March 31, 2025

Lunar Views and Beyond – Incredible Image Captured by Astronaut

Astronauts traveling within Earths biggest synthetic satellite– the International Space Station (ISS)– can capture unique shots of Earths only natural satellite– the Moon. Astronaut photography is not limited to views of Earth. It is provided by the ISS Crew Earth Observations Facility and the Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, Johnson Space.

December 6, 2021
Astronauts traveling within Earths biggest synthetic satellite can catch distinct shots of the planets only natural satellite.
Astronauts traveling within Earths biggest synthetic satellite– the International Space Station (ISS)– can catch unique shots of Earths only natural satellite– the Moon. This photo reveals a crescent Moon hovering above an orbital sundown as the ISS passed over the Pacific Ocean east of New Zealand. This view offers a symbolic end to the year 2021 and an appearance toward NASAs next objective for human-crewed expedition.
The colors fading from orange to dark blue (between Earths dark surface and the blackness of area) are layers of the environment. While the crescent Moon is brilliantly lit, some craters, peaks, and mare regions are faintly noticeable in the shadows and along the sunlight terminator.

By NASA Earth Observatory
January 2, 2022

Astronaut photography is not limited to views of Earth. The custom of portable astronaut photography will continue when the Artemis Program returns humans to the Moon.
It is provided by the ISS Crew Earth Observations Facility and the Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, Johnson Space. The image has actually been cropped and enhanced to improve contrast, and lens artifacts have been eliminated. Caption by Andrea Wenzel, Jacobs, JETS Contract at NASA-JSC.