February 23, 2025

ALMA Uncovers the Building Blocks of Star Formation in Starburst Galaxy

Credit: SciTechDaily.comALMAs observation of NGC 253 exposes significant molecular variety and star formation, improving our knowledge of stellar processes.The ALMA radio telescope has actually discovered more than 100 molecular species, consisting of lots of a sign of different star development and advancement processes, in a galaxy where stars are forming much more actively than in the Milky Way. Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO), N. Harada et al.Molecular Insights and Star FormationThe birth, development, and death of stars alter the molecular composition of the surrounding gas. ALMAs high level of sensitivity and high resolution enabled astronomers to identify the locations of molecules a sign of the different phases in the life cycle of stars.This study, dubbed ALCHEMI (ALMA Comprehensive High-resolution Extragalactic Molecular Inventory), discovered high-density molecular gas that is likely promoting active star formation in this galaxy.