables us to comprehend outstanding and planetary advancement, and eventually the history and future of our own star and solar system. Excellent winds drive many procedures that vaporize planetary environments into space and therefore cause climatic mass loss.Although escape rates of planets over an hour or perhaps a year are tiny, they run over long geological durations. The losses build up and can be a definitive element for a planet developing into a habitable world or an airless rock. In spite of their importance for the advancement of both stars and worlds, winds of Sun-like stars are notoriously difficult to constrain. Primarily made up of electrons and protons, they also contain a small amount of heavier extremely charged ions (e.g. oxygen, carbon). It is these ions that, by capturing electrons from the neutrals of the interstellar medium around the star, give off X-rays. X-ray Emission From Astrospheres DetectedAn worldwide research team led by Kristina Kislyakova, Senior Scientist at the Department of Astrophysics of the University of Vienna, has actually spotted for the very first time the X-ray emission from the astrospheres around 3 sun-like stars, so-called primary sequence stars which are stars in the prime of their life, and has actually therefore recorded such winds for the very first time straight, permitting them to position restraints on the mass loss rate of the stars through their stellar winds.These outcomes, based on observations with the XMM-Newton area telescope, are presently released in Nature Astronomy. The scientists observed the spectral finger prints (so-called spectral lines) of the oxygen ions with XMM-Newton and had the ability to identify the quantity of oxygen and ultimately the overall mass of outstanding wind emitted by the stars. For the three stars with detected astrospheres, named 70 Ophiuchi, epsilon Eridani, and 61 Cygni, the researchers approximated their mass loss rates to be 66.5 ± 11.1, 15.6 ± 4.4, and 9.6 ± 4.1 times the solar mass loss rate, respectively. This indicates that the winds from these stars are much stronger than the solar wind, which may be described by stronger magnetic activity of these stars.XMM-Newton X-ray image of the star 70 Ophiuchi (left) and the X-ray emission from the region (” Annulus”) surrounding the star represented in a spectrum over the energy of the X-ray photons (right). Most of the emission includes X-ray photons from the star itself however spread within the observing telescope and throughout the cam (estimated by the design revealed with the blue line), but there is a substantial contribution around the oxygen K-alpha line at an energy of 0.56 keV that originates from the extended astrosphere rather than from the star (this contribution is included at a loss model). Credit: Kislyakova et al. Nature Astronomy, 10.1038/ s41550-024-02222-x, 2024″ In the planetary system, solar wind charge exchange emission has been observed from worlds, comets, and the heliosphere and supplies a natural lab to study the solar winds composition”, explains the lead author of the research study, Kristina Kislyakova. “Observing this emission from distant stars is a lot more tricky due to the faintness of the signal. In addition to that, the range to the stars makes it very tough to disentangle the signal produced by the astrosphere from the real X-ray emission of the star itself, part of which is “spread” over the field-of-view of the telescope due to important impacts.” We have actually developed a brand-new algorithm to disentangle the excellent and the astrospheric contributions to the emission and detected charge exchange signals stemming from outstanding wind oxygen ions and the surrounding neutral interstellar medium of three main-sequence stars. This has been the very first time X-ray charge exchange emission from astrospheres of such stars has been discovered. Our approximated mass loss rates can be used as a standard for stellar wind designs and broaden our restricted observational proof for the winds of Sun-like stars.” Future Prospects and Technological AdvancesCo-author Manuel Güdel, likewise of the University of Vienna, includes, “There have been global efforts over three years to substantiate the presence of winds around Sun-like stars and measure their strengths, but so far just indirect evidence based on their secondary impacts on the star or its environment mentioned the existence of such winds; our group previously attempted to detect radio emission from the winds but could just put upper limits to the wind strengths while not finding the winds themselves. Our brand-new X-ray-based results pave the way to finding and even imaging these winds directly and studying their interactions with surrounding planets.”” In the future, this technique of direct detection of excellent winds in X-rays will be helped with thanks to future high-resolution instruments, like the X-IFU spectrometer of the European Athena objective. The high spectral resolution of X-IFU will solve the finer structure and emission ratio of the oxygen lines (as well as other fainter lines), which are hard to differentiate with XMMs CCD resolution, and offer additional constraints on the emission mechanism; thermal emission from the stars, or non-thermal charge exchange from the astrospheres.”– describes CNRS scientist Dimitra Koutroumpa, a co-author of the study.Reference: “X-ray detection of astrospheres around 3 main-sequence stars and their mass-loss rates” by K. G. Kislyakova, M. Güdel, D. Koutroumpa, J. A. Carter, C. M. Lisse and S. Boro Saikia, 12 April 2024, Nature Astronomy.DOI: 10.1038/ s41550-024-02222-x.

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech; NASA and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA); C. R. ODell, Vanderbilt UniversityAstrophysicists Quantify the Mass Loss of Stars through Their Stellar WindsAn international research study group led by a scientist from the University of Vienna has for the very first time directly spotted excellent winds from three Sun-like stars by taping the X-ray emission from their astrospheres, and positioned restraints on the mass loss rate of the stars via their outstanding winds. The study of the excellent winds of low-mass stars similar to the Sun enables us to understand planetary and outstanding advancement, and ultimately the history and future of our own star and solar system. Regardless of their value for the advancement of both worlds and stars, winds of Sun-like stars are infamously tough to constrain. X-ray Emission From Astrospheres DetectedAn worldwide research team led by Kristina Kislyakova, Senior Scientist at the Department of Astrophysics of the University of Vienna, has discovered for the first time the X-ray emission from the astrospheres around three sun-like stars, so-called primary sequence stars which are stars in the prime of their life, and has actually thus tape-recorded such winds for the first time straight, permitting them to put constraints on the mass loss rate of the stars through their stellar winds.These outcomes, based on observations with the XMM-Newton area telescope, are currently published in Nature Astronomy.” Future Prospects and Technological AdvancesCo-author Manuel Güdel, also of the University of Vienna, adds, “There have actually been global efforts over 3 decades to corroborate the existence of winds around Sun-like stars and determine their strengths, but so far only indirect proof based on their secondary effects on the star or its environment alluded to the presence of such winds; our group previously tried to discover radio emission from the winds however might only place upper limitations to the wind strengths while not detecting the winds themselves.